“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Punished scholar = those who don’t follow what they teach.
Alim/scholar = haleem(forbearing) +waqar (standard)
Alim/scholar= taqwa(fear Allah and avoiding sins)+ilm(ilm e zaahir and baatin) –duniya (no duniya in the heart)
Beauty/zeenat of an alim=ibadat +adab/discipline
Jewel/zewar of an alim=husn e ahklaq/character
Beauty of a wali=sakhi/generous in ibadat +adab+husn e ahklaq (no stingyness/bakhil)
If Heart is not involved (words are from mouth to ear)
If words are from heart –it will reach the heart.
Doesnot practice what he preaches.
Preacher is at fault if people are not following his advice.
Wali/arif/sufi/mard e kamil(perfect) is a gift from Allah.
People of marifat/knowing will gain noor /light in the heart (baseerat-eyes of the heart).
People of baseerat see noor e haq(truth) inside.
Blindness is of the heart not the blindness of the physical eye.
When trust is lost over duniya then seek arifbillah.
Hearts are blind without marifat.
People of duniya without marifat will be blind on the day of judgement.they will ask people of ihsan to give them some noor. Because of people of marifat/arif (higher level jannatis) ordinary muslims will see Allah when they visit their low level jannah.
People of ihsan/marifat will be guided by noor on the left and right on the day of judgement(they brought from duniya/marifat/knowing) .
People of marifat will get deedar e elahi/sight of Allah.
If the words are from heart it will pierce the heart, if words are from mouth it will just come out of ears .
If words are from heart, people will say ah ah ah… and if words are from mouth people will say wah wah and forget
Always convey from your heart and people will take it to heart.
Knowledge /ilm or nasihat/advice – show it in amal/deed.
Knowledge/ilm/nasihat means removal of I/SELF CENTERED/NAFS
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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