“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Proof of good biddah from
Salafs ,Muhadiseen,Classical scholars of Islam
Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Haytami defined the
Sunni Muslims as follows in his book Fath al-jawad: “A mubtadi
(innovator) is the person who does not have the faith (aqid’ah) conveyed
unanimously by the Ahl as-Sunnah. This unanimity was transmitted by the two
great Imam’s Abu’l Hasan al-Ashari (d.324/936; Rahimahullah) and Abu Mansur
al-Maturidi (d.333/944; Rahimahullah) and the scholars who followed their path.
Imam Ibn Hajar Hayathami [rah]
said:….. All innovations are evil and all evil are in hell fire, This hadith
will be applied for Bidat al Muhrima (i.e. evil innovations only) not others.[Al
Haytami in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 203].
Imam Dhahabi (Rah) writes:
Innovations are of two types, The first consist of those new matters which
are in opposition of Quran, Sunnah, Athaar, or Ijma of Ummah, these will be
Bidat al Dhalalah (evil innovations). The second type consists of those new
matters which are performed for the good, these will not be disliked, This
is why Umar (RA) said at Qiyaam of Tarawih: What an excellent Bidah this
is[Imam Dhahabi in As Siyar al Alam an Nabula, Volume 10, Page No. 70]
Imam Abu Hanifa (Rah) said that its a proof from people of knowledge that Whoever invents a Bad action in Islam he will get sin for himself and whoever follows him, And whoever invents a Good Biddat in islam he will get Reward for himself and all who follow him in that practice [ Imam Ibn e Hajar Asqalani (Rah) in Zubda-tul-Fakr ]
Imam Ibn e Hajar Asqalani(rah) said:….It is applied in the law in opposition to the
Sunna and is therefore blameworthy.Strictly speaking, if it is part of what is
classified as commendable by the law then it is a good innovation (hasana), while if it is
part of what is classified as blameworthy by the law then it is blameworthy
(mustaqbaha) otherwise it falls in the category of what is permitted
indifferently (mubâh). It can be divided into the known five categories.” Ibn
Hajar, Fath. al-Bârî (1959 ed. 5:156-157=1989 ed. 4:318)
Al-Rabî` said, Imam Al Shafi (Rah)
said to us: ‘Innovated matters are of two kinds (al-muh.dathâtu min al-umûri
d.arbân): one is an innovation that contravenes (mâ uh.ditha yukhâlifu)
something in the Qur’ân or the Sunna or a Companion-report (athar) or the
Consensus (ijmâ`): that innovation is misguidance (fahâdhihi al-bid`atu
d.alâla)The other kind is the innovation of any and all good things (mâ
uh.ditha min al-khayr) contravening none of the above, and this is a blameless
innovation (wahâdhihi muh.dathatun ghayru madhmûma) (with respect to
hazrath `Umar (ra) said, concerning the prayers of Ramad.ân: What a fine bid`a
this is!) (from al-Rabî` by al-Bayhaqî in his Madkhal and Manâqib al-Shâfi`î
(1:469) and Ibn H.ajar in Fath. al-Bârî (1959 ed. 13:253)
Hujjat al-Islâm al-Ghazzâlî said in his discussion of the adding of dots to the
Qur’anic script:“The fact that this is innovated (muhdath) forms no impediment
to this.How many innovated matters are excellent! (with respect to sayings of
hadrath umar(ra) –good/fine bida)The
blameworthy bid`a is only what opposes the ancient Sunna or might lead to
changing it. Al-Ghazzâlî, Ihyâ Ulûm al-Dîn (1:276)
Mullah Ali Qari (Rah) writes: Sheikh Izz ud din bin Abdus Salam (Rahimuhullah)
at the end of his book Al-Qawaid explains Bidah as: The study of the
disciplines of Arabic that are necessary to understand the Qur’an and sunnah
(such as grammar, word declension, and lexicography), to derive Usool of
Fiqh,The knowledge of Jirah wa Tadil (i.e. hadith classification to distinguish
between correct and batil ahadith) are all Bidat al Wajiba (i.e. necessary new
innovations),The Bidat al Mahrima include invention of new madhahib such as
Jabriyah, Mujasmiyah.. ….all these would be refuted through Bidat al Wajiba
because it is Fard al Kifayah to defend shariah from such bidahs. On the other
hand construction of universities and all other good deeds in Faruh which were
not present in initial stages of Islam such as Tarawih in Jamaat, delicate
points in Tassawuf will be Bidat al Mandub (i.e. allowed). The Shafi’is
consider embellishing of mosques and Quran to be Bidat al Makruh (i.e. disliked), whereas Ahnaaf
consider it Mubah (i.e. allowed),on the other hand Shafi’is consider shaking of
hands after Fajr and Asr to be Mubah (i.e. allowed) whereas Ahnaaf consider it
disliked, similarly making delicious foods and drinks, making houses spacious
(are all included in allowed Bidahs) [Mullah Ali Qari in Mirqat al Mifatih
Sharah Mishkaat al Misabih Volume 1, Page No. 216]
Imam Nawawi (rah) said: Abû Muh.ammad `Abd al-`Aziz ibn `Abd al-Salam (ra) said toward the end of his book, al-Qawa`id : “Innovation
is divided into ‘obligatory’ (wajiba), ‘forbidden’s (muharrama), ‘recommended’s
(manduba), ‘offensive’s (makuiha), and ‘indifferent’s (mubaha). The way [to
discriminate] in this is that the innovation be examined in the light of the
regulations of the Law (qawa`id al-sharp`a).If it falls under the regulations
of obligatoriness (ijab) then it is obligatory; under the regulations of
prohibitiveness (tahrum) then it is prohibited; recommendability, then
recommended; offensiveness, then offensive; indifference, then indifferent.”
[al-Nawawi, Tahdhib al-Asma’ wal-Lughat Volume 003, Page No. 22]
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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