Haazir o Naazir-Alims

Haazir O Naazir, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Concept of Haazir-o-Naazir

Imam e azam abu hanifa (ra) states ‘ya rasoolallah ﷺ when ever I listen I hear only your remembrance and when I look iam able to see nothing besides you-qaseeda numaan.

while living in kufa imam abu hanifa  (ra) sees the holy prophet ﷺ everywhere.

“And the Apostle is a Witness over yourselves.” (2/144) — Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlwi (ra) writes: “The Prophet ﷺ is observing everybody, knows their good and bad deeds, and knows the strength of Imaan of every individual Muslim and what has hindered his spiritual progress.” (Tafsir Azizi)

The Holy Prophet ﷺ said “ I see the entire world as I see the palm of my hand “ my ummah was presented to me” “I know their identities, names, names of their fathers etc .

In the grave munkir and nakeer ask “what did you used to say about this man (The Holy Prophet ﷺ ? answer is huwa rasooallahi sallalahu alaihiwasalam.

1.it is meant the praised being of The Holy Prophet -by shaikh abdul haqq muhaddith dehlwi (ra) (ashiatul-lamaat)

2.it has been said the veils are lifted for the deceased untill he sees The Holy Prophet ﷺ- (marginal notes of mishkaat)

3.”  Or in the grave they present the visible self of the holy prophet “in this manner the likeness of the holy prophet ﷺbeing presented in the grave is a gladtiding to the sorrowful and those who yearn to look at the beloved ﷺ to finally see him”-ibid

4.”it has been said that the veils are removed from the deceased until he sees the holy prophet ﷺ.this is an enormous gladtiding for belivers if it is done”-imam qastalani’s (ra) sharah of bukhari ,kitaabul janaiz vol 3 pg 390.

5. kaafirs mind is free of the holy prophet ﷺ (rather kaafir will say laa adri (I don’t know) proves  that he sees the holy prophet ﷺ with his eyes but doesnot recognize him.the dead person will see the holy prophet ﷺ from near and question is asked that is why sufiya and lovers of the holy prophet ﷺ cherish death.

6. thousands of deceased people are buried at one time.as a result ,if the holy prophet ﷺ is not haazir and nazir,how can he be present in all these places?there are veils on our vision which will be removed by the angels.  

hadrat haarith ibn numaan (ra) narrates that once , when we went to the holy prophet ﷺ he was asked “harith (ra) in what condition have you found your day ? the sahabi said “as a true believer (mumin)” the prophet further enquired “what is the realityof your imaan? He answered “its as if iam visibly seeing the divine arsh ,the inmates of jannat meeting one another and the jahannamis making noise in jahannam”-allama jalaaluddin suyuti (ra) in jaame kabeer ,hadrat abu hanifa (ra) in fiqhe akbar as well.

In mathnavi shariff it is stated relating to above metioned hadith –“the 8 heavens and 7 hells are as visible before me as idol before an idolworshipper .i recognize every single creation as if they were wheat and barley in a grinding mill.the ones who are jannati or jahaannami are like fish and ants before me .should I remain silent or say more?  the holy prophet ﷺ held his mouth and said “enough”.

when this is the level of sight possessed by the holy prophet ﷺ slaves that they can see jannat,jahannum,the arsh ,the earth etc with their eyes what can be said of his vision.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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