
Inqilab, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Socio-Political-economic times/ummah’s  5 stages before qiyamah

1.period of rasoolallahﷺ

2.period of sahaba (ra)

3.period of muslim kings

4.period of oppression against muslims(we are born and will die in this period)

5.muslims regaining lost glory

Closure of nabuwwat is replaced with

1.opening of dawat/invitation

2.opening of jihad/struggle


System/Nizam e nabuwat gives protection to aqidah e tauhid/establishes nizam e tauhid

system/nizam e nabuwwat is practical tauhid.

Aqidah/belief must be nizam/system of practice .

Quran is a system/nizam of practice not just aqidah/belief .

Believing is aqidah AND following is nizam/system.


Tauhid is represented with system/nizam e nabuwwat/prophethood.

Iblis was against establishment of nizam e tauhid through nizam e nabuwwat.

Iblis =strong in aqidah e tauhid +did not like aqiddah e tauhid as a syatem/nizam on the earth+did not like nizam/system e nabuwwat+arrogance/jealous

Human=bashariat/zaahir/mud +nooraniat/baatin/ruh

Angels saw baatin(accepted nizam e nabuwwat)

Angels had correct observation but wrong conclusion ,when they said human’s will fight and we pray 24/7 (when adam’s(as) was created)

Fighting for haq/truth ,its iman(jihah/struggle-qittal/war).

 Fighting for baatil/falsehood is kufr (zulm/oppression)

Christian/jewish restricted their religion to just church/synagogue  (never made religion as a system/nizam) .dont let islam to remain inside mosque ,it’s a system /nizam which has to be established through socio/political/economic/educational  changes.

Ummah must do dawat/invite +jihad /struggle (socio-political-economic-educational ) to establish islam/way of living all over the world.

Don’t divide islam into pieces like only tauhid/risalat/ahkirat/ahle baith/sahaba/jihad/tabligh  etc etc etc

deen=islam+iman+ihsan( covering all aspects of kull deen)


Calling towards khair/goodness.

khair/goodness is with aqida e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e sufiya/aulia

Single strength =tauhid AND jamaat strength =risalat

Iman=aqidah  +  Amal/deeds=fiqh  + Tazkiya=ihsan/iqlas

Calling towards good=kull deen(islam/iman/ihsan)

calling towards good (deeds)+steadfastness/istiqamate iman

Hizbullah=making friendship with allah/prophet/momineen

Jihad/struggle –dawat=terrorism/oppression AND Dawat-jihad/struggle=ignorance/no impact

Tabligh =ulema AND tasbih/zikr=sufiya (Ambiya=tazkiya+tasbih)

Dawat/tabligh= ulema AND zikr/hikmat /ilm=sufiya

Jihad /struggle +dawat e haqq=revolution

Khair /goodness is in iman(thankfulness)

Stopping from bad=kufr


Firqa (ulema and their associates)=thought/perception + promoting their school of thought /there akabirs + differences are mentioned .

preventing people from committing bad (hand/tonque/feeling bad)

Aleem/knowledgeable =fear allah the most.

Difference among scholars is good for enriching knowledge.

Don’t get divided because of difference in opinions.


Work as a servant of rasoolallah ﷺ to please allah(swt)

Allah will not change the ummah unless ummah doesnot change itself first.

Muslims status is associated with islam (not with personal achievements)

Zaati/Personal sins =wiped out through taubah/sohbat e awliya/good deeds etc

Entire ummah/ijtemai sins(society sins like bribery/corruption/aqidah/ahklaq/unjustice /violation of rights etc etc)=changed with revolution/inqilab

Understanding deen–Follow quran, sunnah , quran and sunnah derivatives, ijma (consensus) and qiyas (reasoning/research)

Balance the deen —between Sharia(law) and Marifat(gnosis) , Intellect and Love, Theology and Spirituality, Hope and Fear, Moderation and Justice

Safeguarding the deen-–1.Ibadate elahi 2.Ghulamane mustafaﷺ 3.Mohabbate ahle bait 4.Azmate sahaba 5.Sohbate auliya.

TASAWUFF—-1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure) 2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah ) 3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins) 4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart) 5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)

No nafs when dealing with people and No MYSELF/I when seeking allah. Only for pleasure of allah (no nafs/deeds in your sight).

