Islam q & h 34

Islam Q & H, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

3/85. And whoever seeks a din (religion) other than Islam that shall not at all be accepted from him, and he will be amongst the losers in the Hereafter.

Truly, Islam is the only Din (Religion) in Allah’s sight. And the People of the Book disagreed, after knowledge had come to them, only on account of their mutual jealousy and contention. ….3/19

This Din (Religion) is straight but most people do not know (these realities). 30/30

Have your mind set in turning towards Him alone in repentance and remorse and fear Him and establish Prayer and be not of the polytheists.30/31

Surely, there is for the devoted worshippers a guarantee and sufficient provision in this (Qur’an of achieving the objective). 21/106

Say: ‘This is what is revealed to me that your God is One God (only). Do you then accept Islam?’21/108

Certainly, the believers have attained their goal, Those who become most humble and submissive in their Prayers, ….keep away from absurd talk, … pay Zakat (the Alms-due [and keep purifying their wealth and souls]),… guard their private parts (all the time), …… watchful of their trusts and their pledges, ….They will (also) inherit the most superior Gardens of Paradise (where all the bounties, comforts and pleasures of nearness to Allah will abound). They will live there forever.23/1-11

The Bedouins say: ‘We have believed.’ Say: ‘You have not believed. Rather say: We have accepted Islam. And the belief has not yet gone into your hearts. …..The true believers are only those who have believed in Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and then never have any doubt, and who fight in the way of Allah with their material as well as human resources. …49/14

Say: ‘Are you trying to show off to Allah your Din (Religion) whilst Allah knows all that is in the heavens and in the earth? And Allah is Well Aware of everything.’ These people are showing off to you that they have done a favour to you by embracing Islam. Say: ‘Do not show off your Islam as a favour to me. Instead, Allah is the One Who favours you by guiding you to faith, provided you are true (to belief).’49/14-18

(To bring home the point of the Oneness of God) He has illustrated an example for you from your personal lives: Are those (slaves), whom you possess, your partners in the wealth which We have given you, that you (all) become equal sharers (owners? Moreover, do) you fear them as you fear one another? (No,) We explain the signs expressly in the same way for those who possess wisdom (that there is no partner of Allah also in His creation).30/28

But those who have done injustice follow the desires of their (ill-commanding) selves without any knowledge (and guidance). So who can guide him whom Allah has held astray? And there are no helpers for them. 30/30

 (Also be not) of those (Jews and Christians) who divided up their religion and became sects and subsects—every sect rejoicing over what is with them.30/32

…. Make me die in a state of total submission to (the Din [Religion] of) Islam, and make me join the company of those who are upright.’12/101

Verily, We sent Our Messengers with clear signs, and We sent down with them the Book and the balance of justice so that people might grow firm and stable in justice.57/25

And (of minerals) We brought forth iron in which there is a fierce force (for weapons and defence) and which has (multiple other) benefits for people (in industrial development). 57/25

And (the purpose is) that Allah may bring to light the one who helps Him and His Messengers (i.e., the Din [Religion of Islam]) without seeing. Surely, Allah is (Himself) the All-Powerful, the Almighty.57/25

That Day Gabriel (the Spirit of peace and security) and (all) angels will stand in ranks, none able to speak except he whom the Most Kind (Lord) would already have awarded sanction (to intercede) and who also said the right thing (in keeping with the teachings of Islam, during his life of the world).78/38

and Allah’s Word is (always) the uppermost and exalted…9/40

And had they believed in Allah and the (Last) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and the (Book) that has been revealed to him, they would not have made friends with those (enemies of Islam). But most of them are disobedient.5/81

And Allah will soon reward those who give thanks (by remaining steadfast in hardship).3/144

Book 019, Number 4368: (Sahih Muslim)-It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri who said: The people of Quraiza surrendered accepting the decision of Sa’d b. Mu’adh about them. Accordingly, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent for Sa’d who came to him riding a donkey.When he approached the mosque, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to the Ansar: “STAND UP TO RECEIVE YOUR CHIEFTIAN” …

The one who repents from sins is like the one who has no sin. (Bayhaqi)

Narrated Ibn `Umar (ra) who said: The Prophet (sallahu waalahi wassalam) used to deliver his sermons while standing beside a trunk of a date-palm. When he had the pulpit made, he used it instead. The trunk started crying and the Prophet (sallahu waalahi wassalam) went to it, rubbing his hand over it (to console). (Bukhari).

Life of the heart = marifat ie living heart gains marifat.

Living heart =attached with Allah’s rememberance and cut off with duniya (being in duniya)

Tajalliat/noor e elahi descend on living hearts.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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