Tauheed-The Polytheists Approach Kuffar

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

56/63 -In this verse Allah is attributing the cultivation of the crop to the earth itself! Once again that which Allah provides has been attributed to other than Allah! I.e. the earth

14/35-36 and 71/23-24 In these verses both Sayyidina Nuh (as)and Sayyidina Ibrahim (as)are saying that the idols have led many astray, though the idols are not the ones who actually lead astray, in fact it is Iblis who leads people astray, although Ibliss doing has been attributed directly towards the idols. Again this proves that attributing a doing to other than the actual doer is permissible.

73/17 –From this verse we can see that it has been said that the final day itself will turn children grey. However we know that is Allah alone who is capable of doing this, yet Allah has attributed His own doing to the day. Again this proves that attributing acts of Allah, to other than Allah is permissible.

19/17-19–In these verses Sayyidinia Gabriel (Jibrail) says himself that he will grant Sayyida Maryam a son, even though Allah will provide Sayyida Maryam with a son.This is yet further evidence proving that attributing to other than Allah is permissible.

42/52 –In this verse Allah is commanding His beloved Messenger Rasulullah (saws) to guide the people to the right path. Even though Allah Azawajal is the One who guides to the right path, it has been said that Rasulullah (saws) is the one who guides. Allah is simply attributing His act to His Beloved.

Just for a moment use your eyes, open your mind and heart and this time observe the difference between us (the Ahl al-sunnah Wa al-Jamah) and the polytheist of Makkah. Our approach of asking the Prophets and pious for help is extremely different from the manner in which they used to ask help from their idols.When the polytheists of Makkah asked for help from their idols, they did so with the intention that they are the real providers of the help. They completely forgot Allah and gave their idols a higher status than Almighty Allah! (I seek shelter in this!) Allah then damned them and cursed them and said they will be the fuel of the hell fire.

Muslims believe Allah is the real provider and performer of all doings, though sometimes Allah provides or performs through the means of something else i.e., the Prophets and pious. They are only a means. Allah gave the revelation through the Prophets, Allah guides through the pious. Previously I mentioned how Allah has attributed certain acts to his creation, the taking of life, to Sayyidina Izraeel (angel of death), bestowing a son to Sayyida Maryam has been attributed to Sayyidina Jibrail. Allah Azawajal says that Muhammad (saws) is the guider. This is clear proof that with the will of Allah the Prophets and pious can help and guide the people. The Prophets and pious can help us, With the permission and will of Allah they have performed many miracles helping people and guiding people. They are only a means which Allah uses to approach and help us, (Allah has attributed the help given, to his creation many a time in the Quran!) so surely it cannot be wrong to attribute help to the Prophets and pious.

Hadith in sahih Bukhari, when the Prophet Muhammad (saws) was sitting in the company of some people, and Sayyidina Gabriel (as)came to the blessed Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant hime peace) in the form of a man and asked many questions about Islam. After each question the noble Prophet answered. Then that man (Gabriel) left and the Prophet asked his companions to call him back, but they could not see him. Then the Prophet said, “That was Gabriel who came to teach the people their religion.”

Even though it was the blessed Prophet (saws) who answered all the questions, and through his answering was he teaching and conveying the knowledge, the blessed Prophet (saws) said it was Sayydiina Gabriel (as)who came to teach the people. Why did Rasulullah (saws) attribute the teaching to Sayyidina Gabriel? The reason is that rasulullah (saws) merely attributed the teaching to Sayydiina Gabrial because Sayyidina Gabriel was the means through which the knowledge was conveyed. This shows us that it is permissible to attribute towards the means of approach. As Hafidh Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani explained in his book Fath al-Bari under this hadith.

23/117 He who crieth unto any other god along with Allah hath no proof thereof. His reckoning is only with his Lord. Lo! disbelievers will not be successful.


Study the following verses carefully

61/14 , 66/4, 18/95, 28/15, 5/2 —All these verses explain to us of how the pious would ask help from their followers. Sayyidina Gabriel and the believers helped Rasulullah (saws), the believers were commanded to help one another. This is not polytheism! (Shirk) If so, then why has it been carried out by many of the Prophets, why has it been commanded in the Quran.

4/75 —In this verse the oppressed Muslims of Makkah are asking Allah to send them a helper, someone who can defend them and protect them. Note that they did not directly ask Allah for help but thy asked Allah to send them a helper who could aid them. As they knew that Allahs help will reach them through the means of something else. SubhanAllah!

17/80 —The blessed Prophet himself is asking Allah to send some assistance to help him. Again, carefully understand that Rasulullah (the blessed prophet himself is asking Allah to send some assistance to help him) did not directly ask for Allahs help but asked for Allah to send him some aid, i.e angels. Even our beloved Prophet knew that Allah’s help will approach him through the means of something else.

Sayyidina Isa had power to help!

Many people would come to the Prophets and pious and ask them to help them in many ways. The blind and lepers would come to Sayyidina Isa and ask him to cure them and with the will of Allah they were cured just as the this verse informs us:

3/49 -.Here we learn that the curing of the blind and leper is directly attributed to Sayyidina Isa, I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, even though there has been no mention of Allah curing the people we know that Allah is the curer. To cure the blind and leper is something beyond the human capability, though this verse tells us clearly that if Allah wills he can do anything through his Prophets and pious.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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