Ilm e Ghaib-Unseen

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ilm e ghaib

Knowing the unseen is the quality of allah ﷻ .knowing seen things is also his quality –6/73.

Nabi means he who communicates the unseen.

Knowing the unseen is the quality of allah ﷻ .knowing seen things is also his quality –6/73.

similarly listening ,seeing ,hearing are allah ﷻ qualities ,even we have those qualities but our qualities are all through allah ﷻ bestowal and are haadith (finite and creation) .there is no shirk commited through wise the holy prophet ﷺ knowledge of unseen is successive (ataai) and haadith but allah ﷻ knowledge is zaati,qadeem and infinite. therefore to ascribe partner in allahs qualities whether it be totally or in part is shirk.

People may be

1. jahl (ignorance)-to absolutely not know something

2. nisyaan (forgetfulness) –to previously have known something which did not stay in memory.

3. zuhool(abstractedness)- to have something in memory but not pay attention to it.

ghaafil is one who has knowledge of an incident but doesnot pay any attention towards it.

Ghaib is that hidden and unseen thing which cannot be felt or experienced by any of the human senses (e.g. the ear, eye, etc.) or that which cannot be clearly envisaged by the intellect without a proof.

1 – Unseen that can be known through proofs, e.g. Jannat, Jahannam, Allah’s(swt) being and His qualities, because they can be known of after seeing objects of this world and verses of the Holy Quran.

2 – Ghaib that cannot be known even through proofs, e.g. knowledge of when Qiyaamat will take place, when a person will die, whether there is a male or female child in the womb of a mother, whether the child is virtuous or not

Colour is seen by the eyes, odours are smelt by the nose, taste is experienced through the tongue and sounds are heard through the ears. Hence, colour is unseen for the tongue and nose while odours are hidden to the eyes.

For eg–Deeds will appear on the Day of Qiyaamat in various shapes. If anybody had to see these shapes here. this will also be llm-e­Ghaib.


1. Allah(swt) is Aalim biz-Zaat, i.e. no one can know a single letter with out Him telling and bestowing it.

2. Allah(swt) has granted the Holy Prophetﷺ and other prophets knowledge  some of His Ghaib.

3. The knowledge of the Noble Messengerﷺ is more than the entire creation’s. These three belief are amongst the beliefs necessary to have Imaan upon (Zarooriyaatc Deen) and it is infidelity (kufr) to reject them.


Second category

l. The Auliya are also bestowed some Knowledge of the Unseen through the blessings and mediation (waseela) of the Prophets.

2. Allah(swt) has granted the Holy Prophetﷺ the knowledge of many parts the Five Ghaibs (mentioned at the end of Surah Luqmaan). The person who rejects this second category is astray and of a deviant sect because he effectively refutes numerous Ahadith.

Third category

1. Rasoolullahﷺ has also been bestowed with the knowledge of Qiyaamat as well (i.e. when it will occur).

2. The knowledge of all past and future events recorded on the Protected Tablet (Lawhe-Mahfooz) – rather, more than that – has been given to him.

3. The Holy Prophetﷺ has knowledge of the reality of the soul as well as all Mutashaabahaat of the Holy Quran.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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