Dars e Imam-Forbidden At Grave

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Holy Quran has appointed eight recipients of Zakaat (Mualifaatul-Quloob is included), but the recipients of Zakaat have been lessened to only 7 during the Khilaafat of Hadrat Umar (ra)(i.e. Mualifaatul-Quloob has been separated).-Refer to Hidaya, etc.

It is stated in the famous Hanafi Fiqh book Fatawa Alamgiriyyah/Hindiyyah (Kitab al- Jana’iz) that it is allowed to put flowers on a grave. Mullah Ali al-Qari writes in the commentary of the above-mentioned Hadith in al-Mirqat fi Sharh al-Mishkat that:”Our Ulama have issued a ruling that to place fragrance and plants (over a grave) are a Sunnah practice”.One fails to understand how placing flowers over a grave means associating a Partner with Allah!!! To say that, actually means that flowers should only be put on the grave of Allah, subhanaHu wa Ta`ala! Astaghfirullah!!!!It is sad that sometimes, even so-called learned people also cannot understand the consequences of calling a normal practice of Muslims as Shirk.

Under the ayat, “انما یعمر مسجد اللہ من امن باللہ” Imam Fakhruddin Raazi (ra)writes, ”The Holy Prophet(saws)has said in a Hadith, “For he who lights a lamp in a Musjid, the angels and those holding the Arsh make dua for his forgiveness for as long as its light remains.” – Tafseer Kabeer

After the demise of the Prophet a sahaabiyah came to Sayyida Ayesha Siddiqah (R.A.) and requested her to show the grave of the Prophet Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqah (R.A.) then raised a Gilaf (sheet of fabric) from the grave of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah The sahaabiyah became very, very emotional, wept beyond control, finally collapsed and passed away. (Baihaqi Shareef).

Fatawa Shami, Volume 5. The Chapter on Libaas also states that it is good to place Chaadar on graves of Aulia Allah.

KISSING OF THE GRAVE AND MAKING TAWAAF-It is forbidden to kiss or perform circumbulation around the grave. (Bahar Shariat, Ash’atul Lam’aat).


It is Sunnat to visit the graves. One should go once a week, either on a Thursday, Friday,Saturday or Monday. While visiting the Mazaar of a Wali, if you see something there which is against the Shari ah, such as facing women or hearing music, then do no not stop going, but think of it as bad and try and avoid it because to stop a pious act because of seeing bad things is not correct.It is a wise thing that women should be stopped from visiting the graves. (Radd-ul-Mohtar; Fatawa-e-Razvia)

1. In his book Nazar Buzurgan-e-din HAZRAT SHAH RAFIULLAH says:-
whatever is presented in cash or in kind at any Dargah by the devotees is known as offerings. This further means and implies that offerings made at Dargah are not for any charitable purpose but for the benefit of those attached to Dargah.
2. Another famous Jurist Imam Ghani Al-Nablisi Al-Qudsi in his book Hadiqa-e-Nadiah has clearly written: the main object of offerings made at Dargah is to benefit or facilitate the Moallims.
3. In his another book Kashfun-Noorhe has further clarified the object and purpose of Nazar as under:those who make offerings at the Dargah of a saint, know well and fully understand that those offerings are for personnel use and sustenance of those who are attached with Dargah,particularly the Moallims.
4. Hazrat Allama Ahmed Raza Khan Fazile Barelawi has also confirmed that acceptance of offerings at a Mazar is the right of its Khadims and he has further emphasized that the kiths and kins of Sahib-e-Mazar will not be the beneficiaries. (Fatwa-e-Rizwiyah, Vol. 4, Page-126).

Some other relevant references based on the following authentic books of Islamic jurisprudence written by the prominent theologians_
1. Raddul Mohtar F1 Sharh-e-Durre Mukhtar by Allama Syed Ibn-e-Abidin Shami Hanafi (Kitabus som, Nazar-e-Amwat).
2. Risala-e-Nuzoor (Persian) by Shah Rafiuddin son of Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehalvi Page-12.
3. Tafsir-e-Ahmadi by Mulla Ahmed Jiwan, Ustad of Aurangzeb Alamgir.
4. Mukhzan-Noor by Allama Abdul Ghani Nabulusi.

Imam al-Ghazzali (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) says in Ihya al Uloom Vol. IV: “Death cannot destroy the soul, which is the place of Allah’s Ma’rifat, because it is something spiritual.  Death causes the change of the condition of soul, and relieves it from the prison of it’s bodily cage.  It does not end as Allah says “Do not even think of those who are martyred in the way of Allah as dead, BUT THEY ARE ALIVE near their lord and given provision.  They are joyous of what Allah bestowed upon them of his favor and they give good news to those who have not as yet reached them.”  (3/170).” One should not think that this position is acquired only by those that are martyred on the battlefield, because every breath of an Arif (one who has recognized his creator) is a martyr.”

Imam Abu Naeem (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) , in his book “Hilyaat-ul-Awliya”, narrates from Hadrat Saeed (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) , that:  “By Allah, Hameed Taweel, and myself were burying Hadrat Thabit Nibhaani (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) .  As we were setting the final rocks, one rock accidentally fell into the grave.  As I peeped into the grave, I saw Hadrat Thabit Nibhaani (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) was about to perform salaah, and he was imploring to Allah in the following manner:  ‘O Allah!  You have given certain of your creation the permission to perform their salaah within the grave.  Give me also this same permission.’  It was indeed beyond the mercy of Allah to refuse him.”  Hadrat Thabit Nibhaani (Radi Allahu ta’ala Anhu) was a Taba’ee (Ones that saw the Sahaaba after the demise of the Most Beloved Prophet S.A.W.

Upward journey =Qasrat (place and time) to  wahdat  (no time and place)

Downward journey = wahdat  (no time and place) to Qasrat (place and time)

Makan /place =from earth to sidra tul muntaha (lote tree) .

La makaan /no place (wahdat/singularity) = after sidra tul muntaha (lote tree)…..

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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