
Masoom, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Under compulsion (majboor) and when there is a foreclosing one’s life, speaking lies is not a sin. In fact, even speaking kufr is permitted at this time (106/16)

Hadrat Ibrahim (as) said this as a question to his people (“Is this my Lord?”). Thereafter, he himself answered the question with proof(76/7)

The incident of the stars was after seeing the sovereignty of the worlds. Allah(swt) also praised his utterance.

At the instances when Hadrat Ibrahim (as) said these things, he had a fear of losing his life based on virtue. The tyrannical king of the time wanted to forcefully snatch Sayyidah Saarah (ra) away from him. This is why he said that she was his sister. On the other occasions, he feared losing his life. Thus, he spoke these things. – Roohul-Bayaan

When Hadrat Ibrahim (as) called Sayyidah Saarah (ra) his sister, he meant deeni sister, just as how the two angels who approached Hadrat Dawood (as) in the from of a plaintiff and defendant said, “This is my brother who has 99 female sheep.” 38/23 Here, the figurative meaning was meant for “brother” and “sheep”.

The Kuffaar believed Al1ah(swt) to be the major God and idols to be minor gods. In other words, Hadrat Ibrahim (as) was trying to say, ”This has been done by the Rubb who you regard to be the biggest from them all.”

(16/63) utterances are not lies because the distant meanings are intended by them. This form of speech is known as Touriya (equivocation) and, in circumstances of need, it is permissible.

(51/21)- This proves that this action of Hadrat Ibrahim (as) was truly a deed of righteousness. Speaking lies isn’t. Lying is a sickness, not a sign of health.

Hadrat Ali (ra) said, “To anyone who narrates the story of Hadrat Dawood (as) in the manner which storytellers do, I shall give him 160 lashes!” This was twice as many for the punishment of accusation. – Roohul-Bayaan, Surah Su’aad, The incident of Hadrat Dawood (as).

The following is merely what happened: Both a person named Auriya and Hadrat Dawood (as) proposed to a woman simultaneously. She accepted Hadrat Dawood’s (as) proposal and made Nikah with him, therefore leaving Auriya unable to wed her.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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