Dars e Ahadith-Authority Distributes

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Imam Abu Nu’aym writes in ‘Hilyat al-Awliya’ and Imam Tabrani narrates from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhuma that Rasulullah said:“Indeed Allah has given me strength via four deputies – two in the heavens and two upon the Earth. Jibra’il and Mika’il are my deputies in the heavens and Abu Bakr and ‘Umar are my deputies in the Earth. al-Sawa’iq al-Muhraqah, p.78 – Maktabat al-Qahira

Imam Bayhaqi narrates from ‘Abdullah ibn Salam radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu that the most honoured (mu’azzaz) in the whole of creation is Hazrat Abul Qasim ﷺ.al-Khasa’is al-Kubra, vol.2, p.198/Imam Hakim Neshapuri says this hadith is Sahih.33 Mustadrak, vol.4, p.568

Granted the keys-Abu Huraira radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah said: “I have been sent with Jawami’ al-kalim (conciseness of speech). I was in a state of dreaming when the keys to the Earth were given in my hands”. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.199

‘Uqbah bin ‘Aamir radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah was standing on the pulpit and said: “Indeed I have been granted the keys to the treasures of the world” (Bukhari and Muslim)/ Mishkat, p.548

Imam Tirmidi and Darimi narrate from Anas radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu that Rasulullah said: “On the day of Judgement, honour will be with me and the keys shall also be with me and on that day the Liwa’ al-Hamd (the flag of praise) will be in my hands”. Mishkat, p.514

Rasulullah was granted three du’as which will certainly be accepted.Rasulullah said:(1) Oh Allah! Forgive my ummah,

(2) Oh Allah! Forgive my ummah and the third du’a I have saved for that day when the whole of creation and even Sayyidina Ibrahim ‘alaihis salam will turn towards me. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.273

It is in a hadith that Rasulullah said:“By Allah! I do not give anything to anyone neither do I deny anything to anyone. I am only the distributor and I allocate the treasure where I have been ordered to”.Commentating on this hadith, ibn Qayyim writes:“For these treasures, Rasulullah only exercises his authority (tasarruf) according to the will of Allah just as a slave whose job it is to undertake all that his master orders”. Tareeq al-Hijratain, p.17 – Qatar

Imam Abu Nu’aym narrates from ‘Ubada bin Samit radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu that Rasulullah said: “Jibra’il Ameen ‘alaihis salam came to me and gave me glad tidings that Allah had given me help through the angels, He has given me victory and help and He has granted me kingdom and leadership”. al-Khasa’is al-Kubra, vol.2, p.194

Ubai ibn Ka’b radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu narrates that I was once in the mosque when a man entered and began praying Salah. He recited a Qir’ah (recitation) which was unfamiliar to me. Then another man entered who recited in a way different to the first man. When I finished my Salah, we all went to the auspicious presence of Rasulullah and I asked, the recitation of the first man seemed strange to me and the recitation of the second man was different to the first man’s.Rasulullah asked them both to recite and thereafter praised them both. My heart then felt a rejection that I had not even felt in the days of ignorance. Rasulullah saw the inner feelings of my heart and placed his blessed hand on my chest. I became drenched in sweat and my state became such that I am seeing Allah. Sahih Muslim, vol.1, p.273

Ibn Hisham narrates that:“Whilst performing tawaf (circumambulation) during the year of conquest of Makka, Fudala bin ‘Umair Laithi intended to martyr Rasulullah (he was a recent convert and he had not yet achieved full spiritual purity). When Rasulullah came near him he asked, “Are you Fudala?” Fudala replied in the affirmative. Rasulullah then asked, “What were you thinking in your heart?” “Nothing”, he replied, “I was only doing the remembrance of Allah”. Rasulullah smiled and said, “Continue with this remembrance” and then placed his blessed hand on Fudala’s chest. His heart immediately received peace. Fudala radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhu used to say, “By Allah! Even before Rasulullah had lifted his hand off my chest, there was nothing in the whole of creation that was dearer to me than Rasulullah sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam.al-Sirat al-Nabawiya ma’a al-Rawd al-Anf, vol.2, p.276; Fiqh al-Sira, p.263

Imam Hakim narrates a hadith and classes it Sahih and Imam Bayhaqi and Imam Tabrani also narrate it.‘Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr Siddiq radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhuma narrates that Hakam bin Abil ‘Aas would sit near Rasulullah and when Rasulullah talked, he would imitate him in a mocking manner. Rasulullah said to him, “Become like this”. Hence, till the day he died, his face was disfigured. al-Khasa’is al-Kubra, vol.2, p.79

Imam Bayhaqi narrates from ibn ‘Umar radiyAllahu ta’ala ‘anhuma that one day Rasulullah was giving a khutba. A man was sitting behind Rasulullah and was mockingly imitating him. Rasulullah said to him, “Become like this”. The man then fainted and fell down. His relatives then carried him home and his health was the same until two months later when he finally recovered. After his recovery, his face was the same as when he used to mock Rasulullah . al-Khasa’is al-Kubra, vol.2, p.79

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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