
Inqilab, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Fatwa =no aqidah,its an opinion(based on research/tahqiq)

Fatwa =appreciate the work of researcher /people of knowledge

Fatwa=accept it or remain silent(your wish to accept it or leave it)

Fatwa=think about its impact on ummah.

Differences are amongst fatwa’s/opinions (not on knowledge)

Ijtehad gives sawaab/barakah/faiz to ulema (appreciate ijtehad but not difference in aqidah/ahklaq)

Quran/ahadith/ijma/ijtehad then comes akabirs.

Don’t compromise on aqidah/beliefs and ahklaq/character(differences will be their on masail not on aqidah/beliefs)

Common man doesnot know about their akabirs/elderly people of their jamaats whom they follow blindly.

Check your akabirs/elders with respect to aqidah and ahklaq.

Don’t become Allah or rasool/prophet(whatever allah wishes it happens ,so don’t wish from yourside AND those who reject/against prophet become kafir))

Allah’s wish/prophet’s actions =iman

Sort out differences on aqidah/beliefs (masail will have different opinions)

Common man must concentrate on aqidah and ahklaq (leave differences to ulema)

Helping common man to follow aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

Aqidah and ahklaq =deen

Best aspect of islam=desiring peace/well wishing for all.

muslim is judged with respect to ahklaq/character others are his customs/rituals.

Pillars of islam are good deeds rewarded with jannah (its not ahklaq)

Ahklaq /character=wellwishing for all (feeding poor,helping people with wealth,time,lives,knowledge etc etc)

Sadaqa /charity (wajib/must) = everyday it must be rendered in form of smiling face,goodness, tasbih,wealth, caring,loving,guiding,helping,forgiving,feeding,good thinking etc etc etc

Sakhi =smiling face AND bakhl=doesn’t keep a smiling face.

Allah’s mercy /forgiveness search for merciful act of an individual for forgiveness.

Allah’s mercy doesnot search for enormous wealth of good deeds in an individual.

Deen =people have confined it to customs/rituals (ibadat)

Deen =wellwishing for humanity(non muslims see ahklaq/character of a muslim not his customs/traditions/rituals)

Collective efforts brings goodness for all.

Individual efforts cannot guarantee goodness for all.

Collective efforts/struggle in an organized way bring changes /goodness for creating respecting feelings of entire creations of Allah

Allah’s help/mercy is with those who have put continous efforts with life/time/wealth/knowledge etc etc

Results come gradually not instantly .

If you don’t work for wellwishing of humanity and deen ,wait for Allah’s azab/punishment to descend .

Advocating good and preventing evil means promoting wellwishing for all and preventing corruption in deen(aqidah) and duniya(ahklaq) with respect to aqidah/beliefs and ahklaq/character.

Judge a muslim with respect to aqidah(sunni –ahle sunnat wal jamaat) and ahklaq(sunnah of prophet ﷺ and awliya allah(ra) .

Promote ahle sunnat wal jamaat(sunni) and ahklaq e hasana.

Fight corruption in deen(aqidah) and duniya(ahklaq)

Deen =feelings with respect to allah and his creation if you feel ,allah is watching me or your seeing allah (24/7)

2.respecting feelings of creations for allah’s sake (sharing,caring,guiding,reflecting,fulfilling,smiling ,spending,forgiving,helping,feeding,wellwishing,good thinking,praying,don’t find faults in others etc etc etc)

Abid/worshipper without ahklaq e hasana=dangerous association

Ahklaq e hasana  without abid/worshipping =better association

Ahklaq e hasana + abid/worshipping =good association



Deeni influence from parents must be more than outside influence .

Mother’s/wife’s contribution is vital for saving aqidah and ahklaq .

Total family must be involved in kidmate deen (serving deen).

Be a part of collective efforts of ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis.

Knowledge =understand /practice/forward

Individual efforts =cannot guarantee saving aqidah and ahkalq of next generation.

Collective efforts =can guarantee safeguarding of iman of next generation


1.join any sunni/ahle sunnat wal jamaat organizations

2.become a mureed of sufi shaik from ahlus sunnah who follows and advocates to both sharia and tariqa (BAITH)

3.conduct mehfil e zikr (astqfar ,darood o salaam etc etc) atleast once in a week. regular to a sunni mosque and keep in touch with a sunni imam. guard your aqidah(be with sunni imam) and ahklaq(be with pious and stay away from bad people)

6.strictly don’t associate with new new jamaats (they present juzz/portion of deen like only tabligh,jihad,ahlebaith,tauheed etc etc not kull deen )

Follow kull deen(tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan) not juzz/partial deen (means just one aspect of the deen).

