Islam Iman Ihsan-Connected

Islam Iman Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Islam deals with amal/deeds(zaahir)

Iman deals with aqidah /faith (baatin)

Ihsan deals with kaifiyat /hal (status of the heart)

Islam=acts of practice

Iman =acts of faith

Ihsan =status of heart

Muslim= zulm on nafs/self

Momin =muqtasid /moderate –balanced –complete deen

Mohsin =hasanat/kamil

Muslim=zarra iman (lowest )

Momin =ausat iman (moderate)

Mohsin=zayada iman (highest)

Muslim =accepted allah

Momin=loves allah the most

Mohsin=loved by allah +allah makes his creation to love that person (mohsin)

Islah e amal =is by ahkame shariat /fiqh (shariat)

Islah e niyyat =is by tasawuff/tazkia nafs (tariqat)

Ritual prayer  is aadat and spiritual prayer is ibadat

Islam is related with alaam e shahadat(physical/seen world)

Iman –is conviction/certification/verification from heart.(baatin/unseen world)

1. Mushahadah/arifeen-  people of  sidq +iklas  ( they think they are visualling allah)

2. Muraqaba/ muraqibeen  – people of iklas  ( they think allah is watching us 24/7)

1.people of marifat (arif -those who know allah)

2. people of ihsan (mohsin-those who are involved in mushahada or muraqaba (24/7 or atleast in ibadah) )

Islam deals with shariat

Iman deals with tariqat

Ihsan deals with haqiqat

Islam give rise to shariat and ilm ul yaqeen (knowledge)-45/18 ,5/48(word shariat is used)

Ilm ul yaqeen is shariat

Iman gives rise to tariqat and iyn ul  yaqeen(witnessing)- 72/16, 20/104(word tariqat is used)

Iyn ul yaqeen is tariqat

Ihsan gives rise to haqiqat and haq ul yaqeen(truth)-7/74,7/4(word haqiqat is used)

Haqq ul yaqeen is haqiqat

Intellectual and spiritual knowledge clash with each other.

Divine inspiration/ilham =when heart is empty of duniya (exposed to god’s gifts)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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