Jannat is just 2 steps away first step on nafs  second step in jannah (hazarat ali (as))

Follow kull deen(tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan) not juzz/partial deen (means just one aspect of the deen).

“facing the Qiblah” = stands for a person who believes in all the essentials of the Islamic faith.  Man of bid’ah= one whose beliefs are different from the Ahl as-Sunnah faith. Ahle sunnat wal jamaat are upon the methodlogy of the salaf of the ummah.Call the common people and teach them to discover and realize the truth .

Firqa/denomination/offshoot from main branch= ideology of people who believe they are only on haqq/truth based on following of juzz/portion of deen.

Be with ahle sunnat wal jamaat(hanfi/shafi/maliki/hambali / tawassuf-silsilas/tariqas) —those who call out ya rasoolallahﷺ and ya ali (as) .

Compare complete-balanced-moderate deen(ahle sunnat wal jamaat/sunni’s)  V/S  social- political -religious -economic  -military -reformist movements in islam . Not restricted to 1 madrasa or 1 alim or 1 fiqh or 1 madhab or 1 organisation or 1 place or 1 book of ideology. Its a jammah /congregation of largest muslims of the world.

Khilafat=prayers/zikr +jihad/struggle against ills

Spiritual khilāfah/ spiritual inheritance(known as wilāyah (spiritual sovereignty) and imāmah (spiritual leadership)—Ahle Baith. The political inheritance/ Caliphate of governance/ khilāfah rāshidah (the rightly-guided caliphate) –(hazrath abu bakr(ra) ,hazrath umar(ra) ,hazrath usman (ra) and hazrath ali (ra)). General inheritance/ Caliphate of guidance –-given to other Companions and the Successors(ra).


Closure of nabuwwat is replaced with

1.opening of dawat/invitation

2.opening of jihad/struggle

Prophetic dawat

1.islah e dawat=to improve

2.ihya e dawat=strengthening after lapse/revival/rehabilitation

3.Tajdeed e dawat= restoration/renewal

 4.iqamat e dawat=establishing in daily life

Tauhid is fikr AND risalat is nizam/system.

Risalat with love (sunnat-darood o salaam-asking permission before leaving-seeking shafaat)

Risalat without love (munafiqat- amal/aqidah)

Munafiqat/hypocrisy=doubting status/maqam e risalat ,diseased heart,they fear that allah and his rasool may oppress them.

Blindly accepting rasool =accepting allah.

Basharat/give glad tidings (easy deen)

Nazir =to fear about ahkirat

Siraj=light AND munir=make others light

Calling towards allah and his rasool

Dawah+inqilab(revolution)— Quranic principle of dawah for muslims is to call towards risalat(iman) and ahkirat(ihsan).Quranic principle of dawah for non-muslims is to call towards tauheed and islam. Call towards quran/ijma/ahle baith =rope of allah. Khawarij =applied quranic ayat which are specific to kuffar, framed it on muslims. Promote kull deen not just juzz/portion of deen. Save people’s iman(iman is the biggest asset). (familiar with the  teachings of  total deen (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan). There are no fixed times /days or places for da’wah.

DON’T ASSOCIATE WITH NEW NEW JAMAATS-——Propagation without the people of knowledge (prophetﷺ use to send noble,scholarly  and exegetes among his companions to teach the deen of islam to people).They don’t teach islam-iman-ihsan (kull deen) . They propagate juzz/portion deen suiting their idealogy. Those sects/jamaats are known to have the correct and wrong sides but their wrongdoings are greater and should as such, be avoided.Concealing extreme ideologies ,misguidance and excessiveness (pretext in the name of wisdom and precaution) They prevent their followers from researching and seeking the truth from other than themselves.


Dai must not fear result

Simple/taqwa/zikr/tahjud (islah e nafs)

Heart will be cleansed against zulm/oppression and filled with noor

must keep tawakkal/trust/reliance on allah.

Dawat=quran+tazkiya(useful knowledge) and  With out dawat +tazkiya =knowledge is waste

Shahadat/witnessing yourself first then you invite


Jihad/struggle –dawat=terrorism/oppression AND Dawat-jihad/struggle=ignorance/no impact

Tabligh =ulema AND tasbih/zikr=sufiya (Ambiya=tazkiya+tasbih)

Dawat/tabligh= ulema AND zikr/hikmat /ilm=sufiya

Aleem/knowledgeable =fear allah the most.