“facing the Qiblah” = stands for a person who believes in all the essentials of the Islamic faith. 

Man of bid’ah= one whose beliefs are different from the Ahl as-Sunnah faith. Ahle sunnat wal jamaat are upon the methodlogy of the salaf of the ummah.Call the common people and teach them to discover and realize the truth .

Firqa/denomination/offshoot from main branch= ideology of people who believe they are only on haqq/truth based on following of juzz/portion of deen.

Be with ahle sunnat wal jamaat(hanfi/shafi/maliki/hambali / tawassuf-silsilas/tariqas) —those who call out ya rasoolallahﷺ and ya ali (as) .

Compare complete-balanced-moderate deen(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni’s)  V/S  social- political -religious -economic  -military -reformist movements in islam . Not restricted to 1 madrasa or 1 alim or 1 fiqh or 1 madhab or 1 organisation or 1 place or 1 book of ideology. Its a jammah /congregation of largest muslims of the world.

Safeguarding the deen-–1.Ibadate elahi 2.Ghulamane mustafaﷺ 3.Mohabbate ahle bait 4.Azmate sahaba 5.Sohbate auliya.

TASAWUFF—-1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure) 2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah ) 3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins) 4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart) 5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

No nafs when dealing with people and No MYSELF/I when seeking allah. Only for pleasure of allah (no nafs/deeds in your sight).

Jannat is just 2 steps away first step on nafs  second step in jannah (hazarat ali (as))

TIME MANAGEMENT (sunnah/to please allah alone)

1. 1/3rd  for Allah (ibadat+adab/rights  )

2. 1/3rd for household (needs+rights)

3. 1/3rd for personal (rest+kidmat e deen+ilm)


Wealth is not in having vast riches ,it is in contentment(bukhari)

Blessings decreases with usury/interest AND blessings increases with charity.

Cursed are accepter/payers/recorders of interest(practiced riba)

Sincere muslims =pays zakat

Say no to bribery/begging

Adl/justice with respect to inheritance and wills.

Truthful/trustworthy businessman is with the prophet.

Don’t die unless you clear debts or leave behind some asset to clear it.

Give more time to debtor who is short of money or remit his debt altogether.

Spend what you can on duniya/deen(correct knowledge and correct wealth).

Mercy/Spend on others and allah will mercy/spend on you.

Don’t waste time and money(moderation in giving).

charity appeases the warth of allah AND destroys miser

For understanding duniya =use brain

For understanding deen=use heart

Hard hearted/spoken =people will leave you

Soft hearted/spoken=people will come to you

Ahklaq e hasana =people must feel he is one of us and share their problems/trustworthy ,present easy deen ,easily available

Till 18years =written on stone(carved/seeded)

18-40 years=written on earth(maturity/purity)

After 40 years=written on water (temperament/ lesser space to accept)

(But exceptions are very few with respect to physical strength,brain activity,sohbat etc etc)


Very importantly salaam on rasoolallahﷺ and awliya allah(ra).

Peace full heart =full of love and seekers of allah’s raza/pleasure (mureed’s of awliya allah/sufi shaiks)

Love settles in a peace full heart.

Peace =associate with awliya/sufi/people of zikrullah

Peace full heart =zikrullah

Look into your own faults

Good ahklaq give peace

Peace full people = trust worthy people with respect to life and wealth.

Peacefull people =mohsin(people of ihsan)

Simplicity (removal of ANA/I)=qurb/nearness of allah

Leaving anger =understanding of deen/deen enters.

Muslim=tongue and hands (safe)

Momin= life and wealth (safe)

Mohsin=living for others

Mujahid=fighting against nafs

Muhajir/immigrant=leaving sins and doing good deeds.

Hijrat/Immigration =zulm /oppression to amal e saleh /good deeds

Kafir=act of violence/zulm/oppression on self by commiting shirk (praying to false gods)

Greatest zulm /oppression =shirk (praying/worshipping other than Allah)

Ihsan/benevolence =husn/beauty(merciful/helpful/supportive/generosity)

Spiritual excellence is by peaceful behavior

Practicing peace and security =practicing islam.

Best people are those who do astaqfar regularly

Best deed =done for alla’s sake only

Best companionship =friendship/enemity for allah’s sake

Best person=with whom  people feel comfortable in sharing problems/secrets (trust)

Do something which is beneficial/good for entire mankind for ex –planting trees is sadaqa etc etc

Accomadation brings understanding (giving preference to others)

Islah e nafs gives spiritual advancement.

