
Insaniyat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

FITRAH(natural inclination)


Environment makes humans non muslims whereas humans by birth are muslims.

Worshiping Allah =brings hormony within .

Worshipping other than Allah =rebelling against own natural inclinations.

Prophets were sent to remind this essential knowledge.

Purpose of life =gain marifat /knowing Allah(worshiping him alone)

Entire resources of earth are given to humans.

Ability to reflect,contemplate and understand is one of the greatest blessings from Allah.

Fitrah=acknowledging truth of Allah’s existence and to follow his guidance(tauhid).

Goodness of human is because of fitrah AND evil is controlled through purification (tasawuf)

Evil =exists as a test from Allah.

All souls testified that Allah is their lord and thus made a covenant to worship and obey him.

Humans=born with natural inclination to have faith in and to venerate Allah.

Fitrah if allowed to grow and develop without any alterations, the soul will naturally inclined towards Allah and follow his will.

Worship(thoughts/actions) =for the sake of Allah (purity and sincerity)following sunnah.

Submission is perfected through the religion of islam.


Ability to reflect,contemplate and understand is one of the greatest blessings from Allah.

Contemplating death (preparing for hereafter)

Reflecting  upon Allah’s creation in nature.

Any act done for the sake of Allah results in strengthening ones relationship  with the creator. 

Obedience to Allah and righteousness increases lifespan.

Realization of the truth in this worldy life.

Spiritual light(contentment and tranquility)

Submission to Allah will attain a light (contentment and tranquility)

Gain knowledge of quran/sunnah /ijma

Spiritual light helps in crossing pul sirat,show the way to paradise.

Pleased with whatever Allah has decreed for them.


To make choice with regard to beliefs and deeds.

Honor bestowed upon mankind

It sets us apart from the angels

Its not absolute ,it has limits.

Ability to think and to reason.

Knowledge of revelation/quran  is out of Allah’s mercy .

Will of humans connected with will of Allah(destiny will happen).

Answerable  to the choices we make, not for which we had no control.

What Allah wills from us is a secret(We are not commanded to do ,which Allah has decreed).

What Allah wants from us,he has commanded to do(which Allah has enjoined upon us).

Qadr/destiny =coming from ALLAH (decreed)

Qadr/destiny =cannot justify the mistakes/sins of an individual(seek forgiveness from Allah).

Qadr/destiny =if it was an excuse ,the kuffar would have use it when they see the punishment,coming of prophets would be meningless.

Qadr/destiny=is not an excuse for sins.

Soul= pure at birth ,has potential for good or evil

A natural disposition to believe in Allah and to worship him alone

Ability to think/comprehend ,using mind and intellect.

Free will/ability to choose between path of righteousness and path of evil(with limited free will).

Personality=genetic  /experience AND  choices to support /develop (good)or control/eliminate (evil) .

Choices get reflected in our thought ,behavior and emotions.

Best virtue is to learn and teach religious knowledge(distinguish between good and evil).

Prophet ﷺ is our model for personality development and self actualization.

Moderation =there will be no distress or conflict in our personality.

Sound mental/emotional health=remove bad things from the heart.

Good character/ahklaq e hasana =when traits result in desire for virtue and truth,love for good deeds and displeased with bad deeds.

Patience = to restrain oneself from what is harmful (avoiding disobedience to Allah)

AND to endure what one dislikes (Responding evil with good)

Kindness add beauty AND removal of beauty leads to defect.

Truthfulness leads to righteousness AND righteousness leads to paradise.

Allah is kind AND loves kindness.

Charity doesnot decrease wealth.

Whoever refrains from asking,Allah will grant him independence.

Joyfull occasion =be grateful AND misfortune =show patience

Islam is religion of truth ,muslims must be truthful and honest.

Be humble to one another.

If you forgive others=Allah increases your honour

If are humble before Allah =Allah raises your status.

Justice means fair/equitable (avoid discrimination and oppression)

Purification of self=Supporting and developing good AND controlling and eliminating evil

Till you achieve the level of ihsan (as if you see him or aware that he is watching you)

Marifat/knowing brings true realization.

Humans learn by observing,experiencing ,reading,listening and so forth.

Quranic way of teaching. speech in form of reprimand(exhortation)

2.dialoque in a logical manner (conclusion)

3.parables to clarify concepts and provide models

4.description of reward and punishments (motivation for good and keeping away from evil)

5.repetition of important concepts and principles.

Sunnah of prophet is reported through the ahadith(sayings/actions/silence approvals) secondary to quran with respect to significance and evidence. 

Aqeedah/foundation=gives self actualization (guides us to straight path )and self fulfillment(direction in life).

Iman/faith/belief =aqidah which is firmly established in the heart, spoken by tongue and confirmed by actions.

Iman=Knowledge via education or experience  deeply in conscience (certainity).

Aim of philosophy is knowledge and aim of religion is iman.

Iman =energy for the soul.

Aqidah and iman are essential sources for the soul.

Iman based on quran and sunnah lead to harmony and tranquility within the soul.

Tauhid =loving Allah and his rasool more than anyone/everything else, loving others for the sake of Allah and hating kufr/disbelief .

Iman increases with obedience and decreases with disobedience .

Keep renewing your faith with obedience ,good deeds,knowledge,zikr,contemplating,poundering ,remembering death and the hereafter.


Metaphysical entities such as angels,revelation or divine inspiration.(Allah said his ruh ,his house etc )

It gives life to mind and body (spread through out physical limbs)

Related with feelings,thoughts,behavior etc

Ruh =higher self  AND nafs=lower self (battling to conquer heart)

Ruh=luminious/light like being ,alive and moving (non physical)

Creation which doesnot have a comparison in the physical realm.

Insan=body(vehicle for soul) and soul (essence/actual)

Single soul exists at various levels

1.instigating evil (seeking bodily desires/pleasures ,commiting sins easily,heart is hardened,satan is their companion)

2.reproachful soul(recognizes evil deeds,blames itself,sense of remoarse,between good and bad deeds)

3.tranquil soul (piety/righteousness ,sense of peace)

Heart/qalb(change with level of  iman)

Associated with metaphysical truths.

Acceptance of deeds depends on state of the heart.

Governs the total body

Healthy heart =obedient (living/humble/gentle/sound/submissive/peace)

Dead heart= ignorant(follows desires/harsh/blind and deaf because of misguidance/faculties of reason and perception are dead/guidance and repentance is the solution)

Sick heart=defective (between safety and destruction)

Believers heart is repository of tawheed (love and gnosis)

Sound heart=attached to Allah,eager to reach hereafter,always repenting,seeking Allah’s pleasure

Diseased heart=no pain when committing sins,disobedient,feeling discomfort with pious people and comfort with wrong doers ,full of doubts


Western thinking

1.on personal achievements/satisfactions/self interest

2.success is materialistic life goals

3. pursuing personal goals without any religious or moral constraint.

4.associated with changes of loyalty,lack of commitment, and evasion of responsibility.

5.rationalizes wrongdoing by offering unconditional positive regard,acceptance,support and empathy.

Islamic thinking

1.principle of mutual responsibility(concept of ummah and brotherhood)

2.Promotes selflessness ,ihsan /righteous benevolence

3.holistic growth in both the material and spiritual domains(with Allah’s divine will and seeking his pleasure)

4. freedom is within the limits of sharia for both public and private behavior.

5.repentance is encouraged for correcting and modifying behavior and assisting in spiritual purification.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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