Dieseases Of The Heart-Mujahida Muhasaba Muraqaba

Dieseases Of The Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



Muhasaba=analyzing faults/inspection ie taubah and fike e deen

Mujahida =striving hard

Mushahada=visualizing by perfect mujahida

I /nafs/ego/desires/duniya is  a veil for mushahada


Mahboobiat/beloved=ask for Allah’s deedar/sight (seeking Allah alone)

Muqaribeen/nearness=ask for Allah’s pleasure/raza.

Momin=ask for highest jannah/darjaat

Muslim ask for neymat/reward (forgiveness).

Muhajir=away from sins (taqwa)

Mujrim =disobedient /not practicing deen

Kafir =not accepting islam

Shirk =greatest zulm/oppression on self by worshiping otherthan Allah.

Abdun= entire creation is Abd/slave of Allah .

Ibadina=special slave of Allah who seeks only Allah’s pleasure (liwajhillah)

Abdun+abadina=abd e mukkrab (gained qurb/nearness of Allah)

Abd e mahboob=lovable slave of Allah (loving him will get you love of Allah)

Wilayat =taqwa with itaat/obedience and itaat with taqwa(godwariness/piety)

Muhsin =Excellor in submission + perfection

Muttaqi=Doing/Avoiding all actions whilst contemplating how God will approve/disapprove of them

Mujahid=Striving to do the Duties (fighting against nafs/desires other than sharia approved)

Mujahid =striving hard for obedience /itaat of Allah

Muttaqi(people of taqwa)=abdiat+rahmat+ilm e nafae

Piety /birr=saqawat e nafs/generous  +sofspeaking +sabr


Jahil/ignorance –wahm/imagination—shaak/doubt—zank/perception—yaqeen/certainity (ilm/knowledge)

Heart =understanding   AND Brain =interpretation.

Intellect cannot comprehend iman.

Intellect =servant of the heart  AND Spiritual Heart(king) =witnesses divine presence (no duniya in your heart )

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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