Dars e Imam-Quran khani

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

At the time of completing the Holy Quran (Khatmul-Quran), Hadrat Anas (ra)used to gather his family members and make dua. Hakeem ibn Utba states that Mujaahid and his slave, Ibn Ahi Luhaaha, gathered people together and said, “We have called you because we are completing the Holy Quran today and dua is accepted at the time of Khatmul-Quran.” It has been authentically narrated from Hadrat Mujaahid (ra)that the Pious elders used to call gatherings of people at the time of Khatmul-Quran and say, “Mercy descends in this time.” – Kitaabul­Azkar, Baabu Tilaawatil-Quran Thus, the gatherings of Teeja (3rd Day) and Chaliswaa (40th) is the practice of the pious predecessors. Durre-Mukhtaar states. “If a person recites Surah Ikhlaas 11 times and conveys its reward to the deceased, all of the deceased equally receive the thawaab.’-Baabu-Dafn, Qiraat IiI-Mayyit

Under the above extract. Shaami states, “Whatever is possible to be read from the Quran should be recited. Also, Surah Fatiha, the initial ayats of Surah Baqarah, Ayatul-Kursi, the final ayats of Surah Baqarah, Surah Yaseen, Mulk, Takaasur and Ikhlaas, either 11, 7 or 3 times. Should be recited and then said afterwards, ”O Allah(swt)! Convey the reward of whatever I have recited to [so­-and-so]” .

These extracts explain the complete procedure of the contemporary method of making Fatiha, which is reciting the Holy Quran from different places and then making dua for the Isaal-e- Thawaab. Lifting the hands in dua is Sunnat, so the hands should he lifted in the dua of Isaal-e-Thawaab as well. In short, the current method of Fatiha is clearly illustrated here. Fataawa Azeezia states. “Reciting the Qul-Sharif, Fatiha and Durood on the food for the niaz of Hadrat Imam Hasan (ra)and Husain (ra)is a means of blessings, and consuming it is good and allowed.”­Pg.75

Shah Abdul-Azeez Muhaddith Dehlwi (ra)writes,“If maleeda (a type of food) or milk is prepared and fed for the Fatiha of a pious person with the intention of Isaal-e-Thawaab, it is permissible and there is nothing wrong with it.” Fataawa Azeezia, Pg. 41 .Even the Teeja of Shah Waliyullah (ra)(who the opposition accepts as their leader) took place. Shah Abdul-Azeez (ra)mentions it in the following manner, “On the third day, there was such a major concentration of people that they were beyond count. There were 81 counted Khatams of the Holy Quran but definitely more than this amount. There is no estimation of how many times the Kalima Tayyiba was read.” – Malfoozoat-e-Abdul-Azeez, Pg. 80

What remains is lifting the hands for dua while food is in front of oneself. Then are various methods to this. In some places, food is prepared and fed to the poor first with Isaal-e-Thawaab being made afterwards, while in other places, Isaal-e­Tbawaab is made with the food being in front first and then fed to the people. Both methods are permissible and proven from the Ahadith. There are many narrations found in Mishkaat wherein it is stated that the Prophet” made dua for the host upon seeing the food. In fact, he even ordered that dua be made for the host after eating the meal provided by him. After eating, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah(saws)used to say. “الحمد اللہ حمدا کثیرا طیبا مبار کا فیہ مکفی و لا مودع و لا مسنغنی عنہ ربنا” Mishkaat, Baabu Aadaabit-Ta’aam

This establishes that two things are proven from the Sunnah after eating.

I. Praising and thanking Allah(swt)

2. Making dua for the host.

Both of these are included in Fatiha and are probably not refuted much by the opposition.

Regarding food being present before oneself, many Ahadith have been recorded regarding this. Hadrat Abu Hurairah (ra)states that he came to the Holy Prophetwith some dates and asked him to make dua for barkat on them. The Messengerof Allah(swt)gathered them and made duo for barkat, -­Mishkaat, Baabul-Mujizaat, Section 2 .

In the Battle of Tabuk, the Muslim army experienced a shortage of food. Rasoolullahordered the entire army to gather whatever food they had. The people brought what they could and the food was then placed on a spread tablecloth. The Holy Prophetthen made duo on it and said, “Take and put it back in your containers.” – Mishkaat, Baabul-Mujizaat, Section 1

Fatiha is a collection of two ibaadats – recitation of the Holy Quran and charity (Sadaqah). When these two acts of worship are permissible separately, how can joining them be Haraam?

Shah Waliyullah (ra)writes, “Durood Sharif should be read ten times, followed by the entire Khatam of the Holy Quran. Thereafter, Fatiha for all the Khwajagaan of the Chishti Silsila should be made on a few sweetmeats,” – AI­fnlibaah fil-Salaasili Auliya-Allah(swt).While answering a question once, he further stated. “If Fatiha

of a Buzurg was made on some rice and milk, with these food items being cooked and eaten with the intention of conveying reward to his soul, and if it was made to the Buzurg (in this manner), then it is permissible and those with money (who are not in need) can also partake in the food,” – Zubtatun-Nasaaiq, Pg, 132

Saying Qaadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti (ra)stopped his Teeja and Daswaa is completely correct. What are worldly traditions? Women gathering on the Teeja to cry, lament and wait loudly – all of which are undoubtedly Haraam. This is why he said that consolation (taziyat) is not permissible for more than three days. Nowhere has Isaal-e- Thawaab or Fatiha been mentioned here. The object is that mourning (maatam) should not be made. Unfortunately, I have not come across the cited Hadith anywhere (“Food of the deceased causes the heart to become lifeless”). If this is a Hadith, what would those Ahadith wherein inclination is made towards giving out charity on behalf of the deceased mean? You also say that it is acceptable to give charity on behalf of the deceased without the specification of a date. Who will eat this charity? Will the hearts of the people who eat it die? Will angels descend to eat it?

Halaal –hisaab /accountable on the day of qiyamah

Haraam-azab/punishment on the day of qiyamah

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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