Insaniyat-Arwah Souls

Insaniyat, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

ALAM E  ARWAH/WORLD OF SOULS (higher spirits)

7/172And (call to mind) when your Lord brought forth the human race from the loins of the Children of Adam and made them bear testimony to their own souls (and said:) ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They (all) said: ‘Why not! We bear witness (that You alone are our Lord.’ This He did) lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection: ‘We were unaware of this promise.’


1.General question was about rubibiat(lordship/sustainer) 

2.allah questioned all the souls

3.witness are they themselves.

4. for tauheed –angels are witness

3/81-And, (O Beloved, recall) when Allah took a firm covenant from the Prophets: ‘When I give you the Book and Wisdom, and then there comes to you the Messenger (who is exalted in glory above all and) who shall validate the Books you will have with you, you shall then, most certainly, believe in him and most surely help him.’ Allah said: ‘Do you affirm, and on this (condition) hold fast to My heavy covenant?’ All submitted: ‘We affirm.’ Allah said: ‘Bear witness then, and I am also with you amongst the witnesses.’


1.Allah questioned prophets

2.Prophets will be sent periodically to guide mankind with book /booklet and hikmat/wisdom

3.To bring iman on last prophet and to help him(deen)

4.Convey the coming of last prophet (muhammed ﷺ)to their ummah/nation and to follow him .

5.Allah himself is witness over them

6.Risalat e muhammadi ﷺ is discussed

7. ruh e muhammadi ﷺ covered all prophetic souls

8.for other anbiya –their ummah are witness for their works

9.for risalat –allah himself is witness

10.anbiya  were rewarded with prophethood because of wasile musthapha ﷺ.

 11.allah kept conditions on misaqe e risalate e muhammadi ﷺ

Sirr e mustapha ﷺ is the first raaz/sirr in alam e ruh. First creation of allah is wujood/ruh/noor/sirr e musthapha ﷺ.From sirr e musthapha ﷺ – alaam e arwah (souls) was created. Those souls with marifat e kamil/perfection  and gained nearness to allah (filled with light of allah) were selected as prophets/nabis. Nabi’s were chosen  in alaam  e arwah .

Then allah called on to alaam e arwah and took covenant/ahad/conviction from souls.entire alaam e arwah said yes,your our lord.reason for this is that they had travelled from alaam e sirr to alaam e arwaah and also they will be made to travel other alaam’s/worlds(duniya/barzack/ahkirat).souls were made witness on themselves .

Souls are troops collected together and those who got along with each other (in the heaven from whence they come) would have an affinity with one another (in this world) and those amongst them who opposed each other (in heaven) would also be divergent (in the world). 

Insan is composed of 3 things




Here insan is in form of ruh(ujood e ruhi)

Life and death of this duniya is not the parameter to access insan.

By the command/amr of kun/be=Wujood e sirr/secreat/ilm became wujood e ruhi

Ruh =amr/command + noori/light + loves huzoori/presence/gazing + secret/sirr of allah+ filled with marifat/knowing

Allah gave ruh/souls  recognition of sirr e musthapha because prophet ﷺ is the first creation(ruh/sirr/noor).

From prophet’s ruh (which was noor /sirr) entire creation/arwah  was created 

Prophet’s noor /ruh is kull and entire creation is juzz/portion of rasoolallah ﷺ.

Arwah/souls are collective force. you cannot understand ruh because it’s a raaz/sirr.

Allah kept  ruh in alaame arwah (collection of souls)

Death is for nafs/lower spirit. Ruh doesnot die because maut/death is coming out of ruh from the cage /body.Ruh loves to meet allah because it has marifat/knowing of allah . Ruh and body(a different body suiting its environment) both experience reward/punishment in barzack .Ruh is in illiyin (pious muslim) , sijjin(for kafirs) and other places but maintains its connectivity with body of barzack. Hell /heaven is connected via an opening /window in the qabr/grave. Even a kafir is alive in qabr/grave(punished) .

Ilm e nafae =ilm e marifat +adab/ahklaq +amal/iqlas e niyyat

Learning ilm e nafae is ibadat.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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