“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
According to the Shariah, Innovation (Bidat) refers to those beliefs or practices which were not prevalent in the visible lifetime of Rasoolullah (ﷺ)and were produced afterwards.
Bidat-e-I’tiqaadi(innovation in belief) AND Bidat-e-Amali(innovation in practice)
1.Bidat-e-I’tiqaadi(innovation in belief) —are those false beliefs that were produced in Islam after The Holy Prophet (ﷺ).
MU TAZILITES : A person is a creator of his own actions.On the Day of Judgement nobody will be able to see Allah.It is Fard and Waajib upon Almighty Allah to reward good and punish evil.
KHAARIJITES: They hated and made false allegations against Sayyiduna Ali Murtadha (ra).
MARJIYAHS: They believed that if a person possessed Imaan, then there was no such thing as sin. In other words, they say that man is sinless.
NAJAARIYAHS: They declared that the Holy Quran was a creation.
JABARRIYAHS: They considered man to be absolutely helpless without even having the power to do good.
MUSHABBAHS: They believed that Almighty Allah was similar to the human in physical attributes. They also believed that it was possible for Almighty Allah to be imprisoned within a human body.
Other groups– The Misguided groups belief that Allah has power to speak lies, thinking of Rasoolullah (ﷺ)in Salaah is worse than thinking of donkeys and mules in it, etc etc
We seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah for reproducing such utterances even though our sole purpose in doing so is to warn people about such corrupted groups.
The characteristics of Ahl’l-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā‘ah(sunnis) or “the People of Sunnah and Community” meaning “those that follow the way of the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and stick close to the community of Muslims upon the way of his Companions and the rightly guided Imams after them” as expressed by many of our scholars in their books on ‘aqīdah, manhaj and usūl’l-dīn (tenets of belief, methodology and the foundations of the religion) .
BE WITH AHLE SUNNAT WAL JAMAAT/SUNNI’S (not restricted to 1 madrasa or 1 alim or 1 fiqh or 1 madhab or 1 organisation or 1 place or 1 book of ideology -its a jammah /congregation of largest muslims of the world)(4/115,4/144)
Differences between Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at(sunnis) and the other sects are as follows
(concept of tauheed –risalat-ahkirat-islam-iman-ihsan)
About concept of authority, shafaat, wasila , living/death, light/clay , profit/loss, sin/sinless, haazir/naazir ,shaahid/witness, sufiya and their practices, hearing far/near ,usage of ya , darood o salaam ,knowledge of unseen, muslim/momin/mohsin, celebrating milad ,saying allah and his rasool knows best, standing (salaami) ,keeping names like abdun nabi ,writing naat, shabe mehraj/baraat/qadr , The inner dimension of the sunnah, itaat/obedience , honour the pious, Seeking baraka, tabaruk , wilayat, karamat, attaining help (when alive/after death), loving and respecting the pious, visiting the graves, constructing domes, birth and death anniversaries ,nafil/musthab ,time bound and non time bound acts ,taweez, tabaruk, music ,essale sawaab, seeking pleasure, spiritual life, ahle baith, mothers of this ummah, serving humanity, jihad, forceful conversion, extremism, taqleed, khilafat,tasawuff etc etc
For example –different sects have taken any one aspect of deen and have propagted it through there missionaries(like only tauheed or risalat or ahkirat or ahle baith or tabligh or jihad or politics or amal/deeds or aqidah/belief or mamulat/day to day affairs or marifat/spirituality or sharia/law or 1 book or 1 organisation etc etc )
Allah likes kull-moderate-complete-balanced deen(islam –iman-ihsan and tauheed-risalat-ahkirat) not juzz/partial/section deen.
Kull deen is with ahle sunnat wal jamaat (sunnis) rest have opted only juzz/section deen and have considered it as kull deen .
Safeguarding islam iman ihsan—-1.Ibadate e ilahi(ﷻ) 2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) 3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra) 4.Azmat e sahaba(ra) 5.Sohbate auliya(ra)
Imam Shafi’i (d. 204/820) has said, “Anything which has a support (mustanad) from the shari’a is not bid’a, even if the early Muslims did not do it” (Ahmad al-Ghimari, Tashnif al-adhan, Cairo: Maktaba al-Khanji, n.d., 133).
Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Haytami defined the Sunni Muslims as follows in his book Fath al-jawad: “A mubtadi (innovator) is the person who does not have the faith (aqid’ah) conveyed unanimously by the Ahl as-Sunnah. This unanimity was transmitted by the two great Imam’s Abu’l Hasan al-Ashari (d.324/936; Rahimahullah) and Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d.333/944; Rahimahullah) and the scholars who followed their path.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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