Daleel -Iman 3

Daleel Iman Islam, Shariath
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Open the quran and start reading the given references(surah /ayat) again and again so that your spiritual eye of your heart opens up for better understanding.read all the references so that you will understand better (whole concept)rather than just 1 verse.try to know whether the verse is makki/madani or its for kuffar/muslims or general/unique etc etc.   


1.Quran 2.Sunnah 3.Quran /sunnah and its derivatives 4. Ijma/consensus of great imams 5.Qiyas/research

SUNNAT AND ADAAB-68/4,21/107,33/21,3/31,59/7,4/40,2/208,53/3-4,4/59,4/80,68/4,49/2-3,4/145, 21/107,33/21,59/7,68/4,3/31,4/40,2/208,49/2-3,4/145, 2/154,3/169,43/45

The Inner Dimension Of The Sunnah -2/8,9/101,2/9,3/172,49/2,9/24,4/69,2/238, 5/6,48/9,2/60,22/32,6/153,49/1-2

SAHABA- 49/7,4/95,2/137,2/273,48/29,4/69,9/88,9/100,33/23,3/110,48/18,2/137


Imaan and kufr-25/23, 88/3-4, 9/24, 48/8-9

IMAN, ISLAM AND IHSAAN – 5/67,3/164,62/2,33/21,2/129,5/67,2/129, 33/21,3/164,62/2
What is Ihsaan? 57/4,24/35,51/21,50/16,2/115

THE QURAN IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE LAWH-E-MAHFUDH-56/75-81,85/21-22,6/59,20/49-52,16/89,7/145,6/154,10/37,12/111,7/2-3,18/110, 16/89,6/38,6/59,54/52-53

OBEDIANCE -16/44,4/80,16/44,4/59,10/32,4/105,71/3,3/31,4/61,4/64-65,24/51,24/52, 47/33,9/80,9/84,96/1-5,7/157,5/15,2/151,4/113,33/21, 3/164,3/31,59/7,33/53, 18/110, 6/151,18/110,18/6, 4/69,25/7,53/2, 33/21,54/1-2, 4/150,6/124,2/18,9/119,4/115,42/23, 33/33,33/53,62/2,55/19-22,2/37,42/23,21/107, 51/50,33/40,4/59,9/103,90/1-2,95/1-3,3/31,53/11, 3/40,4/64


Honour the Beloved 2/231,3/164,93/11,3/31,7/157,90/1-3,93/1-3,2/144,73/1-2
LOVING ALLAH & THE HOLY PROPHET.9/24,5/54,48/29,58/22,49/10,15/47,10/62, 76/9,6/162,2/207,2/165,3/31,22/32,2/177
Opponents of Allah and The Messenger 58/5,58/20,40/51,36/59


When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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