“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Sin =disobedience and taubah=returning towards Allah(not to repeat and remoarse for sining).
Sin=stop at the initial stage( ie thought, when it arises)
Taqwa with mujahida(struggle)=ahklaq
Pious/muttaqi =taqwa+ilm+ ahklaq –duniya(minus duniya)
Muttaqi(people of taqwa)=abdiat+rahmat+ilm e nafae
Momin =iman +good ahklaq/obedience of Allah
Iman is saved by 1.ilm/knowledge 2.amal/good deeds 3.akhlaq e hasana/good character
(Taqwa) avoiding sins is far greater than doing good deed.
love is different with respect to different status for ex- Sinner,muttaqi,muqlasin,muhibben, mukrabeen,ashiqeen,awliya,ambiya .
Do ihsan/perfect rights with parents especially when they get old.
Ahle taufiq/guided are ahle muhabbat/love (ibadat with love)
Auliya /sufiya love night as it brings solitude ,expression and meeting with lord.
Good thought =from Allah
Bad thought= from nafs
On/off or parallel thought=from shaitan
Waswas/parallel thoughts /on-off thoughts are from shaitan.
Negative/destructive thoughts are from nafs/self
Good and contructive thoughts are from Allah which cannot be avoided.
Treatment =Stop negative thought at first instance by saying tawooz /wazu/astagfar/la hawla/4 quls .ALWAYS BE IN WUDHU
Zuhd =takes long time to gain qurb of Allah and needs sabr/patience.
Ilm +muhabbat(knowledge and love) =fastest time to gain qurb of Allah and fana (no I/ANA/Desries)
Heart associated with sidratul munthaha(arsh) and love
Body in duniya AND heart with Allah.
Munajat /spiritual courses in alam e malakut/jabarut.
Seekers of Allah’s blessings ,pleasure and his meeting.
If you love to meet Allah ,Allah loves to meet you.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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