
Marifat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Abdiat /submissiveness

Allah in order to fulfill the needs of creation has the qualities of zaat/siffat/afaal/asaar and man has been bestowed with these qualities as reflection of the same,by which things are seen and actions are no action or movement can occur without the almighty with his qualities the whole part in it,the man in return has to bow in gratitude.

Since man has reflection of wujud/siffath/afaal/asaar of Allah by which he is created and sustained ,man must be thankful /gratitude  to Allah.(the kalma way living)

Total wealth =belongs to Allah alone.

Total creation=mazar e afaal (reflection of actions)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  =mazar e zaat (reflection of essence)

Anbiya /prophets=mazar e siffat (reflection of attributes)

Awliya /pious people=mazar e asma(reflection of names)

Worship means to bow before the fulfiller of all needs.

Worship has 3 things 1.the lord 2.the worshipper 3.the nature of worship.

Worship 1.general 2.special 3.very special

General worship =done as routine without trying to know anything in religion

Special worship =done according to shariat but not fully or not with taqwa/iqlas e niyyat etc

Very special worship =done as and same as rasoolAllahﷺhad done it.

Relationship is of 2 types 1.creator –creation relationship 2. creation –creation relationship

Almighty has framed rules for this man which forms shariat/laws in islam.

Each act has to be followed as per the will of the almighty,which becomes the worship to Allah through Allah to Allah for Allah.

1.Allah alone fulfills all the needs of the whole creation.

2.whole humanity is created only for Allah’s worship order to worship we need to know the lord (marifat/knowing)

4.we should know about our self

5.what type of worship does Allah expects from us.

6.prophet ﷺ has been sent to explain about all through quran and sunnah we learn .

7.inform about life after death

Start each action with bismillah.

See Allah through his qualities given as amanah/trust and acknowledge his grace and bounties.

Acknowledge him in all the actions by praising /praying him on the spot.

Shariat/law is for maintaining orderly society/purification of self .

With /without your worship Allah’s status doesnot change.

Time to time prayers for disciplining yourself.

Salat/saum/zakat/hajj =attain to Allah if you go tauheed way

Every one is rewarded according to how far one follows it.

1.islam 2.iman 3.ihsan 4.taqwa 5.towheed

Islam=accepted islam but doesn’t try to know the details(muslim)

Iman=develops full belief in Allah and rasool and their teachings and follow them with all love(momin) Ihsan=if one worships Allah as if he sees him in all actions, fullfiling the duties of a creator (mohsin)
Taqwa=dutiful +fearing Allah + doesnot add one to him in his godhood ie zaat,sifat,afaal and asar (muttaqee)

Towheed=attains the only Allah by following islam,iman,ihsan and taqwa (movheed)

Towheed =only way to attain Allah,his qurbness and position hereafter.

Do good deeds yourself and follow the principles of islam as specified by shariat(with/without understanding them).If your satisfied with jannat alone ,its not compulsory to find a guide/shaik. But be careful in your actions avoid shirk (adding one to Allah in his zaat/essence,siffat/attributes, afaal/actions,asaar/wealth)


Islam/muslim= forms of worship done without understanding Allah(recognize  him in every action as fulfiller of needs).guided by ulema /people of sharia


Iman/momin=belief/faith without doubt(tonque/heart is 1) —–Islam+faith(without doubt/heart-tonque same) guided by ulema /people of sharia


Ihsan=you pray to Allah as if you see him /you do it as Allah is seeing you.

Inner eye=nothing but knowledge(shariat/tariqat/marifat/haqiqat) about all the qualities of Allah and its reflection with which you attain Allah through them.

Tariqat/knowledge is transmitted through bait.

Heart to heart transmission of knowledge (reaching Allah at the hands of a guide)

1.body for ibadat 2.heart for Allah’s understanding 3.soul for Allah’s love.


In shariat the taqwa will be to follow do’s and don’t’s (abstain from doubtful)

Not to add one to Allah in worship.

Tariqat taqwa

Meaning your in presence of Allah (thanking/patience/repentance)

In every action there is profit and loss(both are from Allah)

Profit =thanking Allah and loss=keeping patience (asking for strength to bear it/asking for better than lost/Touba and seeking forgiveness)

Haqeeqat taqwa

You practice to understand Allah alone is omnipresent with his qualities.

Marifat taqwa

You practice to see Allah in creation(rewarded with qurb/nearness to Allah)

Practice leads to touheed

Touheed(the way of prophets)

With the laws of sharia 

seeing Allah in every act of life.

practice knowing Allah as the fulfiller of needs and actions without adding a partner to him.

You attain in oneness of  Allah

Islam/iman are compulsory for every muslim (guided by ulema/people of knowledge of sharia).Ihsan/taqwa/touheed can only be guided by a guide/murshid/arifbillah/kamil shaik(people having knowledge about Allah and who practice them in their life to attain Allah.ihsan/taqwa/touhid for people who wants qurb/nearness to Allah.take 1 step Allah will take 10 steps


SHARIAT TAQWA -is to follow dos don’t of shariat  /not to add anything to Allah in worship/abstain from doubtfull problems. Guidance from ulema.

TARIQAT TAQWA –clean yourself from shirk from allforms  in all your actions in all different ibadats.profit and loss in all actions is from Allah. If profits-give thanks to Allah and if loss- then keep patience and pray for forgiveness or ask Allah to remove the your always in Allahs presence because you go in for thanking/forgiveness/patience .

HAQQIQAT TAQWA – you practise and understand Allah alone is omnipresent with his qualities.

MARIFAT TAQWA -you practise to see Allah in creation with this you get qurb of Allah.

TOUHEED= shariat+seeing Allah in every act of life+practise knowing as fulfiller of all the needs and action without adding partner to him+you attain in oneness of Allah.This the way of prophets. This is learned from arif billah /peer.

All our actions are weighed by balance not counted this means a weight in worship (ibadat) is only through abstention from shrik in all actions.the greater you abstain from all forms of shrik in action the greater the weight of ibadat.

Razai haq- it adds weight to ibadat.That is check if your action is in accordance with shariat .do the action and beg for Allahs consent and approval this is called fazal haq . pray not to show his anger for your actions

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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