
Namaz, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Marifat/Gnosis of namaz-roza-zakat-hajj

This is the Divine Knowledge of the relationship between man and God because of a special favour or hidayat [guidance] of Allah.Iman is the result of ma’rifat and obedience(with love).The Shari’ath (The law) stresses the purification of our body. The Tariqat(The path) stresses on the purification of our nafs, heart and soul. The purpose of Sulook is to cleanse the heart from everything besides Allah.

Taharat-i-Batin(purity of heart and soul) – Tauba or repentance is the means for inner cleansing.

Prayer carpet -becomes the stepping off place into the Divine Reality, the Haqiqat.

Namaz/salah — is to enable the heart to be in the infinite peace(everlasting). Spiritual heart neither dies nor sleeps.

1.Wuzu or Ablutions pertaining to tauba or repentance.

2.Facing the Qibla or direction of prayer is having implicit faith in and devotion to Allah. ‘

3.Qayaam’ which means struggle against Nafs. ‘

4.Qirat’ (recitation of certain Qur’anic verses) which means ‘dhikr’ or remembrance of God.

5.Ruku or bending in prayer is humility or conquering of the nafs [ego].

6. Sajdah is the highest degree of humility acknowledging the fact that he is completely inferior to Allah (SWT). To be nothing in the presence of Him, to be perished in front of Him.

7.Tashhud or witnessing is assertion of complete faith and love for Allah.

8.Salaam or ending salutation of the prayer is turning away from worldly attractions towards Allah.

Zakaat- When their is no selfishness alms/charity becomes spiritual.Do if for allah’s sake and for gaining allah’s raza/pleasure. Distribute from the spiritual wealth to the spiritually needy and the poor . donate the merit of good acts to the poor servants with kindness not for show off (essale sawaab for both living and dead). Be thankful to Allah and live by Tawakkal or reliance on God alone.

Roza or Fasting: control of passions and desires of the lower self. To protect forbidden feelings (it lasts all your life). do not torture and hurt people with hands and tongue.There is nobody else except Allah to be loved, to be desired and to be wished neither in this world nor in the hereafter.

Hajj or Pilgrimage: Kaaba is markaze tauheed. Heart becomes lively when you say la ilaha illallaah.after this  attributive names of God must be continued with the Divine Lights of Jamal (the Beauty) for the Secret Kaaba to be apparent.keep heart clean with repeated astaqfar .

what is truly valuable is not the Ka’bah[Ka’bah is indirectly a cause] but 1.contemplation[meditation of allah (swt) in your hearts] .2.annihilation (total distruction of self] in the abode of friendship .

Spiritual hajj- perform the pilgrimage in the manner that you may arrive at the station of Ibrahim(as).” To obtain contemplation of God. performed spiritually with the heart and being in the presence of Allah.

then he must stand on the ‘Aarafat of gnosis (knowledge of spiritual truths /ma’rifat)

and from there set out for the Muzdalifah of amity (friendship and cordiality /ulfat)

and from there send his heart to circumambulate the temple of Divine purification (tanzih),

and throw away the stones of passion (desires)

and corrupt thoughts in the Mina of faith (strong belief),

and sacrifice his lower soul on the altar of mortification(Strong feelings of embarrassment)

and arrive at the station of friendship(khullat).

1. journey from all sins.

2. traverse a station on the way to God

3. When you put on the pilgrim’s garb -discard the attributes of humanity (Ihram means giving up of bad habits)

4. inArafat be in contemplation of God(becoming absorbed in Allah’s Love)

5. in Muzdalifah renounce all sensual(animal) desires(giving up passions of the nafs.).

6. in tawaaf behold the immaterial beauty of God in the abode of purification(witnessing Allah’s Divinity).

7. between Safah and Marwah attain to the rank of purity (safa) and virtue (purifying the heart and soul). Mina cease all your wishes (forgetting selfish desires).

9.during sacrifice – sacrifice the objects of sensual desire/lower soul(sacrifice of selfishness).

10.during stoning throw away whatever sensual thoughts were accompanying you(shedding bad companions)

No dai =ilm for duniya and heart is full of desires.

Scholars with out ilm e nafae and jahil people without ilm will start conveying deen leading to misguidance.

Scholars must speak haqq (no nafs) and jahil people must keep quiet for correct propagation of deen.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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