Awliya -Kuffar
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
To Call the Auliyah ALLAH
Even the Kuffaar accepted the Nabi (ﷺ)to be the waseela – 2/89.
The Kaaba was cleansed from the filth of idols by the mediation of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ), and through his waseela did it become the direction for Salaah (i.e, the Qibla). Through his waseela, the Quran became classified as the Quran and its verses were categorized to be Makki or Madani by him being Makki or Madani. Otherwise, they would all be known as Arshi.
On the night of Me’raj, Salaah was originally made Fardh 50 times a day. Then, through Hadrat Musa’s (as) request, it was reduced until it reached. Why? It was so that the creation may appreciate the help of Hadrat Musa (as) in 50 Salaah becoming 5. In other words, the beloveds of Allah (swt)give their help to us even after their demise.
With regards to polytheists (Mushriks) asking their idols for help, it is no doubt polytheism .
An idol-worshipper becomes a polytheist by performing sajda towards a stone because he himself invented this action. Muslims prostrate in the direction of the Kaaba, which is also a building of stone. However, we do not become polytheists (Mushriks) because this sajda is for Allah (swt)in reality, not for the Kaaba, and is done on His command. On the contrary, the prostration of the polytheist to a stone is against the command of Allah (swt).
This difference is necessary. Respecting the water of the Ganges is infidelity (kufr), but respecting the water of Zam-Zam is Imaan.
Revering the stone in a temple is polytheism, but revering the Maqaarne-Ibrahim is Imaan, even if it is also a stone.
Allah (swt)states, “Besides the pious, all friends will become an enemy to each other on the Day of Qiyaamat.”43/67 .
“All bonds and relationships will break on the Day of Qiyaamat except for my bond and family tie.”– Shaami, Baabu Ghuslil-Mayyit
we make only your (Allah’s (swt)) worship and only you do we beseech for help.” 1/4-5
Help here refers to actual help, meaning, “Believing You (Allah (swt)) to be the true Maker (of affairs to occur), we ask only you for help.”
With regards to seeking assistance from the servants of Allah (swt), they are only asked for it with the sole belief that they are the means of Divine guidance
”There is no judgment except for Allah’s (swt).” or like how Allah (swt)states in another verse,2/225 However, we still accept the rulings of our judges and lay claims of ownership over our possessions. In other words, the ayat refers to actual (Haqeeqi) rule and ownership, but through Divine bestowal, they are proven for the bondsman as well.
Also, clarify what the connection is between worship and seeking assistance. This ayat mentioned both of them. The connection is only that asking for help in the belief that Allah (swt)is the true helper is also a branch of worship (ibaadat).
Even today, the help of the wealthy is asked for in donations for Madrassahs. A human being is in need of the bondsmen’s help from birth until burial (his parents’ affection and nurturing, the lessons of his teacher, etc.}; rather, he is even in need of it on Qiyaamat. When our entire lives are based on the generosity of the creation, how can we say that we don’t request help from anyone? There is no restriction in this ayat as to which form of assistance or time.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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