Noor o Bashar-Addressing The Prophet

Noor O Bashar, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Prophet ﷺ is both Noor(light) and a Human being(unique and perfect)


It is Haraam to address the Prophets with words or equality, and the word “brother” is such a word. Even a father doesn’t allow his son to call him “brother”,then call Allah (swt) your brother as well, because He is also a Mu’min(name of allah (swt)).

Shaitan compared himself with adam(as) and he was ruined .

Don’t compare yourself with allah and his messengers .you will ruin yourself.

Don’t compare yourself with others– always think he/she is better than me and lovable to allah.

Those ayats which are seemingly against the glory of Allah (swt) (e.g. ید اللہ فوق اید یھم, مثل نورہ کمشکوۃ)are mutashaabihaat, so too are those verses which are seemingly contrary to the status of Rasoolullah ﷺ (نا بشر) and other verses. Thus to use their visible meanings as proofs is incorrect.

If somebody else call the Prophets oppressors (Zaalims) or Oaal (deviant) then his Imaan will be lost. The word “bashr” has the same command. If a king says to his subjects, “I am your servant;’ will they then be allowed to call him their servant?

We are believers (Mu’mins) and Sayyiduna Rasoolullah is our actual faith (lmaan).

‘The Kuffaar said, “We and the Prophets are both “bashr” because we both have the need of eating and sleeping,”

The Kuffaar  use the word “bashr” with the intention of insult while Allah (swt) called the Nabi by the words “Insaan” and “Abd” in respect.

In explaining beliefs (aqaaid), we also say that a Nabi is a man. Out of necessity, Hadrat Ibraheem (as) said to Sayyidah Saara (ra)ا ‘This is my sister,” whereas she was his wife.

(sister with respect to sister in islam not actual sister in relationship)

Everyone knows that Sayyidah Aisha (ra)ا Hadrat Ali (ra) and Hadrat Abbas (ra) is the wife, cousin-brother and uncle of the Prophet ﷺ respectively. However, when they narrate Ahadith, they didn’t say, “My husband”, “My brother”, or “my nephew Slates.’ Rather, they all said, “Rasoolullah ” states so when those who are true brothers do not address him as “brother”, how can we shameless slaves have the audacity to call him so?

Commentating on  11/27 “Imam Raazi (ra) writes in the explanation of Hadrat Nuh’s (as) incident that Prophets are men because, if they had come as angels. people would allot their miracles to their angelic prowess. When a Nabi demonstrates these miracles as a man. his excellence becomes established. In short, the humanity of the Prophets is their excellence.” – Tafseer Kabeer.

The initial period of Islam, it was a rule that whoever wanted to submit something to the Prophetshould give out some sadaqah first and then come to him. The Holy Quran states, “0 Believers! If you wish to sell something discreetly to the Rasool, give out something first before you do.”  Surah Mujaadalah, Verse 12 Sayyiduna Ali (ra) acted upon this command and enquired often laws after giving one dinaar in charity. – Tafseer Khaazin beneath the above ayat. Even though this rule is now annulled, the verse still establishes the great glory of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.

If you wish to converse with Allah (swt) – in namaaz, only wudhu is needed, but if you want to make a submission to the Holy Prophet give out charity before doing so.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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