Life After Death-Urs

Life After Death, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Life after death 23

“When a dead person is buried, two black angels with blue eyes come to him. One is called Munkar and the other Nakeer. They both ask him: ‘What did you use to say regarding this person (Muhammad (saws))?’. He will say: ‘He is the bondsman and messenger of Allah Ta‘aala. Ash-hadu an-la ilaaha illallaahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa-rasuluh’. They both will say: ‘(After seeing signs) We knew that you are going to say this’. Then his grave is widened seventy dhiraa (cubits) by seventy dhiraa and then illuminated. The person then says: ‘Allow me to go to my family, so that I may inform them’. They say to him: ‘Sleep like a groom, who is awakened only by that person who is most beloved to him from his family, until Allah Ta‘aala will resurrect you from that sleep (on the day of qiyaamah)’” – Tirmithi, Baihaqi.

Abu Hurayrah(ra)reported that Allah’s Messenger(saws)said: When a(believing)dead person is buried, two black and blue angels come to him. One of them is called Munkar, and the other Naklr. They ask him, “What did you use to say about this man (Muhammad (saws))?” He says, as he used to say, “He is Allah’s ‘abd and Messenger; I testify that there is no deity (worthy of being worshipped) but Allah, and that Muhammad is His ‘abd and Messenger.” They say, “We expected you to say this.” His grave is then expanded for him to seventy cubits by seventy; it is illuminated forhim; and he is told, “Go to sleep.” He says, “Let me return to my people to inform them (about my good condition).” But they tell him, “Sleep as does a newlywed person, whom no one awakens except the member of his family who is dearest to him.” (He sleeps like that) until Allah raises him from his resting place. As for a hypocrite, he replies (to their questioning), “I heard the people say things; and I said the same; but I do not know.” They say, “We expected you to say this.” The earth is then told, “Contract on him.” And it contracts on him until his ribs break. Thus, his punishment continues therein, until Allah raises him from his abodo ‘(tirmidhi)

Abu Hurayrah(ra)reported that Allah’s Messenger(saws)said:Verily, when death descends upon a believer, and he witnesses things (implying his forthcoming rewards),he wishes that his soul would depart (quickly), and Allah loves to meet him. His soul is taken up to the heaven. The souls of the believers come to him and inquire from him about their acquaintances of the dwellers of the earth. They are pleased when he says, “I left such and such in the dunyd (the first life).” And when he says, “Such and such had died,” they say (disappointedly), “But he was not brought to us.”A believer is made to sit in his grave, and is asked, “Who is your lord?” He replies, “My lord is Allah.” He is asked, “Who is your prophet?” He replies, “My prophet is Muhammad (saws).” He is asked, “What is your religion?” He says, “My religion is Islam.” A door is then opened from his grave (to Jannah), and he is told, “Look at you future) abode.” He is then left in the grave, and (the time passes) as if it is but a nap. And when death descends upon an enemy of Allah, and he witnesses things (implying his imminent punishment), he wishes that his soul would never depart, and Allah hates to meet him. When he is made to sit in his grave, he is asked, “Who is your lord?” He replies, “I do not know.” He is told, “May you never know!” A door is then opened from his grave to Hell, and he is hit a blow that can be heard by every creature except the human beings and the jinns. And he is told, “Go to sleep like a bitten person.” And his grave is made tight on him.Abu Hurayrah was asked, “What is a bitten person?” He replied, “One who is bitten by creatures and snakes.” ‘ (al-bazzar)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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