Call continuously(no interruption) towards quran

Brings fazal e elahi and kuffar doesnot like it.

Opposition from baatil/falsehood (kuffar/corrupt government)

Doesnot bring problems to kuffar/corrupt government/sinful muslims ,it is not on haqq.

Enforceing nizam e musthaphaﷺ

Must have patience during afflictions (hikmat/wisdom)

Leads to sacrificing wealth/life/time

Dead community becomes lively

By the seekers of deedar e elahi(ishq/love)

People of tahjud prayer

Leads to inqilab/revolution in the society (religious+socio-political-economic-educational)

Dawat e haqq=Leads to tauhid via risalat (risalat e muhammadi makes difference) AND Dawat e baatil=tauhid without aqidah e risalat.

13 years of makkan life (for kufaar)=tauhid/ahkirat

10years of madinah life (for muslims)=risalat

People will always target risalat creating fitna

Fitna will always be with respect to risalat not tauhid.

Zaat 2 creator and creation but 1 in nisbat/daawat/hukum/hurmat/adab/mohabbat/itaat/haqq/justice etc etc.

When called towards allah and his rasool ﷺ for justice, momin goes to rasoolallahﷺ .

Momin =listen and accept rasoolallahﷺ

Maqam e Mustapha ﷺ cannot be understood with small brain because your brain must be higher than maqam e musthaphaﷺ if you want understand.

Duniya=use brain AND deen=use heart.

Calling/going towards rasoolﷺ is calling/going towards allah(swt)


Tauhid without aqidah e risalat

No jihad/struggle(socio-political-economic-education –dead dawat)

Dividing deen into pieces like only preaching tauhid/risalat/ahkirat/jihad/ahle baith/tabligh,promoting only their akabirs  etc

No opposition from kuffar/corrupt government.

Promotes false aqidah/amal .

Promotes juzz deen like tauhid/risalat/ahkirat/jihad/ahle baith/tabligh,promoting only their akabirs -madrasa etc

Promotes there leaders/akabirs books and ideology.

No protection of iman/belief (aqidah)

Shaitan helps baatil dawat

Lack of continuity

No enforcement of sharia

Limited around there madrasas

No inqilab/revolution

Accusing other muslims like bidati/mushriks etc


Tazkia through tilawat/taleem/hikmat/shawur

Iman=aqidah    / Amal/deeds=fiqh    / Tazkiya=ihsan/iqlas

Complete deen =iman/amal/tazkiya(aqidah/fiqh/ihsan)

Tehreek/tanzeem (revolutionary organization)

Grassroot level work

Iqamate salat/namaz

Spending on deen(inqilab/revolution)

Hijrat from bad character/ahklaq to good ahklaq

Jihad/struggle (socio-economic-political-educational)

Noor e tauhid =ibadat/itaat/mohabbat/marifat

Ishq e rasool=mohabbat/adab/madad/nusrat/marifat (Siraj=light AND munir=make others light)


Jihad/stuggle =wealth/life/time/knowledge etc etc

Wealth =common for all AND life =only few are selected

Wealth and life belongs to allah ,inreturn for jannah and qurb e elahi.

 Allah will protect quran AND ummah will have to protect deen (way of living is for us)

Ummah is a slave of desires/corrupt ulema/western values/weaker socio-political-economical-educationally  etc etc

 Working for deen =steadfastness with sabr/patience.

Tabligh/dawat =iqamat e deen +socio-political-economic-educational

Tanzeem/jamaat=inqilab/revolution+spirituality/ruhaniat (without tasawuff there is no inqilab)

Islah e ummat =amali/practical tasawuff (free from business)

Way is risalat AND aim is tauhid.


Revolution /inqilab (awareness)

1. Promoting Aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat + ahklaq e awliya/sufiya.

2. Socio-Political-Economic change in the society.

Revolution must have dawat(inviting towards haqq/truth)+jihad/struggle (social/political/economic  ills)

Islam-revolution=present deen AND Islam+revolution=actual deen

Dawat –jihad/struggle =misguidance AND Jihad/struggle –dawat=destruction

Convey the message of islam (complete/kull deen not portion/juzz )and establishing islam all over the earth.

Ibadat =taluq/association


Haqq/truth  will always prevail over batil/falsehood.


