
Arif, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


The only Being has manifested Himself through seven different planes of existence, to accomplish His desire of being recognized:

Tanzih(hidden)===1. Zát — the unmanifested 2. Ahadiat — plane of Eternal Consciousness 3.Wahdat — plane of consciousness  4.Wahdaniat — plane of abstract ideas

Spirit and matter, night and day, signify the dual aspect on lower planes.

 Tashbih(apparent)==5. Arwah — the spiritual plane 6. Ajsam — the astral plane 7. Insan — the physical plane

Seven aspects of manifestation:1. Sitara — planetary 2. Mahtab — lunar 3. Aftab — solar 4. Madeniat — mineral kingdom 5. Nabitat — vegetable kingdom 6. Haywanat — animal kingdom 7. Insan — human kingdom


Insan recognizes God by the knowledge of his own self.

Man reaches this perfection by development through five grades of evolution:

 1. Nasut — material plane—(Adam/the ordinary man)(Ammara — who acts under the influence of his senses)

2. Malakut — mental plane—(Insan/the wise man) Lauwama — one who repents of his follies)

3. Jabarut — astral plane—(Wali/the holy man) Mutmaina — one who considers before taking action)

4. Lahut — spiritual plane—(Qutb/the saint) Alima — one who thinks, speaks and acts aright)

5. Hahut — plane of consciousness(Nabi/the prophet) Salima — one who sacrifices himself for the benefit of others).


The entire universe in all its activity has been created through the concentration of God.

The power of will is much greater than the power of action, but action is the final necessity for the fulfillment of the will.

Perfection is reached by the regular practice of concentration.

1.Faná -fi-Shaikh, annihilation in the astral plane,

2.Faná-fi-Rasul, annihilation in the spiritual plane,

3.Faná-fi-Allah, annihilation in the abstract.

Bá qi-bi-Allah, annihilation in the eternal consciousness, which is the destination of all who travel by this path.

Two aspects of the supreme Being are termed Zá t and Sifat, the Knower and the Known. The former is Allah and the latter Mohammed.

Zát being only one in its existence, cannot be called by more than one name, which is Allah;

Sifat, being manifold in four different involutions, has numerous names, the sum of them all being termed Mohammed.

The ascending and descending forms of Zát and Sifat form the circle of the Absolute. These two forces are called Nuzul and Uruj, which means involution and evolution.

Nuzul begins from Zát and ends in Sifat; Uruj starts from Sifat and ends in Zát, Zát being the negative and Sifat the positive force.

Zát projects Sifat from its own self and absorbs it within itself.

Human ignorance persists in considering Zát to be separate from Sifat, and Sifat independent of Zát.

There are three ways in man’s journey towards God.

1.way of ignorance- ‘He who is blind in life, shall also be blind in the hereafter. senses,evil actions and longing for earthly life blind him .

2. way of devotion- which is for true lovers. Devotion until his heart becomes purified from all infirmities and there remains the happy vision of the Beloved.

3. way of wisdom- accomplished only by the few inspired with divine wisdom. turns his eyes toward God, He gains command over his body, his thoughts and feelings.’We have stripped the veil from thine eyes, and thy sight today is keen’, says the Qur’an.

In the end they arrive at one and the same goal. (Qur’an) ‘It is He who multiplied you on the earth, and to Him you shall be gathered.’

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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