Tauheed And Radd e Shirk-Meaning

Shariath, Tauheed And Radd E Shirk

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Tauheed and radd e shirk 1

Allah Ta’ala has promised Jannat (Paradise) to the Muslims, and He has promised Jahannum (Hell) to the Kufaar because of their disbelief. His promises never change. With the exception of polytheism (associating partners with Allah Ta’ala) and infidelity, He may pardon any major or minor sin as He wishes.

Allah Ta’ala is pure from all defects.

for Allah Ta’ala to tell a lie is impossible.

Any person who shows Allah Ta’ala to possess a certain quality which is not worthy of His Being, or to show Allah Ta’ala to have a defect or impatience, then he is a Kaafir.

It is our (belief) that Allah alone is worthy or worship.
Allah azzawajal is free from need (be parwa), in other words Allah is not dependant on anyone or anything rather the entire creation is dependant on Allah azzawajal.

Allah azzawajal created the Angels as His servants and gave them the opportunity to serve Him as their Lord. It is the Angels and all the creation that are dependant on Allah and Allah is without doubt dependant on none.

To comprehend (understand) Allah azzawajal’s Being (Zaat) by means of reason is absolutely impossible.

through Allah azzawajal’s Works (Af’aal), His attributes can be identified and through His attributes, one is able to attain knowledge about the Being of Allah azzawajal.

the human mind can not comprehend Allah azzawajal’s Being as it is beyond the understanding of the creation.

through the Attributes of Allah, such as His Mercy, His Wrath etc. we are able to know about Allah azzawajal and His commands.

Just as His Being is Qadeem, Azali and Abadi (all these terms mean non‑created always was, always will be); His attributes are also Qadeem, Azali and Abadi.It must be understood that Allah azzawajal is Self Existent. Allah azzawajal is All Existing” in other words not created, always was and always will be.

all creation came into existence through Allah’s command.

A corrupt person is known as “Gumraah” and “Bud Deen”.

with the exception of the Allah’s Being and Attributes, everything else has been created.

His Attributes are neither the same nor separate from his Being

Almighty has Power over everything that is possible.

Today the Christians and even some Muslims (Allah Forbid) refer to humans as the children of god. This is totally improper and words of Kufr. Muslims must abstain from making such detrimental statements.

Allah azzawajal is “Hayy” in other words Allah is All Existing, and the lives of everything is in His control.

He is Qaadir (has power) over everything that is possible (Mumkin).

It is His Will that He brings into existence whatever He Wills

He is free from all that which has shortage or defect.

Existence, Power, Hearing, Seeing, Speech (Kalaam), Knowledge and Will (Iraadah) are all His Self Attributes, but He does not depend on ears, eyes and tongue to hear, see or speak, since these are all physical forms (body) and Allah is free from any physical form.

Allah azzawajal’s Knowledge encircles (surrounds) everything. He knew of everything always (Azali) and still knows of everything and always knows everything forever. There is no limit to his knowledge. Ilm‑e‑Zaati means Allah’s self knowledge, which is unattained and uncreated.
He is the Creator of everything. Be it beings or actions.

it is Allah who sends down sustenance. The Angels etc. are only means and channels of delivering the sustenance etc.

Spiritual zakaat

Jism/body e zakaat= paying 2.5% to the poor/needy.

Ruh/soul e zakaat= (kaifiyat e  qalb) haal and maal/wealth (sadaqa/charity)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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