
Spiritual, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


purpose of Islam is to put you at peace with yourself and make you a purer and happier person. The more you practice the more you become a better Muslim, a better person, and a cleaner soul. Practise what you say . Knowledge must be gained with adab/respect and ibadat must be filled with love.

Islam means submission with love and obediance to allah and his rasool (saws) .love and obediance to allah’s pious slaves and elderly people is most important.

actions must be filled with sincere love to gain allah’s raza/pleasure, qurb (nearness) and his forgiveness. dont do it for show off(riya)to mankind.do it in accordance with sunnah .

ibadat must be spiritual, physical and financial. Keep (sohbate)company of auliya/pious.stay away from worldly people.

Keep your deen between khauf/fear and raja/hope. Be moderate in deen(don’t be negligent or extreme ). Combine both shariat and tariqat for becoming perfect person.

ENEMIES-1.world/dunya 2.devil/shaitan 3.nafs/ego 4.hawa/passion(desires)

CONTROL-eyes,ears,legs,hands,stomach,tongue and private parts.gurad them you will gain proximity with allah.

sins are removed by repentance and disobedience is removed by self discipline(opposing nafs).your worst enemy is your nafs (lower self)- it can be controlled by discipline.If only the ‘I’ (thought of the self) goes, you can enter paradise.

TO KNOW ALLAH -first know his siffats/names and their meanings .

To reach allah follow these things====jazba (love), tauba(forgiveness), taqwa(reverence and fear of allah), sabr(patience), shukr(gratitude),tawakkal(allah is our ilah -the fulfiller of our needs/trust in allah),umeed (hope), mushahida(witnessing),faqr(self denial /self negation/ asceticism) , zuhd (renunciation) and raza(contentment).Always thank/shukr allah and keep patience/sabr. The heat generated by the zikr of Allah SWT will burn Lust,Anger ,Tyranny, Desire, Want,Jealousy,Greed, Pride and Arrogance.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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