Dars e Imam-Sight Of Prophet

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Hadrat ayesha (ra) said ‘o prophet of Allah ! today there was heavy rain and you were out in the graveyard of madina (jannatul baqi) ,how ever your clothes did not become wet? He replied ‘o aisha (ra) ,what have you worn on you head ? she replied your thaband (lower garment) the holy prophet said ‘o my beloved the veils from the unseen have been lifted from your eyes through the blessings of this tahband.the rain you saw was that of noor ,not water.the sky and clouds for this rainfall of noor are completely different .o aisha (ra) it cannot be seen by others easily but you have seen it through the blessings of my tahband –mathanawi shariff.

The following is quoted from Ibn Hajar al-Haitami’s (ra) Fatawa Hadithiyya :

Question: “Is it possible to meet the Prophet () while awake in our time?”

Answer: “Yes, it is possible. It has been asserted as part of the miracles of Saints (Karaamat al-Awliya’) by Ghazaali, al-Barizi, al-Taj al-Subki, and al-Yafi’i (may Allah be pleased with all of them) among the Shafi’is, and by al-Qurtubi and Ibn Abi Jamra (may Allah be pleased with them) among the Malikis. It has been narrated that one of the Awliya’ was sitting in the assembly of a Jurist (faqih) while the latter related a Hadith, whereupon the Wali said: “This Hadith is false.” The Jurist said: “How do you know that?” The Wali replied: “There is the Prophet () standing right next to you, and he is saying: ‘I never said this.'” When he (the Wali) said this, the sight of the Faqih was unveiled and he could see the Prophet ()!”

A Hadith Shareef declares, “The one who sees me in his dream sees me as he would see me when he is awake.” This is why Imam Nawawi (ra) said, “Seeing him in a dream is really seeing him.” As a matter of fact, it was declared, “Anyone who has seen me in his dream has seen me truly, for the devil cannot appear in my form,” in a Hadith Sharif reported in the book Kunuz ad-daqa’iq by al-Imam al-Manawi on the authority of al-Bukhari and Muslim. We would not see Rasoolullah () “truly” if we saw his likeness in a dream.

It is written in the book Mizan-ul-kubra that Abul-Hassan Ali Shadhili (ra) said, “Every moment the blessed face of our Prophet () is present before my eyes.”

In Light of the Glorious Quran

As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them: And He is exalted in Might, Wise.
Ibn Zayd (ra) said about the verse of Quran {Along with others of them who have not yet joined them} It refers to “All” those people who after the Prophet () shall keep on entering Islam till day of judgment, this includes both the Arab and foreigners [Jami ul Ahkaam ul Quran by imam tabri(ra), Volume No. 7, Page No. 83: Dar al Fikr Beirut, Lebanon]

Allama Alusi (ra) says under this ayah. It includes all mankind till the day of judgment including Arabs, people of Rome, foreigners etc… In this regard the qawl which is mentioned by Ibn Hayyan and Mujahid (i.e. about Faris/Persia) is just given to explain an example [Al-Alusi in Ruh ul Ma’ani, Volume No. 8, Page No. 39]

Sight of Prophet While in Awake
Al-Alusi (rah) proved “Seeing Prophet while awake”
There are proofs of meeting the Prophet (
) in the spiritual state, and this is not amongst something new because many of the upright people of this Ummah have seen the Prophet () in the state of “Wakefulness” and received knowledge from him.

Sheikh Siraj ud din (ra) mentions in his Tabaqat al Awliya that Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilahni (ra) said that he met the Prophet () before the time of Dhuhr, (The prophet) said: O son why don’t you give speeches? I sad: O My Father (note Sheikh was Syed) how can I being a foreigner dare to say a word infront of (elite) of Baghdad. (The Prophet) said: Open your mouth and I opened it, the Prophet () then touched his Saliva on my lips 7 times and said: You should preach now and invite people towards the deen with kindness and Hikmah.I prayed Dhuhr and sat, soon high amount of people gathered around me due to which I started to tremble because I saw that amongst the public there was sitting Hadrat Ali (ra), he (i.e. Ali ra) said: O Son why don’t you start your speech? I said O My Father I am trembling right now, then he asked me to open my mouth and he added his Saliva on my lips 6 times, I asked why din’t you do it 7 times? He (Ali ra) replied: Due to the Adab for Prophet (), after this he disappeared from my sight, I started to feel as If (abudance) of knowledge is flourishing inside me and making the realties known to me…

Sheikh Ibn Musa al Nahr Makki (ra) has written that Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (ra) used to often see the Prophet in sleep and also while being awake, Once he saw him 70 times in one night, amongst these sights the Prophet (
) said once, O my Khalifa do not be so keen in seeing me because unknown amount of Awliya have died hoping just to see me (once).
…Sheikh Taj ud din Ibn AtaUllah (ra) mentions in Lataif al-Manan, that once a person asked Sheikh Abul Abbas al Mursi (ra): O Master kindly shake your hand with me, at this he replied By Allah I do not shake my hand except with the Prophet () , sheikh Mursi (ra) also said: If I do not see the Prophet () in time of twinkling of an eye then I do not consider myself Muslim in that moment. (Allama Alusi said): These incidents are mentioned overwhelming times in books [Tafsir Ruh ul Ma’ani, Volume No. 22. Page No. 51-52]

Simplicity is from the heart and show professionalism outside.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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