
Dua, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

When entering a mosque: Bismillaahe was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah – rabbigfirlee zunoobee waftah lee abwaaba rahmateka “With Allah’s name (I enter the mosque) and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! Open for me the gates of Your mercy.” keeping in your right foot first .make niyyat of iteqaf in the masjid. 2 rakat of tahiyutul masjid,taubah ,wazu and shukr.


The best places on earth are the mosques. Be early to the mosque for prayers.

while enterning masjid make the niyyat for itikaaf of masjid.

Enter with the right foot – when leaving the masjid we should first take out the left foot .

When entering a mosque: Bismillaahe was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah – rabbigfirlee zunoobee waftah lee abwaaba rahmateka .

When stepping out of a mosque: -Bismillaahi was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah – Allaahumma inee as-aluka min fadleka.

The mosque Salutation prayer( 2 rakat salaatut masjid before you sit) .

Heading for the first row. fill in the rows (angels will pray for you)

Walking quietly with solemnity .Going to the mosque on foot.

The speech that is deemed unlawful in the mosque is the same speech that is deemed unlawful outside the mosque or anywhere else. This includes backbiting (Ghibah) and other forbidden talk.

Buying and selling while in the mosque is a disliked matter not a forbidden one.


Maintain silence,repeat the words and answer the azan.To reply to the words of Azaan is Mustahab.

The method of doing this, is to repeat after the Mu’azzin the words of Azaan, but

when he says “Ash hadu an’na Muhammadur Rasoolullah” then you should kiss your thumb nails and rub them over your eyes. This should be done by saying “Sallal laahu alaika Ya Rasoolallah” the first time, and “Qurratu Aini bika Ya Rasoolallah” the second time. Then say, “Allahuma Mati’ni Bis Sam’i Wal Basari”. Whoever does this, will be blessed with entering Jannatul Firdous through the Shifa’ah (intercession) of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), He will never lose his eyesight, and his eyes will never be sore.

When the Mu’azzin says, “Hayya Alas Salaah” and “Hayya Alal Falah”, then you should say, “Laa Howla Wa laa Quw’wata illa Billahil Aliyul Azeem”.

In the Azaan of Fajr, when the Mu’azzin says, “As Salaatu Khairum minan Naum”, then you should say, “Sadaqtu Wa Barartu”.

It is not allowed to give answer to the Azaan during the Khutba of Jummah, or to kiss the thumbs or to recited Durood Shareef aloud. It is important to remain silent and listen to the Khutba.

When Azaan is read, all talking should stop. Even if a person is reciting the Quran, he should stop and answer the Azaan.

Even when walking on the street, one should stop and give answer to the Azaan when it is heard.

If in your area, you are able to hear the Azaan of various Masaajid, then you should answer the first Azaan that you hear.

IQAMAH is similar to azaan with a little difference. After  HAY-YA ‘ALAL-FALAH say qad qamatissalah 2 times. During Iqama do not put your fingers in your ears and do not not put your hands on your ears, say the iqama with a lower voice compared to the azaan but not so low that the people there can not hear, say the words of Iqamah without pauses like in Azaan.

After the azaan one must send blessings upon the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and then supplicate as follows: Allahumma rabba haazihi-daawatit-taammate was-salaatil-qaaemate aate sayyedenaa Muhammadan-ilWaseelata walFadeelata wad-darajatar-rafeeata wabas-hoo maqaamam-mahmoodanil-lazee wa-attahoo warzuqnaa shafaatahoo yawm-alqiyaamate, innaka laa tukhleful-meeaaad.

you can ask Allah The Almighty anything for yourself and ask the grace of Allah because your supplication will be answered this time.

When stepping out of a mosque: -Bismillaahi was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah – Allaahumma inee as-aluka min fadleka. “With Allah’s name (I exit from the mosque) and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! I seek from You Your grace.”

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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