Dars e Ahadith-Authority Shafath

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Tasarruf on the day of Judgement-Rasulullah ﷺsaid, “Listen! I am the beloved [Habeeb] of Allah and I do not say this with pride”. This hadith has been narrated by Imam Tirmidi and Darimi. Mishkat, p.513

Allah showed His love for Rasulullah ﷺwhen He said to Jibra’il, Go to My beloved and say to him: “I will please you with regards to your ummah and will not disappoint you”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.113

Umm al-Mu’mineen Sayyida ‘Aisha Siddiqa radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anha narrates:“By Allah! I see that Allah fulfils the wishes of Rasulullah ﷺquickly”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.473

A long hadith in Sahih Muslim narrated by Anas bin Malik radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu mentions that on the day of Judgement people will go to Adam, Ibrahim, Musa and ‘Isa ‘alaihimus salam and ask them to intercede to Allah for them. They will all reply that this is not their job. In the end, people will go to Rasulullah ﷺwho will say to them, “This intercession (shafa’ah) is my job”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.110

Abu Huraira radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah ﷺsaid:“I will go under the ‘Arsh and will go into Sajdah


to my Lord. Allah will then reveal to me those praises that no-one has ever heard before and He will say, “Oh beloved! Lift your head. Ask and you shall be given. Intercede and your intercession will be accepted”. I will lift my head and say, “Oh my Lord! Forgive my ummah, forgive my ummah”. Allah will say, “Oh beloved! Let those of your ummah who have are free from accountability enter into Jannah from the door on the right side. The remainder of your ummah will enter Jannah with other ummah’s from the other doors”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.11

Rasulullah ﷺsaid:“I have saved my du’a for the intercession of my ummah. If Allah wishes, this du’a is for those of my ummah who do not associate any partners with Allah”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.113

Rasulullah ﷺsaid:“On the day of Judgement, I will come to the door of Jannah and ask for it to be opened. The gatekeeper will ask who it is. I will reply, “Muhammad”. He will reply, “I have been ordered to open the door for you and I will not open the door for anyone but you”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.112

In another narration, Rasulullah ﷺsaid:“Then I will perform intercession and Allah will allocate a limit for me. I will then take them out from the fire and enter them into Jannah”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.109

Syeduna Abu Hurayra narrates that the Prophet ﷺ said ‘Take up whatever I command and refrain from whatever I prohibit.’ (Ibn Majah) .

Abu Hurayrah said: “There was a black woman who used to clean the mosque. One day, the Prophet asked about her and they told him that she had passed away. So the Prophet replied: “Why didn’t you tell me?”. They did not tell the Prophet as they did not give her any great regard. Then the Prophet said: “Show me where her grave is”, and so they did. The Prophet performed the funeral prayer for her, and then said: “These graves are dark places for their inhabitants; however, Allah will illuminate them by my prayer for them”.

‘Verily whatever the Prophet declares as haram is similar to whatever Allah declares haram’. (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Syeduna Abu Thalba states ‘The Prophet ﷺ declared haram the flesh of the domestic donkey’ (Bukhaari)

‘Do not drink intoxicants for without a doubt I have declared every intoxicating thing haram’ (Nisai)

Syeduna Jaabir states that during the year of the conquest of Makka he heard the Prophet ﷺ state: ‘Verily Allah and His Prophet have declared haram the sale and purchase of Wine, Carcass, Swine and Idols’(Bukhhari & Muslim)

Syeduna Abu Hurayra states that the Prophet ﷺ said, If (I had not viewed it) difficult for my Ummah I would have ordered it to use Miswaak with every Prayer’ (Bukhaari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nisai, Abu Awaana, Dhaarimi, Bayhaqi, Musnad Ahmad)

Syeduna Abu Hurayra states that the Prophet ﷺ said,‘Had I not envisaged it being difficult for the believers I would have ordered them to delay the Isha prayer and to use Miswaak with each prayer’ (Abu Dawud, Musnad Imam Shaafa’ie, Ibn Maajah, Shar usSunnah, Nisai)

Syeduna Zaid bin Khalid states he heard the Prophet ﷺ saying,‘Had I not seen it difficult for my Ummah I would have ordered it to use Miswaak with each prayer and to delay Isha until the third of the night.’ (Tirmidhi)

Imam Tirmidhi writes in relation to this hadith ‘This hadith is Hasan Sahih’.

Syeduna Abu Seed Khudri states that the Prophet ﷺ said‘Had it not been for the frailty of the weak and the infirmity of the sick I would have delayed this (Isha) prayer until the middle of the night’ (Abu Dawud, Nisai, Ibn Majah)

Syeduna Abdullah bin Abbaas said that once the Prophet ﷺ arrived very late for Isha prayer and said, ‘Had it had not been difficult for my Ummah I would have ordered this prayer to be prayed at this time’ (Bukhaari, Muslim)

Syeduna Abdullah bin Fudaala narrates from his father who stated‘The Prophet ﷺ taught me, and as part of this teaching he taught me to safeguad the 5 prayers. I replied that I was very busy at those times so tell me of an act which will suffice for me (cover all my obligations). The Prophet ﷺ said ‘Safe guard the Asarain’. It was not clear in our language what the Asarain was, so I asked  ‘What is Asarain?’ The Prophet ﷺ replied two prayers, one before sunrise and one before sunset (Fajr and Asr). (Abu Dawud)

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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