Insaniyat-Awliya Allah 2

Insaniyat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


WILAYAT means love, marifat and qurb-i ilahi (to earn the love of Allah, to be loved by Allah)

Wilayat means qurb-i ilahi [being close to Allahu ta’ala]

Bestowed after fana [that is, after forgetting everything other than Allahu ta’ala].

Superiority between men is in accordance to their nearness to God (qurb-i ilahi).

First correct aqidah (Stick to ahle sunnat wal jamaat)

1. complete knowledge of islam iman and ihsan

2. behavior by adopting the superior morality of Islam.

3.for the pleasure of allah the creation for the sake of allah

Purest worship= when heart is free of  all wishes  and he wishes nothing but Haqq (SWT)

 la ilaha illa ‘Llah (there is none worthy of worship but Allah)  ― that you negate everything, Whatsoever comes before you in vision, intellect, unveiling and witnessing (you should include that under the LA/NO])

the names and the attributes of GOD have no end .  

He may bless a person with this closeness and yet may not inform him with unknown things in this world. Someone else may be both given this and informed of the unknown.And a third person may be given none of this closeness but may be informed of the unknown. “

A Wali of high grade may be given no karamats or khariqas, or, karamats are given in order to increase yaqin (belief). A person blessed with yaqin/certainity does not need karamats or khariqas. All these karamats are inferior to the dhikr of Dhat-i ilahi and to the heart’s being ornamented with this dhikr.”

Nor is it a condition for a Wali to know of his own Wilayat. Many Awliya did not know of their own Wilayat. How could others recognize them? For, it is necessary for everybody to know a prophet’s prophethood

A person blessed with yaqin/certainity does not need karamats or khariqas.Reaching fana and baqa is intended to obtain yaqin/certainity.

Fana-fillah means to become fani in the things which Allahu ta’ala likes.

Fana(mutmainna/pleased) means to forget everything even knowledge  except Allahu ta’ala.

But it is ilhad and zindiqness (going out of the din) to believe such things as uniting with Allahu ta’ala or entering Him by saying fanafillah and baqabillah.


And the light (nur) that Allah gives him makes him worthy of perspicacity (firasat).

1. the firasat of the men of marifat, is to detect the talents of the disciples and to recognize the Awliya of Allahu ta’ala.

2. the firasat (clairvoyance) of those who subject themselves to mortification and who polish their nafs by hunger is to know of the secret things about creatures.

Awliya (sohbat)  = whose face reminds you allah +amal reminds you ahkirat+speech gives hikmat e deen

Recitation is by mouth and witnessing is by heart.

Dead heart becomes alive with tasawuff/tariqat.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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