Dars e Imam-Sufi Saint

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

From the Awliya of the ummah of Sayyadina RasoolAllah the most superior Awliya are the five Khulafa-e-Rashideen (The Righteously guided Caliphs), namely Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu), Hazrat Umar Farooq (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu), Hazrat Uthman Ghani (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu), Hazrat Ali Murtaza (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) and Hazrat Hassan Mujtaba (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) and then all the other Sahaba. All the Sahaba were Awliya, BUT all Awliya are not Sahaaba.
Amongst the Awliya are the following groups:
At any given time, there are 4000 Awliya living on Earth. They are not recognized by the general public. In fact, amongst them, one does not

know the other, and they themselves are not aware of the validity of their actions and devotion. 300 from this group are statesman, involved in the administration of this world. They control all transactions that take place. They are known as the “Akhyaar”.
· Amongst these 300, 40 are known as “Abdaal”.
· Amongst the 40, 7 are “Abraar”.
· Amongst this 7, 4 are “Autaad”.
· Amongst these 4, 3 are “Noqabah”.
· From these 3, 1 is the “Ghaus” or “Qutub”. He is the most senior of them all, and head of the spiritual assembly.

In reference to the Abdaals, Imam At-Tabarani (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) quotes a Hadith Shareef in which the Beloved Prophet
declares, “There will always exist 40 persons on the Earth, each of whom is blessed like Hazrat Ebrahim (Alaihis Salaam). It rains because of their barakah. Allah appoints another when one of them dies.”

In another Hadith Shareef, Abu Naeem (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) reports that the Beloved Prophet said, “There always exist 40 persons among my ummah. Their hearts are like that of Hazrat Ebrahim (Alaihis Salaam). Allah Ta’aala redeems His human servants from disasters for their sake.They are called Abdaal. They do not attain to that degree by performing salaah, fasting, or giving zakaah.”
Ibn Mas’ud (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) asked, “Ya RasoolAllah
by what means do they attain that degree?” “They attain it by being generous, and by advising muslims,” said the Beloved Prophet .

Discussion on Sufi Saints (Auliya Allah)

Wilaayat (Sainthood) is a status of closeness which Allah azzawajal has blessed to some of His beloved servants through His Grace.
Mas’ala (Rule):Wilaayat can not be attained by one’s self. It is bestowed by Allah azzawajal. However, good deeds and virtuous behavior is a means of allowing it to be bestowed.

Mas’ala (Rule):Wilaayat is not given to anyone without knowledge. This knowledge is either that which one has attained, or if Allah wills, then knowledge is bestowed upon him before he receives Wilaayat.

Mas’ala (Rule): The greatest Awliyah from the beginning until the last day, are those in the Ummat of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The greatest amongst them are the five Khalifas in order of excellence First Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar, Hazrat Uthman , Hazrat Ali and hazrat hassan (ridwaanullahi ta aala alaihim ajmaeen). Huzoor ﷺ bestowed the splendours of Wilaayat to Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar and he made Hazrat Ali (ridwaanullahi ta aala alaihim ajmaeen) the station of distribution for these splendours. It is for this reason that all the Awliyah Allah turn towards Hazrat Ali (radi Allahutala anhu) for they have attained through the blessings of him being the station of distribution.

Mas’ala (Rule): No Wali is exempted from any religious obligations, no matter how exalted in status he may be. There are some ignorant persons who say that Shariah(Islamic principles) is the path and they have reached the final goal, so there is no need for the path anymore (Allah forbid). Sayyidina Junaid alBaghdadi (radi Allahutala anhu) has stated as follows concerning such ignorants, ‘They are true in what they say. They have definitely reached somewhere, but where? They have reached Hell’.
If however, there are those who are Majzoobs (in a totally high spiritual state and do not have complete control over their thoughts), then the law of Shariah does not apply to them, but the reality is that a true Majzoob will not speak contrary to the Shariah.

Belief: The Walis have been blessed with great power and authority from the Court of Allah. They are the true Representatives of the Prophet (peace be upon him).They have been bestowed with knowledge of Ghaib (unseen) through the blessing of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Most of them are aware of past and future happenings and are even aware of that which inscribed on The Protected Tablet (Lauh‑e‑Mahfooz). All this is given to them through the blessing of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Without the blessing of the Prophet (peace be upon him) no non‑Nabi can attain any knowledge of the unseen.

Belief: The Karaamats (miracles) performed by the Awliyah Allah is Haq (The Truth). One who opposes this is a mislead person.

Mas’ala (Rule): To bring the death back to life, cure the leper, cause the blind to see, travelling the entire earth from east to west by just taking one small step and all these other splendours are within the power of the Awliyah Allah, except for that which is not possible, for example to bring a surah equal to a surah of the Quran or to see in the world with the naked eyes the vision of Allah azzawajal, or to converse directly with Allah. Any one who claims these for himself or any other Wali, is a kaafir.

Mas’ala (Rule): To ask their help in the times of need is permissible. They assist those who ask their help sincerely with any words that are permissible. The — confuse the unsuspecting Muslims on these issues.

Mas’ala (Rule): They Awliyah Allah are alive in their graves. Their Knowledge and powers increase even more after passing into the next world.

Mas’ala (Rule): To Make the Niyaaz of the Awliyah Allah is permissible and is a type of Esaal‑e‑sawaab. The Niyaaz of Gyaarwee Shareef is very beneficial and blessed.

Ibadat =sunnate rasoolﷺ

Darood =sunnate elahiﷻ

Ibadat of creation =limited/mahdood

Sunnat e elahi=la mahdood /unlimited.

Ibadat =follows rules and regulation

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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