“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
What is Destiny (Taqdir)?
Within the Knowledge of Allah Ta’ala, He wrote what was going to happen in the world and whatever His servants were going to do.
all good things are done with the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala and all bad deeds are done with the pleasure of one’s desires.To believe yourself as totally without will or totally helpless is a misguided belief.
The truth is that the existence of this universe and every creature in it clearly indicates that Allah had knowledge of it before He created it.
He creates things by His Will, and will requires a preconceived idea about the desired thing. So creation requires will and will requires knowledge, so creation requires knowledge.”
When ever you get doubtS in your mind , recite darud sherif and kalima shahadat .
He is not asked
about what He does but they are asked’. [21/23] So anyone who asks: `Why did
Allah do that?’ has gone against a judgement of the Book, , and anyone who goes
against a judgement of the Book is an unbeliever.
If allah doesnot test you then you will become arrogant ,proud and hard hearted .finally you will commit injustice and aggression.
When allah wants to do good to a slave,he will test his slave with pain and affliction, accordingly with degree of his faith. allah in turn purifies and righthly guide the slave. Allah (swt) will reward him with highest degree in this world and hereafter (gazing at allah and residing close to him).
1.If you show anger/rage and disbelief –your written among destroyed ones.
2.If you show grief and abandons a obligation-your written among those who neglect their duties.
3.If you show impatient and complaints-your written among those who commit injustice among themselves.
4.If you reject allah’s decision and question his wisdom- your among those leading to hypocrites/munafiq.
5.If your patient and firm for allah’s sake –your among patient ones/sabirun.
6.If your content with allah’s decision – your among content belivers
7.If you praise and thank allah –your among thankfull slaves .
8.If you are eager to meet allah-your among those sincere persons in their love for allah.
Allah loves to meet those who loves to meet him.If you love allah then you will be content with what ever he does.
Allah wrote in lawh e mafooz even before creating creation because
1.whatever we lose we will not feel upset and will be happy with allah’s decision
2.dont be arrogant if you gain anything its in your fate which allah has wrote
3.we are not perfect its allah’s qudrat/power which is perfect/kamal.
4.difficulties, which are because of our wrong doings come only if its written in lawh e mafooz .
5.always be happy with allah and keep tawakkal on allah.
Always say taqdir is good, don’t point out taqdir for your wrongdoings.
Make dua e barkat than longing for life because around 4month allah sents an angel to blow ruh/spirit,make face,add hearing and seeing capabilities along with strengtheing of structure with bone and flesh.angel then writes asking allah in a record/sahifa about sex ,risq,death and whether he is among good or bad.angel then leaves along with sahifa/record.
Record 1.lawh e mafooz 2.sahifa of an angel 3.kiramin and katibeen record
Rubibiat(rub)=from nothing to perfection/sustainer
Uluviyat(ilah)=fullfiller of needs
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)Make sure you forward this to others .