Quran as knowledge (in form of book) AND quran as practical (in form of prophet ﷺ)

Best example to follow science of conduct/ilm e mamulat= prophet ﷺ

Sohbat/companionship =is a link/talluq/association

These days books/technology =sohbat/companionship

Saheb=link of companionship (prophet ﷺ)AND Sahib=companions (sahaba)

Awliya have wilayat AND sahaba have sohbat

Sahaba were alims/faqhi/muhadis/mufasir/mujahid etc etc but their status is high because of sohbat e rasool ﷺ.their most highlighted aspect is sahabiat/companionship.

Sohbat is higher than knowledge,jihad,tabligh,nafil ibadat etc etc

Strongest blessing/link =sohbat/companionship

Sohbat depends on bonding/taluq/association

Reason for sending prophet ﷺ to teach ahklaq e hasana

Khulaq e azeem ﷺ=arshi(noori/light) presenting himself as farshi(bashari/mud,air,water,fire) ie highest of highest bashari and noori (allah’s knows his haqiqat/truth)

Knowledge /origin of tasawuf  =quran via wahy/revelation

Translation of tasawuf=sohbate rasool ﷺ

Formulation of tasawuf=ahklaq e hasana

Transmitted by pious people.

Ilm e mamulat/tarbiat/tasawuf =science of conduct


1.For present generation sohbate rasool ﷺ  is spiritual not physical (its wish of prophet ﷺ to present in which ever form he likes for example-ambiya were present during meraj)

2.Physical sohbat is via murshid/guide (sufi/awliya)

3.books(your with the author of  the book) /technology(videos/text/apps/software etc etc)


Never experiment /try your luck with sohbat like being with both good as well as bad company.

Pious people =reminds you Allah(face)+knowledge gives hikmat/wisdom +actions show ahkirat

Best sohbat =increases knowledge,taqwa,love ahkirat etc AND bad sohbat =decreases knowledge,taqwa,love ahkirat etc

ordinary people =cannot protect their aqidah and ahklaq by keeping friendship with bad people(aqidah and ahklaq)

ordinary people’s=piousness/piety is not as strong as evilness of bad people(aqidah and ahklaq)

ordinary people’s=good deeds are not strong enough to withstand evil

10 good people cannot make 1 bad guy good

Awliya allah=there taqwa/good deeds are so strong they can resist evil

Hidayat =noor(gained with sohabate awliya)


1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure)

2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah )

3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins)

4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart)

5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)

Largest ijmah of the world muslims follow(tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

1.Ibadate e ilahi ﷻ

2.Ghulamane mustafaﷺ   

3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra)

4.Azmat e sahaba(ra)

5.Sohbate auliya(ra)

Materialistic world =decreases with usage AND spiritual light=increases with usage

Haraam=keeps you away from allah’s qurb/nearness AND halaal=spiritual advancement

Ghaflat/heedlessness=sweetness of ibadat is lost AND alertness =sweetness in ibadat

Love/People of duniya =keeps you away from ahkirat AND people of ahkirat=Allah’s qurb is gained

Diseases of heart (ghibat,kibr,lies etc ) =takes away your taharat/cleanliness AND tasawuf=cleanliness of heart

Sohbate  saleheen = makes you pious AND Ishq/love (ashiq)=Allah’s love is gained

Ahklaq e hasana =tasawuff/deen, closest to allah and his rasool ﷺ,highest of iman/islam ,guaranteed jannah

Ahklaq =adab/respect and mamulat/good temperament

Ahklaq=soul/ruh e deen

Moral values leads to spiritual values(divine light from heart gets reflected from face)

Momins wealth and life is more precious than kaaba.

Ahkalq covers ibadat (given importance to human values –wealth and lives)

Lowest of ahklaq=smiling face

Keep smiling face ,speaking gentle ,feeding poor,spending knowledge,wealth,time,lives,words,action  etc etc to please allah =ahklaq(saqawat e nafs/generous heart)

Deen =beautifying relationships with allah and his creations

Deen=relationship/feelings with allah and his creations

No duniya when meeting people and no ahkirat(heaven/hell) when meeting Allah

Remove DUNIYA from heart when meeting PEOPLE AND Remove I/MYSELF from heart when meeting ALLAH.

