“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
What is a sin?
Muqalifat/Opposing commands of allah.
Undutyful is a sin (a zulm/oppression)
sins=add darkness/zulmat to spiritual heart +noorlesss heart+away from allah’s qurb/protection
Sins will give rise to ghaflat/heedlessness –qaswat-mehrum-jahannum(control your nafs/desire)
Shirk –greatest zulm.
Sinner is not a zalim because he keeps hope on allah’s rahmat
Zalim=one who doesnot do tauba(seeking forgiveness)+repeated sinner+ argues with allah
Sins=ordered to do (leaving) and prohibited not to do (doing)
Sin= disturbing the heart, deeds which you don’t want others to know ,don’t declare /announce your sins openly.
gaflat/heedlessness –destroys batin/spiritual life +hardened heart+consinous(Ihsan) is lost
Deeds which you cover it up from becoming evident and that which causes discomfort to heart is a sin .
7 organs of body/7 doors of hell- eyes/ears/tongue/stomach/private parts/hand/legs (commiting sins) for example 1 speaks bad (enjoys) and 1 listens (enjoys) =both are sinners
Sins of heart =mainly hasad/jealousy , riya/show off, hubbe duniya /love for duniya, ujub/pride ,takabur/arrogance . Treatment =don’t keep duniya in your heart.
Mujrim =disobedient /not practicing deen
Kafir =not accepting islam
Shirk =greatest zulm/oppression on self by worshiping otherthan Allah.
Child is born with Islamic fitrah/nature/instinct and islam/deen is a way of living .so islam is the only deen that support human fitrah/ inbuilt Islamic nature is supported with practicing islam.
Sins =weakens iman+away from allah’s protection +disobedience of allah +away from pleasure/fazal of allah.
Sins=away from aman(hifazat)of allah, mukhalifat(opposing) of allah ,fazal/pleasure of allah
Sins are like wounds they keep you away from allah(Avoid sins and increase night ibadat)
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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