
Janaza, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Kafaan/ shroud

“Salaatul Janaazah” (funeral prayer) is “Fard-e-Kifaayah” i.e. if it is offered by only one all will be absolved of the obligation, otherwise all those who had come to know of it and did not offer, will be sinner.

The denier of the “obligatory nature” of Salaatul Janaazah is an infidel. Jama’at is not essential for it. Even if a single person offered it, “Fard” would be accomplished.

There are two “Rukn,Arkaan” (obligatory acts) in Salaatul Janaazah

1.to say “Allah-o-Akbar” four times and to offer it standing

2.three are Sunnat-e-Muakkadah i.e. to glorify Allah, invoke Allah’s blessings on the Holy Prophet and make “Du’aa” for the dead. Some religious scholars consider these three acts as “Waajib”.

All those things, acts which nullify prayer also nullify Salaatul Janaazah.

Conditions are two

1. Requisites for “Musallaa” are exactly the same as those of other prayers

2. As for the dead body there are certain conditions i.e. (1). The dead must be Muslim,(2). body and shroud should be clean,(3). dead body should be present. Hence, there is no Salaatul Janaazah for an absentee dead. The funeral prayer of Najashi (Negus) the king of Abyssinia offered by the Holy Prophet without the bier being in front was one of his (Prophet’s) exclusive privileges. Doing so is not lawful for others,(4). the dead body should either be on the land or in hands but be near to the Imaam, (5). bier should be placed in front of the prayer-carpet,cloth facing the Qiblah,(6) all those parts of the body which are necessary to be covered must be covered and (7) dead body should be in front of the Imaam.

The Imaam should stand opposite to the chest of the dead followed by Muqtadis in three rows or more but in odd number.

Now the Imaam and Muqtadis should form intention (i.e. I intend to offer Salaatul Janaazah with four “Takbeeraat” for Allah, Du’aa for the dead with my face towards the Qiblah.

The Imaam should intend to lead the prayer and Muqtadis to follow the Imaam) and then lift their hands upto the ears and fold them below their navel while saying “Takbeer-e-Tahreemah” i.e. Allah-o-Akbar. Recite “Sana” (in which add “Wajalla Sana-o-ka” after “wa Ta’alaa Jadduka”) Subhaanakal-laahumma wa bihamdika wa tabaarakasmuka wa ta-alaa jadduka wa jalla sanaa-uka wa laa Ilaaha gayruk.(“Purity is to You, O Allah! And I Praise You, Most Auspicious is Your name and Supreme is Your majesty; and most high is Your glory, and there is no God except You.” )

 say “Allah-o-Akbar” and recite Durood Shareef preferably that one which is recited in prayer i.e. Durood-e-Ibraaheemi (Reciting any other Salutation is also permitted)

say “Allah-o-Akbar” and make Du’aa (supplication) for oneself, the dead and all male and female Muslims.

Three “Takbeeraat” out of four are complete. Now say the fourth Takbeer letting go of the hands, without reciting any Du’aa and then say Salaam.

After this break the ranks and recite Surah alFatehah once, Surah Ikhlaas thrice, and send salutations on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) thrice – and offer its reward to the deceased, and supplicate for the deceased’s salvation.

The Imaam should say Takbeeraat and Salaam aloud while Muqtadis in low voice. All other supplications will be made in soft voice. The hands will be raised only on the first Takbeer without doing so in the remaining ones.

The following Du’aa is made for an adult (male or female)/

Allaa Hummagh-firli Haie-yinaa wa Maie-yitinaa wa Shaahidinaa wa Ghaa-ibinaa wa Sagheeranaa wa Kabeeranaa wa Zakarinaa wa Unsaanaa. Allaa Humma Man Ah-yaitahu Minna Fa-ah-ihee ‘Alal Islaami wa Man Tawaf-faietahu Minnaa Fata-waffahu’Alal Eimaan.(O’Allah! Forgive our every living and every dead; our every present and every absent; our every young and every old; our every man and every woman. O’Allah! whoever among us is kept alive by You, may be blessed with the life of Islaam and to whom You cause to die, let him/her die in the state of Islamic faith)


Allaa-hummaj ‘alhu Lanaa Faratan Waj’alhu Lanaa Ajran wa Zukhran Waj’alhu Lanaa Shaafi-an wa Mushaffa’aa.(O’Allah! let him forerun us to make arrangement for us and make him a reward for us and let him be our sympathiser to help us in need and make him such an intercessor for us whose intercession is sure to be accepted)


In case of a minor girl “Aj’alhaa” be recited in place of “Aj’alhu” and “Shaafi’atan wa Mushaffa’ah” in lieu of “Shaafi-an wa Mushaffa’aa”. (If one can not recite these supplications correctly, he may recite any other Du’aa but that should concern the world hereafter)

If one does not remember the specific Dua, he can recite:’ALLAHUMMA-GHFIR LIL MUMININA WAL MUMINATI’.(O Allah forgive the Muslim men and women’).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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