
Risalat, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Almighty Allah has bestowed the knowledge of the unseen upon the Ambia‑e‑Kiraam. Every particle in the skies and earths is in the sight of every Nabi. This knowledge of the unseen which the Nabis possess is that which has been bestowed upon them by Almighty Allah, thus their knowledge is known as Ilm‑e‑Ataayi (that knowledge which has been bestowed) and Ilm‑e‑Ataayi is Muhaal for Allah, for none of His attributes or splendors are given to Him by any. They are all of His Self. Those who reject knowledge of the unseen for Nabis especially the Prophet (saws), they are rejecting the verse of the Quran where Almighty Allah say, “They accept some words of the Quran and make infidelity with other verses” They only look at certain verses and they reject the verses in which it is explained that the Ambia are given knowledge of the unseen, whereas all the verses about Ilm‑e‑Ghaib (unseen knowledge) are Haq. Since the verses which say that Almighty Allah alone has knowledge of the unseen refers to Ilm‑e‑Zaati (that which is unattained) and the verses which explain ilm‑e‑ghaib for the Prophets is referring to Ilm‑e‑Ataayi (that which is bestowed upon them). To say that by accepting that The Prophet (saws) is aware of every particle is equaling his knowledge to that of Allah, is a totally baseless argument, since only then will it be equal, if we say that the Prophet has the same knowledge as Allah (Allah Forbid).

This is not so, since Almighty Allah’s knowledge is self‑knowledge and the Prophet’s (saws) is that which Allah bestowed upon him. The difference has already been shown. None will say that the Prophet’s (saws) knowledge is equal to Allah in this way, except one who is a Kaafir. Everything in the universe is that which will be terminated and the Knowledge of Allah can never be destroyed, as this would show ignorance which is absolutely impossible, as Allah is free from ignorance.

After being explained the difference between Zaati and Ataayi, if one still makes the accusation of equality, then this is totally contrary to Imaan and Islam. To believe that in the presence of this difference there will be equality, would mean equality in compulsory existence (like that of Allah) (Allah forbid), that the possibility is present and the necessity is also present, and to say equal in existence is open shirk and open kufr.

The Ambia come to earth to inform us of the unseen. If Jannat, Jahanum, Hashr, punishment and reward are not unseen, then what are they? (All this has been mentioned to us by the Ambia). Their position is such that they inform us of that which the mind and thought can not even reach or decipher, it is this, which is called ghaib. The Awliyah Allah also possesses knowledge of the unseen, but this too, they attain through the blessing of the Prophets.

The Ambia are more superior than all the creation including the Angels that are Rasools. No matter how exalted a Wali may be, he can never be equal to a Nabi. Any person who says any non Nabi to be more superior or even equal to any Nabi is a Kaafir.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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