“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Muttaqi =attracts/obsorbs Allah’s love/rahmat.
Muttaqi = rewarded with special qurb/nearness of Allah.
Muttaqi =people of ihsan /benevolence (perfectionist)
Muttaqi =amal/deeds are accepted fast and guaranteed.
Muttaqi=people of ilm e ludunni(knowledge of ilham).
Muttaqi= ilm e ludunni helps in distinguishes between truth and falsehood
Muttaqi =smaller and bigger both sins are erased.
Muttaqi= has knowledge /marifat e rasoolallah(saws)
Muttaqi= will never show enemity /adawat towards creation of Allah.
Muttaqi= receives double rahmat/mercy from Allah(1% of Allah’s rahmat has covered entire creation .99% of Allah’s rahmat will be seen/distributed on the day of judgement).Merciful hearts receive mercy/rahmat from Allah. allah’s rahmah will never decrease by distribution its only for our understanding.
Best person=(iman/ilm)Yaqeen–doubts AND (islam/amaal)Deen -desires
Muttaqi=will be rewarded with noor/light (himself becomes/distributing noor).
Muttaqi= sins are erased with taqwa and deeds multiplied “n” times.
Muttaqi =baatin closer to Allah.
Muttaqi= spiritual hunger (nafs free from desires and heart is free from duniya )
Ruh e taqwa/Isteqamat e taqwa =iman/obedience+ ilm/protection+ islah e nafs/purification
Kamal e taqwa =spiritual hunger (nafs free from desires and heart is free from duniya )
Muttaqi= nafs free from desires and heart is free from duniya
Muttaqi=Stay away from haraam and doubtfull things.
Muttaqi =Entire life is dedicated for Allah’s sake(to please Allah alone).
Muttaqi=peace loving people.
Muttaqi =allah is watching me (24/7 ibadat)
muttaqi =never questions allah “why”.
muttaqi = tawakkal when not rewarded, raza when rewarded, sabr when taken away (never question allah” why”- Happy with the decisions of allah).
Muttaqi=zaahir/baatin beautified with taqwa (baatin gets reflected outside)
Muttaqi =Fearing allah’s punishment with obedience.
Muttaqi= zikr e qalbi/remembrance of allah will never stop.
Amaal/deeds =subject to changes AND Taqwa =remains constant without changes(allah is watching me or 24/7 allah’s remembrance) .
Muttaqi =zaahir not opposing allah’s ahkam and baatin is not subject to ghaflat/heedlessness.
Faqir =big hearted people(generous )/working for insaniyat.
Angels =fulfill peoples requirements (helpers)/working for insaniyat.
Ilm e nafae (shariat+tariqat)(makes deen stronger)
1. increases fear of Allah(obedience/itaat).
2. knowing yourself/nafs(decreases love for duniya).
Gain knowledge –apply knowledge- teach/invite people
Time management (Sleep =not more than 8 hours)
1. First cover faraiz/wajibat (responsibilities-do’s and donts)
2. Gain ilm e nafae(shariat+tariqat) makes deen stronger-increases fear of Allah(obedience/itaat) AND knowing yourself/nafs(decreases love for duniya.
3. covering people’s needs /improving people’s conditions ( better than doing Wazifa/zikr/nawafil ibadat )
4. doing Wazifa/zikr/nawafil ibadat
5. improve your living standard by working hard (improving duniya without hurting others)
Qabr/alam e barzack =Amal e saleh +mujahida e nafs
Jannat=mujahida e nafs (Fearing allah and gaining his qurb/nearness).
Fana = keeping AND Baqa= spending
Hasad =meaning against allah’s distribution.
Adawat/enemity =against shaitan.
Keep tawakkal /trust Allah alone not on sabab/means.
Safeguarding the kull deen
1.Ibadate elahi /worshipping Allah ﷻ (with love and marifat/knowing)
2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) /Be a servant of rasoolallah ﷺ to please allah(ﷻ)
3.Mohabbate ahle baith(as) /loving ahle baith(as)
4.Azmate sahaba (ra)/status of sahaba(ra)
5.Sohbate auliya(ra).
1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure)
2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah )
3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa (avoiding sins))
4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart)
5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)
Wilayat = 1.faraiz/obedience 2.ilm e nafae/protection 3.islah e nafs/purification 4. Nawafil
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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