Risalat-Munafiq Hypocrite

Risalat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Reminder –munafiq 01

Hypocrites/munafiq will say — swear onAllah, ‘We intended nothing but piety and mutual harmony’(but are liars)4/62

Donot keep friendship with hypocrites (liers,don’t keep up promise and trust) 4/89

Munafiq/hypocrites= will spread mischief and break relationships 47/22


1. ‘Look towards us (believers) so that we may take some of your light

2. you troubled yourselves with the disruption (of hypocrisy)

3.you doubted (the Prophethood of Muhammad [saws] and the Din [Religion of Islam])

4. your false hopes deceived you

5. the Arch-Deceiver (Satan) kept deluding you about Allah.

6. quite an evil resort is that (because you denied accepting those as mawla from whom the charity of the light of faith and forgiveness is obtained). 57/16

THE HYPOCRITES-Allah certainly exposes their state,Allah disgraces them in this world,Obedience gives offence to the hypocrites,Some have returned to disbelief after having faith,Their outer appearance and speech may be impressive,Their true faces are revealed in times of difficulty,They abandon the believers when they encounter hardship,They act like believers among the believers for their own self-interest,They are arrogant,They are averse to what pleases Allah,They are continuously deceived by apprehension and fall into suspicion,They are disloyal in times of hardship,They are doubtful of the Hereafter, They are enemies of the believers,They are full of hatred towards the believers,They are in continuous distress, anxiety and fear,They are in discord with one another,They are pleased to be among those who lag behind in the struggle,They are terrified that the enemies of the believers will do them harm too,They are the friends of Satan,They are unaware of Allah’s help for the believers,They are under the mastery of Satan,They are ungrateful,They are upset when good things happen to the believers,Allah certainly exposes their state,Allah disgraces them in this world,Obedience gives offence to the hypocrites,Some have returned to disbelief after having faith,Their outer appearance and speech may be impressive,Their true faces are revealed in times of difficulty,They abandon the believers when they encounter hardship, They act like believers among the believers for their own self-interest,They are arrogant,They are averse to what pleases Allah,They are continuously deceived by apprehension and fall into suspicion,They are disloyal in times of hardship,They are doubtful of the Hereafter,They are enemies of the believers,They are full of hatred towards the believers,They are in continuous distress, anxiety and fear,They are in discord with one another,They are pleased to be among those who lag behind in the struggle,They are terrified that the enemies of the believers will do them harm too,They are the friends of Satan,They are unaware of Allah’s help for the believers,They are under the mastery of Satan,They are ungrateful, They are upset when good things happen to the believers,They assemble furtively to plot enmity and revolt against the believers, They attempt to deceive the believers by making their oaths into a cloak,They attempt to hold the believers back from their struggle in the Way of Allah,They avoid hard work and accept easy tasks,They believe that the believers are mistaken,They cannot achieve any of their aims,

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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