“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Ahklaq and sohbat
Quran as knowledge (in form of book) AND quran as practical (in form of prophet ﷺ)
Best example to follow science of conduct/ilm e mamulat= prophet ﷺ
Sohbat/companionship =is a link/talluq/association
These days books/technology =sohbat/companionship
Saheb=link of companionship (prophet ﷺ)AND Sahib=companions (sahaba)
Awliya have wilayat AND sahaba have sohbat
Sahaba were alims/faqhi/muhadis/mufasir/mujahid etc etc but their status is high because of sohbat e rasool ﷺ.their most highlighted aspect is sahabiat/companionship.
Sohbat is higher than knowledge,jihad,tabligh,nafil ibadat etc etc
Strongest blessing/link =sohbat/companionship
Sohbat depends on bonding/taluq/association
Reason for sending prophet ﷺ to teach ahklaq e hasana
Khulaq e azeem ﷺ=arshi(noori/light) presenting himself as farshi(bashari/mud,air,water,fire) ie highest of highest bashari and noori (allah’s knows his haqiqat/truth)
Knowledge /origin of tasawuf =quran via wahy/revelation
Translation of tasawuf=sohbate rasool ﷺ
Formulation of tasawuf=ahklaq e hasana
Transmitted by pious people.
Ilm e mamulat/tarbiat/tasawuf =science of conduct
1.For present generation sohbate rasool ﷺ is spiritual not physical (its wish of prophet ﷺ to present in which ever form he likes for example-ambiya were present during meraj)
2.Physical sohbat is via murshid/guide (sufi/awliya)
3.books(your with the author of the book) /technology(videos/text/apps/software etc etc)
Never experiment /try your luck with sohbat like being with both good as well as bad company.
Pious people =reminds you Allah(face)+knowledge gives hikmat/wisdom +actions show ahkirat
Best sohbat =increases knowledge,taqwa,love ahkirat etc AND bad sohbat =decreases knowledge,taqwa,love ahkirat etc
ordinary people =cannot protect their aqidah and ahklaq by keeping friendship with bad people(aqidah and ahklaq)
ordinary people’s=piousness/piety is not as strong as evilness of bad people(aqidah and ahklaq)
ordinary people’s=good deeds are not strong enough to withstand evil
10 good people cannot make 1 bad guy good
Awliya allah=there taqwa/good deeds are so strong they can resist evil
Hidayat =noor(gained with sohabate awliya)
1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure)
2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah )
3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins)
4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart)
5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)
Largest ijmah of the world muslims follow(tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
1.Ibadate e ilahi ﷻ
2.Ghulamane mustafaﷺ
3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra)
4.Azmat e sahaba(ra)
5.Sohbate auliya(ra)
Materialistic world =decreases with usage AND spiritual light=increases with usage
Haraam=keeps you away from allah’s qurb/nearness AND halaal=spiritual advancement
Ghaflat/heedlessness=sweetness of ibadat is lost AND alertness =sweetness in ibadat
Love/People of duniya =keeps you away from ahkirat AND people of ahkirat=Allah’s qurb is gained
Diseases of heart (ghibat,kibr,lies etc ) =takes away your taharat/cleanliness AND tasawuf=cleanliness of heart
Sohbate saleheen = makes you pious AND Ishq/love (ashiq)=Allah’s love is gained
Ahklaq e hasana =tasawuff/deen, closest to allah and his rasool ﷺ,highest of iman/islam ,guaranteed jannah
Ahklaq =adab/respect and mamulat/good temperament
Ahklaq=soul/ruh e deen
Moral values leads to spiritual values(divine light from heart gets reflected from face)
Momins wealth and life is more precious than kaaba.
Ahkalq covers ibadat (given importance to human values –wealth and lives)
Lowest of ahklaq=smiling face
Keep smiling face ,speaking gentle ,feeding poor,spending knowledge,wealth,time,lives,words,action etc etc to please allah =ahklaq(saqawat e nafs/generous heart)
Deen =beautifying relationships with allah and his creations
Deen=relationship/feelings with allah and his creations
No duniya when meeting people and no ahkirat(heaven/hell) when meeting Allah
Remove DUNIYA from heart when meeting PEOPLE AND Remove I/MYSELF from heart when meeting ALLAH.
Ahkirat= no duniya in the heart
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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