Sin-Touba And Taqwa

Shariath, Sin

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Taqwa(piety)=avoiding sins +obeying Allah’s commands

Wara = abstention from prohibited things (haraam)

Doing a good deed is easy but leaving sins is difficult .avoiding sins is far greater than doing good deeds.

Peace/sukoon of heart =avoid sins (connect to Allah and disconnect with duniya)

Avoiding sins(taqwa/piety) + ibadat with iqlas/sincerity(only for Allah) =qurb e elahi/nearness of Allah.

Obedience and worship must be with iqlas/sincerity (for Allah alone)

Ibadat =any deed done for Allah’s pleasure

Ibadat/worship =time bound (conditional)  and Itaat/obedience= non time bound (unconditional)

People of ibadat (conditional people) and people of itaat (unconditional people).

Itaat/obedience =start with bismillah ,following sunnah ,Allah is watching me 24/7,good intentions etc etc

For example eating-intention is to worship and help deen of Allah ,to follow sunnah .

Islam is for all the people of different categories/temperaments.


Tauba means to turn towards allah (seeking forgiveness from allah)

Alertness helps in avoiding sins

Don’t disclose your sins to others .

Avoiding sins =allah makes ilm/itaat/ibadat easy

Kamil shaykh bring change in your life and mujahada gives rise to direction.

True tauba removes zulmat/oppression and washes away sins

Touba =sidq e dil (sincerity) to stop sinning

Tauba =must be filled with sidq/sincerity

Tauba means turning towards taqwa(avoiding sins)  from sins

Opposing commands of allah (sinning) —–tauba—-taqwa(avoiding sins) +good deeds

People see sins but allah sees his slaves turning towards good .

Sinner must =ask forgiveness with nadamat/remorse +not to repeat the sin+ keep doing good deeds

Allah will not forgive those who argue with him about sins (accept and repent don’t argue).

Avoiding sins= increases hafiza/intelligence +noorani heart + love for ibadat+ peace/sukoon +knowledge (knowledge is noor)+ bright face +increase rizq/sustenance and strength of body

Treatment =nadamat/remoarse


Just tauba/astaqfar= jaza e magfirat

Repeated astaqfar gives = jaza(reward) as forgiveness from sins(magfirat) + ata(gift) as jannah.

Total life spent on tauba= raza/pleasure of allah

Touba done for sins by mistakes/mishaps =raza/pleasure from allah +rewards

Be in state of tauba (divert your attention towards allah)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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