Ahkirat= no duniya in the heart


Mujaddid/inheritors of prophet ﷺ =revivalists of their century(at the beginning of  every hundread years)

Revive sunnah and teach it to the people

Direct recipient of blessings of the prophet ﷺ(spiritually linked )

Entire ummah must get benefitted from revival/tajdeed e deen

Kidmate deen =24/7 working for allah and his rasool’s ﷺ pleasure /raza.

Keep doing rotational basis formula for the posts of the tanzeem/organization.


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

KHULAFE ANBIYA (inheritors of anbiya)

1.Soft hearted towards the creation(well wishers for all)

2.Present peaceful/simple deen

3.Patience/sabr –to please allah alone (no anger and no complaint)

4. Saqawat e nafs /kindness in personality (living for others with out any expectations in return ,only for allah’s sake)

5.Salamat e sudur/qalb e saleem (no diseases of heart like ghibat,greed etc etc)

6.Husn e ahklaq /good character (forgiveness /open heartedness and benevolence /ihsan=deen)

7.Steadfast ness/istiqamat  (no seekers of  duniya or ahkirat –seekers of allah’s raza/pleasure)

8.Quiet with jahil/ignorant people (or response with kindness)

9. unconscious of amal/deeds(conscious about own faults and unconscious about others faults)


1.commissions/awamir/things to do= easy to follow

2.prohibitions /nawahi /things not to do=difficult to follow

First follow things to do(easy) AND later follow things not to do (difficult)

Things to do

1.obligatory/farz (capital investment)AND nafil/optional(profit)

Farz-namaz/roza/zakat/hajj/sadaqat etc with love and iqlas ( close to Allah)

Nafil-any extra ibadat like tabligh,hidayath,janaza,iyadat,seeking knowledge etc etc done for seeking Allah’s pleasure brings (closest to Allah –hearing/seeing/speaking/hands/legs -Allah’s light gets reflected through that slave )

In zikr/remembrance ,first we remember Allah and then Allah remembers us AND in love, first Allah loves you and then you love him

Spiritual state /haal depends on time table (make chart of daily routines – 1/3rd time for self ,1/3rd for others,1/3rd for family)


1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure)

2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah )

3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins)

4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart)

5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)

Largest ijmah of the world muslims follow(tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

1.Ibadate e ilahi ﷻ

2.Ghulamane mustafaﷺ   

3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra)

4.Azmat e sahaba(ra)

5.Sohbate auliya(ra)


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

(Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education)


(Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education)

Join any ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni organization to protect yourself and your next generation .

Individual effort doesnot guarantee saving aqidah/ahklaq of your next generation

No individual effort ,it’s a collective effort.

Common man must concentrate on aqidah and ahklaq (leave differences to ulema)

Helping common man to follow aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e awliya/sufiya+duniya’s education

Don’t be extreme and don’t be negligent =be moderate

Think about ummah of rasoolallah ﷺ not about firqa/denomination(don’t compromise on aqidah/beliefs)

Stop infighting amongst ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni’s.


Islamic world is politically weak .

When you don’t know latest banking ,how can you earn halaal?

Science and technology /education must be given priority.


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)


Back to rasollallah ﷺ (beliefs and practices-quran/sunnah)

Back to quran (you will remain protected till the end)

No compromise on aqidah and ahklaq(never take a new name/maslaq,your ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni)

Maslaq e haq/truth= ahle sunnat wal jamaat(no other name/maslaq)

Maslaq and their differences must be sorted out.

Don’t decide people’s heart leave it to Allah  ,check their actions.

Think about next generations to come .

Aleem must be well versed with both deen and duniya.

Differences between firqas/denominations must be cleared via daleel/ahklaq (proofs/good manners).

Ulema council must be formed.

Fight against fitna e firqaparasti and unite the muslim ummah.

Stopping firqaparasti is by exposing their false idealogies /aqidah

Forming a Jamaat to fight against fitna e tafaruq/disunion

Don’t be extreme and don’t be negligent =be moderate

Work as a servant of rasoolallah ﷺ


Islamic world is politically weak .

When you don’t know latest banking ,how can you earn halaal?

Science and technology /education must be given priority.


1.Teaching/preaching kull deen (islam/iman/ihsan-starting Islamic centres/mosque/halqa e zikr/programmes/books/usage of technology)

2.Ordaining the righteousness and forbidding evil (joining ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis organizations)

3.Striving against the ills of the society (establishing centers /helplines)

4.Supporting ahle haq/people of truth(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunnis with wealth/time/lives)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

Make sure you forward this to others .