Haazir o Naazir-Scholars

Haazir O Naazir, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Concept of Haazir-o-Naazir

Hadhrat Sayed Ahmad Sa’eed Qazmi (ra) : “When the word Haazir-o-Naazir is used for rasoolullah ﷺ, it does not mean that the physical body of rasoolullah ﷺ is everywhere and that he is present in front of everybody. This in fact means that as the soul exists in every part of the body, similarly, the light filled reality of the soul of both the worlds ﷺ exists in every atom of the worlds. Based on that, rasoolullah ﷺ arrives with his spirituality and lightfulness in many places at one time. Many times, the pious observe the beauty of rasoolullah ﷺ in a state of wakefulness with their physical eyes”. (Taskeenul Khawatir fi Mas’alatil Haazir wan Naazir. Page 13, Maktabah-e-Haamdya, Lahore)

……. the Holy Prophet ﷺ is continuosly alive and he is Haazir and Naazir in the A’mal of his Ummat and he gives his mercy towards those who turns towards him and he guides them.” (Maktoobat Shareef bar Haashia Akhbaarul Akhyaar Shareef)

Hazrat Haji Imdaadullah Muhaajir Makki (ra) writes: …..The possibility of the arrival of rasoolullah ﷺ in the Meelad assembly is not wrong because the bodily world is restricted to time and place, but the spiritual world is free from both. So the arrival of rasoolullah ﷺ is not far from being possible”. (Shamaime Imdaadiya)

Imam Khaazin (ra) states, “To be a witness means to be ‘Haazir’ or present.” (Tafseer Khaazin)

‘I myself hear the darood of people of love and the darood of those who are not in this category is brought and made to reach me-dalaailul khairaat.

Allama shaikh mujadid (ra) states the holy prophet ﷺ being addressed is also a means of increased khushoo and khuzoo (concentration) in salaah by thinking of his presence.

recite darood abundantly on me on every Friday and Monday after my demise because I hear it directly –jilaul afhaam pg73 by ibn qayyim, unseeul jalees pg222 by imam jalaaluddin suyuti (ra).

So near and far means relation to love of  the heart not physical distance.being brought  doesnot imply that the holy prophet ﷺ doesn’t hear them.otherwise the angels present the actions of the bondsman in the court of allah ﷻ –so does he also not know?

The jurists (fuqaha) state that the tauba of the person who disrespects the holy prophet ﷺ is not accepted.this is because disrespect is connected to the rights of the creation (haqqul ibaad) which cannot be forgiven by tauba.

Shah Wali-Allah ad-Dahlawi (ra) in his book Fuyoozul Haramain, Page 28, writes, “Certainly all the blooming flowers are filled with the spirit of the Prophet ﷺ and the blessed spirit blows through them like a wind”.

Allama haskfi (ra) writes originating (from yourside as if you are saying ) should be intended with the words of attahiyaat .it will be as if the namaazi himself send praise for allah ﷻ and salam upon the holy prophet -vol1 baabu kaifiyatis-salaah.

Allama haskfi (ra) writes –to say” o haazir o naazir “ is not kufr(infidelity)-durre mukhtaar ,vol3 baabul murtad ,discussion on the miracles of the auliya.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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