Life After Death-Shafaat

Life After Death, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Life after death 8

“O Allah! Reward me in my calamity and replace my loss with a better one. (Muslim)

When Rasulullah (saws) mourned the death of his son, Ibrahim, he said the above which translates as : “My ears are tearful. My heart is full of anguish, but we will only say what pleases our Lord. O Ibrahim! We are indeed grieved over your separation.” (Bukhari)

“When you are a custodian of any dead, give them a fine shroud because they (the dead believers) visit one another place and meet one another (Tirmidhi)

‘Whoever visits my grave, my intercession will be guaranteed for him’. (Subki in al-Siqam).

Hadhrat lbn Abbas (ra) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (saws) passed by some graves of Madinah  He turned his face towards them, and said: Peace be on you, O people of the graves! May Allah (swt)forgive us and you. You have gone before us and we are to follow. (Tirmidhi, Chapter 59, Hadith # 1055).

“Three things follow a dead man, two of which will return and one will remain with him. His people, his property and his deeds follow him but his people and property return, while his deeds remain with him.” (bukhari (8/ 521)

“Whoever visits his parents’ graves or visits one of their graves every Friday, then he will be forgiven and will be written as being one of the pious” (Mishkat page 154).

As death approached him(sahabi) ‘Amr Bin al-‘As (ra)said to his companions: “After you bury me, stand around my grave for as long as it takes to slaughter a camel and distribute its meat; I will thus be comforted by your presence while I am considering how to respond to my Lord’s Messengers (the two angels).”(muslim)

This is a du’a which Rasulullah (saws) recited to Ummu Salamah (Ra) at the death of her husband: “O Allah! Forgive Abu Salamah, elevate his status among the guided people and look after the family that he left behind. O Lord of the universe! Forgive us and him, comfort him in his grave and lighten his stay (in the grave).” (Muslim)

Whenever someone died, the prophet (saw) would stand for awhile at the burial site and then say, “Seek forgiveness for your (Muslim) brother and pray for his steadfastness since he is now being questioned.” (Abu Dawud)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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