Dars e Imam-Flowers

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Some Non-Muslims’ bodies are burnt by their relatives after their death. Some people die in oceans where their bodies are eaten by fishes and sea mammals. Since physical bodies have no role in the World after Death, the punishment or otherwise of these dead people is given to the new bodies provided to them at the time of their death.

If it is decided, after the question/answer session, that the sinful Muslim has to be subjected to torment for his past crimes, he is punished in a special lock up room in the world after death.  This room has a connection from our world at the place where he was buried.This is the reason that Prophet Mohammad placed green leafs of date palm tree on two graves and said that as long as these are green, (these will be doing Allah’s – swt Zikr and with this Zikr) the torment of the Dead persons is expected to reduced.

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) : The Prophet ﷺ once passed by two Graves and said, “These two persons are being punished not for a major sin (to refrain from). One of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine, while the other used to go about with calumnies(to make enmity between friends).”   The  Prophet ﷺ then took a green leaf of a date-palm tree, split it into (pieces) and fixed one on each Grave. They said, “O Allah’s Apostle ﷺ! Why have you done so?” He replied, “I hope that their punishment might be lessened till these (the pieces of the leaf) become dry.” (Bukhari – Book 4,Hadith 217)

This above Hadith establishes the fact that seeing of punishment of grave is Sunnah and many Awliya Allah are provided with spiritual vision with which they see it,  and as per the Sunnah, place green leaves or fresh flowers on the graves to alleviate the torment.  Thus, placing fresh green and other color flowers on the graves by Muslims is Sunnah. Whoever goes to the grave of the dead and reads Quran there and prays Allah (swt)to extend benefit of the recompense of the reading of Quran to the dead person, it helps the dead tremendously. It is expected that his punishment will be reduced from our repeated visits to the grave and reading of Quran there.Even if the dead man has passed the test and is in good condition in the world after death, our reading of Quran for recompense (Eisal-e-thawab) helps him to get additional rewards.

We can read Quran in our homes as well and pray Allah (swt)to have mercy on our dead relatives. We can feed the poor and do so many other things of charity for the sake of our dead relatives.  The Fateha and feeding of poor we do on many occasions during the year, like on Milad-un-Nabi (saws)  and Death Anniversaries and Fateha of Awliya Allah, help our needy dead relatives and other Muslims tremendously  in the World after Death.After certain period, these torments are stopped and these people are allowed to sleep peacefully till the day of resurrection.

An average Muslim who passes the test, is provided with a special room in world after death which has a window of Jannah opened for him/her from where he/she gets cool breeze. The Window looks like a powerful air conditioner blowing cool, mildly perfumed, refreshing breeze.  He is allowed to sleep on a special comfortable bed till resurrection. He will get up from his sleep on the day of resurrection. The sleeping Muslims do have a connection with our world at the place of their burial. When we go to the graves of the dead who are sleeping, they hardly notice us, however they get to know that someone has visited them from the world. Our visits  to their graves are like knock at their doors. They listen to the knock, but hardly talk to us.

A good Muslim who passes the test is not required to sleep. He is provided with good housing and food in the World after Death. They are free men and women. When we visit the graves of such people they listen to our Salams, reply to the salutation. They listen to whatever is told to them. It is just like visiting some of our relatives in this world.

Hadhrat lbn Abbas (ra) narrated that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ passed by some graves of Madinah He turned his face towards them, and said: Peace be on you, O people of the graves! May Allah (swt)forgive us and you. You have gone before us and we are to follow. (Tirmidhi, Chapter 59, Hadith # 1055).

If one salutes a dead person he knows (says As-Salamu Alaikum) while passing by his grave, the dead person responds to his salutation and recognizes him. If one salutes a dead person he does not know while passing by his grave, the dead person responds to his salutation. (Gazali, Ihyau Ulumi’d-din, IV, Ziyaratu’l Qubur). 

But the problem is we cannot see them.   They do see us and listen to whatever is told to them. Whether you tell them by mouth or think in your heart, they listen to it and understand it well. The rules of listening, talking in World after Death are completely different from our world. They are free people. Allah’s (swt)mercy is on them in abundance. Why not, Allah (swt)had promised them (during their life times) of a good and comfortable life after death.

Awliya Allah and Shaikhs of Ihsan, after their question/answer session, receive exceptional welcome ovation and princely treatment in World after Death.  They enjoy the life of comforts after their deaths. They pray 5 times Salah, keep fasting as we do, during Ramadhan.

Allah’s Messenger (saws)said: Allah (swt)has declared it forbidden for the earth to eat the bodies of the prophets. So the prophets are living and they regularly receive their sustenance.

Ibn Majah ,Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Ahmad bin Hambal Musnad

Prophet Mohammad ﷺ said “The Prophets are alive and they pray in their graves”. (Narrated by al-Mundhiri and Baihaqiwho classified it as authentic

Hajj/pilgrimage  =ada e mahboob (acts of pious slaves of Allah).

Imamaat= sunnat e elahi+ given after difficulties/tested +not for zalim/oppressor’s+runs in the family provided they are on sirate mustaqeem (prophethood run in bani isreal for generations)+ people free from kufr and nafs(Greatest zulm is kufr and on nafs)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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