Dars e Imam-Wasila Adam

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Imam Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Salihi (rah) has actually put the final nail in coffin of Munkareen by setting a whole chapter on this issue: Chapter 5: Regarding Tawassul through the Prophet “AFTER HIS DEATH”. It is narrated by At-Tabrani and al-Bayhaqi “WITH CONTINEOUS CHAIN (بإسناد متصل ) HAVING THIQA NARRATORS” the hadith of Uthman bin Hunaif (ra) that a man came to Uthman bin Affan (ra) regarding his Hajah .. until the end of same hadith [Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Salihi in Sabl al Hadi, Volume No.12, Page No. 407]

Malik ad-Dar i.e. treasurer of Umar (RA) relates: The people were gripped by famine during the tenure of Umar (Ibn-ul-Khattab). Then a man walked up to the grave of Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah! ask for rain from Allah for your Ummah who is in dire straits. Then he saw the Prophet
in dream. The Prophet said to him, Go over to Umar, give him my regards and tell him that the rain will come to you. And tell Umar that he should be on his toes, he should be on his toes (he should remain alert). He went over to see Umar and passed on to him the tidings. On hearing this, Umar broke into a spurt of crying. He said, O Allah, I exert myself to the full until I am completely exhausted.

►Al-Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah Volume 011, Page No. 118, Hadith Number 32538
This Hadith is authenticated as **Sahih** by
►Imam Ibn Kathir in Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah Volume No. 5, Page No. 167
►Imam Qastallani in al-Mawahib-ul-laduniyyah (4:276)
► Ibn-e-Taymiya in Fi-Iqtida-as-Sirat-il-Mustaqim (Vol.1, Page 373)
Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in “Fath ul Bari”
Ibn Abu Shaybah transmitted it with a “SOUND CHAIN OF TRANSMISSION” the narration from Abi Salih as Samaan from Malik al Dar the treasurer of Umar (ra) that : The people were gripped by famine during the tenure of ‘Umar (Ibn al-Khattab). Then a man walked up to the Prophet’s grave and said, “O Messenger of Allah, please ask for rain from Allah for your Ummah who is in dire straits.” Then he saw the Prophet
in dream… till the end of hadith. Sayf narrates in his Fatuh, the one seen in dream was Bilal bin Harith al Mazni who was one of the sahaba. [Fath ul Bari : Volume No.2, Page No. 495]

Abu Nu’aym related to us who said that Sufyan related to us from Abu Ishaq from Abdur Rahman ibn Sa’d, who said Ibn Umar had numbness in his leg, whereupon a man said to him Remember the most beloved of people to you, so he said Ya Muhammad
►Imam Bukhari, Kitab ul Adab ul Mufrad, Page No. 404, Hadith # 964
Note: There has been an issue, where some of the new version books doesn’t contain the word “YA”. Here we liked to present the Kalmi Nuskha(refers to original manuscript which was copied by hand writing from classical scholars) of al-Adab al-Mufrad by Imam Bukhari from Jamiyah al-Azhar Misr – Authenticated by Maqtabah Jamiyah al-Riyad .
Mullah Ali Qari (rah) say: He said Ibn Umar (Radhi Allah) expressed his love in the form of “ISTIGHATHA (SEEKING HELP)” [Mullah Ali Qari: Sharh ash-Shifa (2/41)]

It is attributed to Dawud bin Abu Salih. He says: one day Marwan came and he saw that a man was lying down with his mouth turned close to the Prophet’s grave. Then he (Marwan) said to him, “Do you know what are you doing?” When he moved towards him, he saw that it was Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. (In reply) he said, “Yes (I know) I have come to the Messenger of Allah ((saws)) and not to a stone. I have heard it from the Messenger of God not to cry over religion when its guardian is competent.Yes, shed tears over religion when its guardian is incompetent.
►Imam Hakim declared it “Sahih” while Imam Dhahabi “AGREED” with him [Al-Mustadrak 4:520, Hadith # 8571]
►Ahmad bin Hambal with a sound chain of transmission in his Musnad Volume 005: Hadith Number 422; Hakim, al-Mustadrak Volume 004: Hadith Number 515

Adam’s intermediation through the holy Prophet

Narrated `Umar: The Prophet said: “When Adam committed his mistake he said: O my Lord, I am asking you to forgive me for the sake of Muhammad. Allah said: O Adam, and how do you know about Muhammad whom I have not yet created? Adam replied, O my Lord, after You created me with your hand and breathed into me of Your Spirit, I raised my head and saw written on the heights of the Throne: “LA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH” I understood that You would not place next to Your Name but the Most Beloved One of Your creation. Allah said: O Adam, I have forgiven you, and were it not for Muhammad I would not have created you.”
► Al-Hakim narrated it in al-Mustadrak al Sahihayn (Volume No. 2, Page No. 651, Hadith No. 4228)
It was transmitted through many chains and was cited by Bayhaqi (in Dala’il al-nubuwwa), Abu Nu`aym (inDala’il al-nubuwwa), al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak (2:615), al-Tabarani in his Saghir (2:82, 207) with another chain containing sub-narrators unknown to Haythami as he stated in Majma` al-zawa’id (8:253), and Ibn `Asakir on the authority of `Umar ibn al-Khattab, and most of these narrations were copied in Qastallani’s al-Mawahib al-laduniyya (and al-Zarqani’s Commentary 2:62).

1. This hadith is declared sound (sahih) by al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak (2:651, Hadith No. 4228), although he acknowledges Abd al-Rahman ibn Zayd ibn Aslam, one of its sub-narrators, as weak. However, when he mentions this hadith he says: “Its chain is sound, and it is the first hadith of Abd al-Rahman ibn Zayd ibn Aslam which I mention in this book”; al-Hakim also declares sound another version through Ibn `Abbas.
Imam Hakim (rah) also narrates:  Ibn Abbas (ra) narrates that Allah inspired Isa (a.s) saying O Isa, believe in Muhammad
and whosoever form your Ummah finds him should believe in him, If I had not created Muhammad then I would not have created Adam, If not for him I would not have created the paradise and hell, When I made the throne on Water, it started to shake, I wrote La Ilaha Il Allah Muhammad ur Rasul Ullah, due to which it became still [Imam Hakim in Mustadrak ala Sahihayn, Volume No. 2, Page No. 609, Hadith No. 4227]– Imam Hakim after narrating it said: This Hadith has Sahih chain.


1.Uplifting deen (promotion)

2.Islah e ahwal e ummat (correction)

3.Ahklaq o ruhaniyat.(character/spirituality)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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