Islam q & h 36

Islam Q & H, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

…It is these (hypocrites) who are (your) enemies. So be on guard against them. May Allah ruin them; where are they wandering distracted!63/4

And do not mix up the truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth deliberately.2/42

17/81- And say: ‘The truth has come and falsehood has fled. Surely, falsehood has to perish.’

86/13,14- This is indeed a decisive (i.e., absolute) commandment. And it is no joke!

47/15- A feature of the Paradise which is promised to the Godfearing is that therein are streams of (such) water as will never putrefy (in smell or colour), and (in it) will be streams of milk whose taste and flavour will never change, and streams of (such a pure) wine that is an absolute delight for all who drink it and streams of purified honey; and (in it) will be fruits of every kind (for them) and forgiveness (of every sort) from their Lord.

47/15…Can this (pious man) be like those who are permanent residents of Hell and who will be given scalding water to drink which will cut their gut into pieces?

So, whoever hopes to meet his Lord should do good deeds, and must not associate any partner in the worship of his Lord.’18/110

106/1-3. … So they should worship the Lord of this (Sacred) House (Ka‘ba, to give Him thanks),

113/1-5. Beseech: ‘I seek refuge with the Lord of daybreak (or Who brought the universe into existence with an explosion extremely fast), From the evil influence (and harmfulness) of everything that He has created, And (in particular) from the evil of the murky night when (its) darkness prevails, And from the evil of those women (and men) who practise magic on knots by blowing, And from the mischief of every envious person when he envies.’

24/20. And had there not been Allah’s grace and His mercy upon you (for the sake of the Holy Prophet

[blessings and peace be upon him]

, you too would have been destroyed like the former communities). But Allah is Most Clement, Ever-Merciful.

33/40- Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last of the Prophets (ending the chain of the Prophets). And Allah is the Perfect Knower of everything.

17/95 Say: ‘Had there been angels (instead of human beings) walking about, residing in the earth, then We (too) would have certainly sent down from heaven some angel as a Messenger.’

4/80. Whoever obeys the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) obeys (but) Allah indeed, but he who turns away, then We have not sent you to watch over them.

31/13- And (recall) when Luqman said to his son as he was advising him: ‘O my son, do not set up partners with Allah. Verily, associating partners with Allah is a very grave injustice.’

33/21- In truth, in (the sacred person of) Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) there is for you a most perfect and beautiful model (of life) for every such person that expects and aspires to (meeting) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah abundantly.

And, (O Esteemed Beloved,) We sent only men (as Prophets) before you (also). We used to send them Revelations. So, (O people,) if you do not know (yourselves), ask the people of remembrance.21/7

And if We had made the Messenger an angel, even then We would have made him (the form of) a man, and (even in that case) We would have put them in the same doubt which they are (already) in (i.e., confused over his physical appearance, they would say: ‘He is a human being like us.’)6/9

And Allah does not guide the disobedient.’9/24

Whoever from amongst you sees an evil act (being committed) should prevent it with his hands. If he is unable to do so, he should (prevent it) with his tongue. Then if he is unable to do so, he should do so (i.e. prevent it) with his heart. And this is the lowest form of Imaan (faith). (Sahih Muslim)

Should I not inform you about the best of your deeds, and the purest in the sight of Your Master (i.e. Allah), and that which will elevate you to the highest of ranks, and that which is better for you than the spending of gold and silver in charity, and that which is better for you than if you were to meet your enemies and strike their necks and they strike yours? (The Sahaabah y replied, ‘Yes, indeed’. Rasulullah [SAW] said,) The dhikr of Allah. (Tirmidhi)

 “Allah and His angels send blessings upon the front rows” (Sunan Abi Dawood, 1/120, no.618)In Sunan an-Nasaa’i it says “….on the front rows” (1/175, no. 781)In Sunan Ibn Maajah it is narrated from the hadith of al-Baraa’ and the hadith of ‘Abd ar-Rahman ibn ‘Awf that “Allah and His angels send blessings on the first row” (1/164, no. 816).

‘Allah and His angels send blessings on those who complete the rows, and whoever fills a gap (in a row), Allah will raise his status because of it’”(Sunan Ibn Maajah, 1/164, no. 814)

Signs of death of the heart sadness on missing ibadat nadamat/remoarse on sinning

3. associating with people of duniya.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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