Zaati/Personal sins =wiped out through taubah/sohbat e awliya/good deeds etc

Entire ummah/ijtemai sins(society sins like bribery/corruption/aqidah/ahklaq/unjustice /violation of rights etc etc)=changed with revolution/inqilab


1.Taluqbillah/taluqbir rasool/taluqbil quran (tauhid/risalat/ahkirat)

2.Ittihad e ummat(by aqidah and ahklaq)

3.Inqilab/revolution-ghalib e deen/uplifting of deen (religious+nonreligious=both)


1.iman(haqq ul yaqeen)

2.hijarat(sacrificing desires)

3.jihad(struggle with life/wealth/time) start with socio-political –educational change.


Jihad/struggle –dawat=terrorism/oppression AND Dawat-jihad/struggle=ignorance/no impact

Tabligh =ulema AND tasbih/zikr=sufiya (Ambiya=tazkiya+tasbih)

Dawat/tabligh= ulema AND zikr/hikmat /ilm=sufiya

Inqilab is through tazkiya


MECCAN LIFE =Dawat/inviting + tarbiat/gromming + tehreek/revolution

MEDINA LIFE= establishing  tauhid as a fikr AND risalat as a nizam/system.


1.Khair /goodness is in iman(thankfulness)

2.preventing people from committing bad (hand/tonque/feeling bad)

3.calling towards good (deeds)+steadfastness/istiqamate iman

(khair/goodness is with aqida e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+ ahklaq e sufiya/aulia)

(Iman=aqidah  + Amal/deeds=fiqh   +Tazkiya=ihsan/iqlas)

4.Hizbullah=making friendship with allah/prophet/momineen


Keeps civilization alive (protection)

Only those who love to see allah will join you(deedar/ishq e elahi)

Ishq/love brings inqilab

Starts with dawat/invitation.

Dawat  e haqq gives revolution/inqilab

Ilm/amal(aqidah/vision) is supportive for inqilab/revolution(Don’t worry abour result) .

Initially few will support your revolution/inqilab ,later more and more will join your revolution/inqilab.

Wealth/life/time/knowledge  required(qurbani/sacrifice gives life)

hidayat-dawat-qurbani=gives hayat/life

People of tahjud prayer (islah e nafs+deedar e elahi)

REFORMS/MEASURES enforcing sharia/nizam e musthaphaﷺ

Revolution for self =aqidah(aqidah e ahle sunnat wal jamaat) AND Revolution for the ummah=change the system/nizam(through socio/political/economic/educational  changes).

2.spending life/wealth/time/knowledge/influence  etc

3. Revolution must have dawat(inviting towards haqq/truth)+jihad/struggle (social ills)

Dawat –jihad/struggle =misguidance AND Jihad/struggle –dawat=destruction

Islam-revolution=present deen AND Islam+revolution=actual deen

4.floating /supporting a political party which enforces Islamic law (democratically/shura)

Democratic voting based on merit/openness/capability.

5.dont restrict islam to mosque –must be a system/nizam on the earth.

Change =Corrupt political muslim leaders +Corrupt ulema (Those who don’t support kull deen (sharia/tariqa/marifa/haqiqa) +aqida e ahle sunnat wal jamaat+nizam e Mustaphaﷺ+ (through socio/political/economic/educational  changes))

Nizam e Mustaphaﷺ gives adl/justice through halaal AND Nizam e Mustaphaﷺ gives peace/aman through ahklaq


Deeni workers bringing bad name to islam (corrupt Islamic preachers accumulating wealth)

Kuffar preventing people from accepting islam

Kuffar missionaries and their products (spend money in opposition to these missionaries works)

Muslims accumulating wealth and not spending on deen (religious/socio-political-economic-eductional causes)

Bad aqidah/belief  and ahklaq /character with in muslims 

Corrupt Islamic preachers (wrong aqidah/ahklaq)

Cultural influences from kuffar

Desires of nafs (individual)


For pleasing allah and uplifting deen

Hakim e islam giving call to muslims for qittal

Latest weaponry/ammunitions

Permission from people of authority/higher/elderly

Living for him means following him (seerat/sunnah with love and adab) +working for his deen (tabligh e deen/calling towards quran/islam iman ihsan)

Safeguarding the deen-–1.Ibadate elahi 2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) 3.Mohabbate ahle bait 4.Azmate sahaba 5.Sohbate auliya.

TASAWUFF—-1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure) 2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah ) 3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins) 4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart) 5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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