Taqleed-Prophet Wahy
“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
And he does not speak out of his (own) desire…….53/3-5
Prophet ﷺ is the teacher for all the sciences of islam.
(whatever prophetﷺ says in whatever condition is haqq/truth)
Quran =words/meaning divine revelation/wahy e jail
Ahadith=meaning divine revelation/words are from prophet/wahy e kafi
Prophet ﷺ distributes knowledge of fiqh to his slaves (blessing on hearts) .
Stone hearted =infertile (no fuqaha)
Soft hearted=fertile (marifat+faqhi)
Collecting heart=distributes the blessing to others.
Actions of rasoolallahﷺ
1.Tilawat created qari in ummah
2.Tazkiya created murshid/sufiya in ummah
3.Talimat e kitab/hukm created ulema/muhaddis in ummah
4.Hikmat created mujtahidin/fuqaha in ummah
5.Different news of sciences created philosophers/sociologist/historians/scientist etc
Unconditional/unchallengeable/permanent/everlasting =itaat e rasoolﷺ /itaat e elahi)
Itaat e rasoolﷺ =itaat e elahi
53/3-5. And he does not speak out of his (own) desire. His speech is nothing but Revelation, which is sent to him. (The Lord) of Mighty Powers (directly) conferred on him (perfect) knowledge,
Prophet is know as sahib(companionship/sohbat )
Prophet never speaks from his nafs /personal choice. What ever he says/speaks is a wahy(divine revelation) meaning it’s a hujaat/proof like quran.
Words/sentence/meaning/sound of rasoolallah ﷺ is allah’s wahy.
Wahy e ilham (inspiration) and Wahy e mursal ile/munazzal ile (divine revelation sent/revealed)
Wahy e mursal ile/munazzal ile/jali (divine revelation sent/revealed) (external and expressed wahy )= allah sent gibreal with these words words and meanings are from allah .prophet transmitted as it is to ummah.it is called quran.
Wahy e ilham/kafi (inspiration) (internal/implied wahy)=wahy directly sent towards heart/ruh e muhammadi ﷺ .it is not quran .words are from prophet but meaning/message/concept is from allah.ahadith and sunnat. Eg-arrangement and naming of suras/numbering and arrangement of ayah is from rasoolallah .
Wahy e jail and kafi is haqq, hujat and divine .
1.We speak with our nafs/personal choice but prophet never speaks from his nafs.(never think his words are like us)
2.prophet’s words are wahy (divine), origin of his speech is from wahy /divine revelation (haqq/hujat like quran)
Quran and ahadith both are wahy/revelation but difference is presence are absence of jibreal .
Revelation given to the prophet through jibreal is quran whereas revelation/ilham directly from allah to the holy heart /ruh of prophet is ahadith.
In quran words and meanings are from allah and in ahadith meanings are from allah but words/actions are from prophet himself .
Wahy e jail= quranic ayahs and Wahy e kafi=sunnat/ahadith
Wahy which is recited/tilawat is called quran and wahy/ilham which is not recited is ahadith.
Every one agree with the text of quran and ahadith difference lies in interpretation,meanings ,deductions and application of quran and ahadith based on our intectual /brain leading to misguidance for example like mutashabihat/metamorphical ayah.
When rasool used to give sermon /bayan do you thing he use to recite only quran (ie wahy ) nothing else or what?if you say he says only that which is revealed to him as wahy .So this means allah used to communicate without wahy, also meaning ilham.
Rasoolallah ﷺ =recites quran as a text +purification of heart and soul(noor)+ wisdom and knowledge from quran.
Ahadith means Action(sunnat) /silence/verification/certified/sayings(ahadith) are all included.
Hikmat/wisdom/reasoning =sunnat e rasool
Duties of rasoolallah ﷺ = Tilawat (quran) +tazkiya(hadith)+talim e kitab(hadith) +hikmat(hadith)+extra knowledge(hadith)
Tazkiya =ilm+amal+sohbat+tawajua/concentration+wazifa
That’s why rasoolallah ﷺ gave different answers to different people on different occasion based on their tazkiya of that particular person like best deed is praying or jihad or salam or feeding poor or serving parents etc etc
Doesn’t say on his own
2.ijtehad (yes/no)
3.wahy e jail/wahy e kafi
4.words of quran/words of ahadith.
5.ahadith/hadis e qudsi
6.legislative authority (yes/no)
7.does contradict quran(yes/no)
Yes means going against quran
If no ,then prophet’s legislative authority .for ex-dead animal is haraam but he gave exception for fish and locust
8.practical aspects of ibadat
9.source is quran/sunnah ,later becomes sciences/uloom.
10.origin of fiqh/deductive reasoning
Ijtihad of prophet ﷺ after quran AND ijtehad of ummah after quran and sunnah.
Ijtihad/fiqh (jurisprudence) is sunnah and divine in nature.
Ijtihad of prophet is also divine revelation from allah.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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