Dars e Imam-Tabaruk

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Also, Ibn Qayyim said (Kitab ar-Ruh, Ch. 16), “the Qur’an did not deny the person’s benefiting from the striving of someone else, but rather it denied his possession and ownership of other than his own striving; and between the two the difference is clear.”He also wrote in the same book, “As for one who says, ‘None of the Salaf have done this,’ then these are the words of someone who has no knowledge.”Consider these words of Ibn Qayyim, for we see today some people falsely thinking that if the Salaf did not do something, then that constitutes a proof of the prohibition of that thing.

“At last the procession reached Suq al-Khalil where another funeral service was led by Ibn Taymiyyah’s younger brother Zain-ud-din Abdur-Rahman. After the service, Ibn Taymiyyah was laid to rest in Maqbarat-us-Sufiyah  by the side of his brother, Sharaf-ud-din Abdullah. “It is estimated that some 60,000 to 100,000 persons of which at least 15,000 were women joined the funeral procession. (Ibn Katheer, vol.XIV pp 136-9)In several Islamic countries lying to the south and east of Syria funeral services were held in absentia for Ibn Taymiyyah. Ibn Rajab, a chronicler who write Tabalaqat-ul-Hanabilah, says that funeral services were also held in several nearer and far-off lands like Yemen and China. “The funeral service of an expositor of the Qur’aan will now be held,” was the announcement made after Friday Prayers in a far-off city according to travellers returning from China.”

The Lofty Virtues Of Ibn Taymiyyah , Page 33-34:“He was buried that day ,The people then began gathering from the various villages and towns riding and on foot to pray in turns over his grave, and whenever news of his death reached a certain land, they would offer the prayer in absentia for him in all of its mosques, especially in the towns and villages of Egypt, Shām, Iraq, Tabrīz, al-Basrah, etc. And the Qur’ān was completed for him more times than can be counted in many places during the days and nights following his death, especially in Damascus, Egypt, Iraq, Tabrīz, al-Basrah, etc. to the point that reciting the Qur’ān for him became a habit for the people, and copies of the mushaf would be passed around for them to read for him.”

Ibn Abdul Hadi says about Ibn Taymiyyah’s grave (Al-Uqud Ad-Durriyyah, 1/434):

“The angels are around his grave are making tawaf”(so according to the Wahhabiyyah these angels are Quburi mushriks!!!)

Allah Most High says in the Qur’an:”And their Prophet said to them: ‘The sign of his kingship is that there would come to you an ark in which there is tranquility of hearts from your Lord, and there is something left of the relics of the respectable Musa and the respectable Harun, the angels raising it would bring. No doubt, in it there is a great sign for you if you believe”[2/248]

Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write:“In the box there was Musa’s and Harun’s clothes, Musa’s stick, and pieces of the Old Testament and some things of the previous Prophets, which had touched their bodies. When Banu Isra’il went to war they took that box with them and they used to win”[Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Ibn Kathir; Qadi Shawkani, Tafsir Fath al-Qadir] .From the above, it has been proved that it is permissible to keep the possessions of the pious for blessings.

Hafiz ibn Kathir writes:”Once a barber cut the Prophet’s ﷺ hair. The Prophet’s Companions were there as well. When the Prophet’s (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) hair used to drop, the Companions used to catch the hair to prevent it from dropping onto the ground and later kept the hair for tabarruk”[Muslim, chapter on ‘Fada’il’; Ta’rikh Ibn Kathir, chapter on ‘Hajj of the Prophet’]

Hafiz Ibn Kathir writes:”Khalid ibn Walid (may Allah be pleased with him) had a hat. In the hat he put two of the Prophet’s hairs. Once he was in the battle of Yarmuk. The battle got very tense. Khalid’s hat dropped onto the ground. He got off his horse and picked up the hat. After the war a person said to Khalid ibn Walid:’You had a cheap hat and to pick it up during a war is not a wise thing to do.’Khalid replied:‘In that hat I had the Prophet’s hair; the blessing from that hair gives me victory in every battle”[Ta’rikh Ibn Kathir, chapter on ‘Death of Khalid ibn Walid’]

Hafiz ibn Kathir writes:”Mu’awiya had the Prophet’s ﷺ nails and hair. He said: ‘When I die can you bury the nails and hair with me in my grave’“[Ta’rikh Ibn Kathir, chapter on ‘Death ofMu’awiya’]

Ibn Sa’d writes:”‘Umar ibn ‘abd al-Aziz had the Prophet’s ﷺ hair. He said: ‘When I die bury me with the hair in my grave’[Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d, chapter on ‘Death of ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-Aziz’]

Hafiz Ibn Taymiyya states:”Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal was asked,‘Is it permitted to do masa

[wipe one’s hands]

over the mimbar of the Prophet ﷺ or to touch the mimbar for blessing?’ He replied, ‘Yes it is  permitted” Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, Sa’id ibn al-Musayyid, Yahya ibn Sa’id, and other great scholars of Madinah used to do masa of the mimbar”[Iqtida as-Sirat al-Mustaqim, page 203]

Hafiz al-‘Asqalani writes:“From the grave of Imam al-Bukhari comes a beautiful smell of fragrance, there are pillars built around the grave and when people go there they take a small amount of clay from it [for tabarruk][al-‘Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, ‘Biography of Imam al-Bukhari’]

Takabbur is for Allah and simplicity is for the slave

Zaalim/oppressors =punish them.

Ignorant people =leave them.

Selected people =convince them.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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