Life After Death-Qabr

Life After Death, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Life after death 4

Nabi Muhammad (s) saw a person sitting on a qabr and told him: “Do not harm the person in the qabr and he will not harm you.” (Ibn Hanbal, Hakim and Tabarani)

“When the funeral is ready (for its burial) and the people lift it on their shoulders, then if deceased is a righteous person he says, ‘Take me ahead,’ and if he is not a righteous one then he says, ‘Woe to it (me)! Where are you taking it (me)?’ And his voice is audible to everything except human beings; and if they heard it they would fall down unconscious.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 23, Number 462).

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) : The Prophet (saws)once passed by two Graves and said, “These two persons are being punished not for a major sin (to refrain from). One of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine, while the other used to go about with calumnies(to make enmity between friends).”   The  Prophet (saws) then took a green leaf of a date-palm tree, split it into (pieces) and fixed one on each Grave. They said, “O Allah’s Apostle (saws )! Why have you done so?” He replied, “I hope that their punishment might be lessened till these (the pieces of the leaf) become dry.” (Bukhari – Book 4,Hadith 217)

Narrated by Amr ibn al-‘As (ra) : Ibn Shamasah (ra) said: We went to Amr ibn al-‘As (ra) and he was about to die. He wept for a long time and turned his face towards the wall. His son said: Did the Messenger of Allah (saws) not give you tidings of this? Did the Messenger of Allah (saws) not give you tidings of this? He (the narrator) said: He turned his face (towards the audience) and said: The best thing which we can count upon is the testimony that there is no god but Allah (swt)and that Muhammad (saws) is the Apostle of Allah. Verily I have passed through three phases.  When I die, let neither female mourner nor fire accompany me. When you bury me, fill my grave well with earth, then stand around it for a time which a camel is slaughtered and its meat is distributed so that I may enjoy your intimacy and (in your company) ascertain what answer I can give to the messengers (angels) of Allah (swt). (Muslim)

Yahya (ra) related from Imam Maalik (ra) that he  heard that AIi Ibn Abi Talib (ra) used to rest his head on Graves and lie on them

[meaning  holding the grave with his stretched hands  while his head,
entire face and chest is rested on the Grave]

.  Maalik (ra) said, “As far as we can see, it is only forbidden to sit on the Graves to relieve oneself.” (Muatta’ Imâm Malik – Book #16, Hadith #16.11.34)

Narrated by al-Haakim that Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (ra) placed his forehead on the grave of Prophet Mohammad (saws).  Marwan Ibn al-Hakam, the Governor of Madina, saw him and held his neck.  Abu Ayyub (ra) said I did not come to the Stone (Idol).  I came to the Messenger of Allah (saws). I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say: Do not weep for Islam if the qualified people were in-charge, but weep for it, if it was under the charge of unqualified. (Al-Hakim in Mustadrak ,ad-Dhahabi)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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