“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Importance of faraiz in ibadat/mamulat
Faraiz/responsibility =doing good/distinguishing good from bad .
Farz/wajib(do’s and dont’s) =missing them bring sins AND Nawafil/sunnah =gives additional rewards or kafarah for mishappenings.
Farz/wajib =main for salvation/najat (jannat/keeps you away from hell) AND Nawafil/sunnah = nearness (qurb)/darjaat(ranks) .
Faraiz/responsibility also gives highest qurbiat/nearness of Allah than nafil ibadat can give you.
Qurb e fariaz ranks are more than Qurb e nawafil ranks Qurb e nawafil ranks are based accordingly with respect to qurb e fariaz .
Rewards of nawafil are based on how good are you with respect to fulfilling fariaz.
After accounting faraiz then starts accountability of nawafil on the day of judgement.
Jannat = based only on fazal/mercy of Allah (swt) + shafaat of rasoolallah (saws) (don’t boost on your ibadat/deeds).
Faraiz/responsibility =all those which are clear to fitrat e insane(distinguishing between good and bad) in mamulat eg: don’t lie,cheat,harming others,ghibat etc etc
Faraiz/responsibility in mamulat =those actions which can distinguish between good and bad/brings goodness(khair).
Monitoring /Muhasaba e nafs(Allah is watching me) + sohbat e awliya/sufiya (good pious people) helps in fulfilling faraiz.
5 times namaz/salah on time is an afzal ibadat.
Don’t break others heart is an afzal mamulat(Don’t cheat yourself and also others).
Keep away from worldly people/atmosphere ,be with people of ahkirat/taqwa.
Duniya =anything which takes you away from Allah AND ahkirat/taqwa =anything which brings you closer to Allah.
To reach Allah there are 1000’s of ways don’t blame any work of khair/goodness of others(check iman,ilm,islah e nafs before saying anything against others ,Niyyat is left to Allah.Associate with sunni organizations)
Amanat e ruh is taqwa because ruh is from Allah’s wealth/milkiat.
Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).
Wilayat = 1.faraiz/obedience 2.ilm e nafae/protection 3.islah e nafs/purification 4. Nawafil
Best person=(iman/ilm)Yaqeen–doubts AND (islam/amaal)Deen -desires
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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