Itehad-Unity In Ummah Faith

Itehad, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE (Nature/Society/Faith)


As far as Islamic Faith is concerned

1.People of Iman – those who are good at faith but not good at Islamic deeds.

2.People of Islam – those who are good at Islamic deeds but not good in Islamic faith.  Many Muslim sects are covered in this category.

3.People of Ihsan – those who are good both in Islamic faith and deeds and who can see their Sustainer (Rab) as per Hadith of Ihsaan.  

Saving one’s Iman is Fardh, and performing Salah in a mosque is,focus your attention on ‘Correct Islamic Faith’ in the light of Quran and Ahadith.

Correct faith is an essential requirement for Salvation.  In Allah’s (swt) court on the Day of Judgment you will be treated as per your faith.

Islam is bowing your head in front of Allah (ﷻ) and obeying the orders of His Prophet(ﷺ).  This is the only way that leads us to Salvation.

We have to be stead fast in our faith and hold on to the rope(quran and ijma) of Allah (ﷻ) and purify our hearts and minds in the Divine light.

Our revival in both the worlds depends on our right belief and good deeds.

Islam is bowing your head in front of Allah (ﷻ) and obeying the orders of His Prophet(ﷺ).  This is the only way that leads us to Salvation.

When every one believes in the existence of God, then why human beings are divided into so many religions and ethnic groups?It is our perception of God which distinguishes us from one another.

The words ‘god’ and ‘divinity’ are used loosely . Hinduism consider everything existing in this cosmos as god. Christians believe in Trinity and claim Isa (AS) (Jesus Christ) as son of god. 

Difference between believers and non-believers is the Islamic faith Because of this distinction, one will go the Jannah and the other will be burned in Hell fire permanently.

Islam treats all human beings as the servants of Allah (ﷻ).

In Muslims there are different groups whose perception of God is different from each other. In the same way, among the people who call themselves Muslims, if their understanding and belief in the meaning of Islamic Testimony (Kalima Tayyiba) conflicts with the accurate implicated meanings.

Sect means ‘a group of people sharing a particular religious, philosophical or political opinion, who have broken away from the main body’.

Ahle Sunnah wal Jama’a cannot accept explanations or interpretations of Quranic verses and Ahadith provided by Misguided group Scholars because their basic beliefs are contrary to complete deen.(tauhid-risalat-ahkirat-islam-iman-ihsan) 

Saving one’s Iman is Fardh, and performing Salah in a mosque is,focus your attention on ‘Correct Islamic Faith’ in the light of Quran and Ahadith.

Everyone has the liberty to adhere to faith of his choice and we are not supposed to hate others for their choice of faith.

Islam teaches us peace and guides us to work for human prosperity. We believe in changing peoples’ hearts by good counseling.

If Misguided groups insist for their gatherings , tell them NO politely .DONT BE EXTREME OR NEGLIGENT IN DEEN.

If they invite you for a debate, prepare and educate yourself first before accepting their invitation(get in touch ahle sunnat wal jamaat scholars)

If we have to discuss (religion) for a cause not for causual talk , we should do it with wisdom.

The basic Islamic creed (Iman) is the essential part of Islamic fiqh

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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